What can replace meat in the diet of adults and children. How to replace meat in a vegetarian diet How can you replace 100 grams of meat

The following are some of the foods people use in place of meat for meat-like texture, flavor, or added nutrients.

Some vegetarian and vegan products may contain these meat alternatives along with other ingredients.


Anyone who feels they are not getting enough protein from their diet may want to include more protein-rich meat substitutes.

Some meat substitutes contain added vitamins and nutrients that a vegetarian or vegan diet may lack, such as iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. Eating foods that include these nutrients can help non-meat eaters maintain a balanced diet.

Are meat substitutes healthier than meat?

Meat substitutes can be a healthy alternative to meat, but it depends on the specific product, how the person cooks it, and what kind of meat they compare it to.

For example, eating meat substitutes that are high in sugar, salt, saturated fat, or processed ingredients may not be any better than eating fish or organic chicken breast.

Conversely, eating lots of processed salted meats can't be any better than eating natural meat alternatives.

Meat is a rich source of protein and contains all the essential amino acids. It also contains iron and vitamin B12, which are not found in many plant foods.

However, meat also does not contain fiber (dietary fiber), and may contain cholesterol and saturated fat. American Institute for Cancer Research says that eating more than 500 grams of red meat per week increases the risk of colorectal cancer.

Moreover, American Heart Association suggests that eating certain meats may offer health benefits, as fish contains heart-healthy omega-3 fats. However, they also talk about the need for people to minimize their consumption of processed meats such as bacon, sausage, and meats that are high in saturated fat.

People who do not follow a vegetarian or vegan diet may find that replacing meat with plant-based alternatives is healthy and environmentally friendly.

For example, a study in Brazil found that higher consumption of processed and red meat leads to higher CO2 emissions, which are harmful to the environment.

Nutrients in meat

People who eat meat may want to compare the nutritional value and composition of meat substitutes with regular meat. Here are the compositions of some of the most common meats and fish that you can compare to plant-based alternatives.

A 110-gram serving of ground beef contains:

  • Calories: 290 kcal
  • Protein: 19 grams
  • Fat: 23 grams
  • Calcium: 20.2 mg
  • Iron: 1.8 mg

One medium pork chop contains:

  • Calories: 190 kcal
  • Protein: 24.9 grams
  • Fat: 9.45 grams
  • Calcium: 7.2 mg
  • Iron: 0.459 mg

One half of a medium skinless chicken breast contains:

  • Calories: 198 kcal
  • Protein: 37.2 grams
  • Fat: 4.66 grams
  • Calcium: 8.4 mg
  • Iron: 0.552 mg

Medium salmon fillet contains:

  • Calories: 363 kcal
  • Protein: 58.6 grams
  • Fat: 12.6 grams
  • Calcium: 20.4 mg
  • Iron: 1.09 mg


  • Meat substitutes are widely available and can be helpful for getting protein and other nutrients without eating regular meat.
  • Many are suitable for vegetarians and vegans, but they can also be a great option for people who eat meat but want to cut down on their consumption for health or environmental reasons.
  • The key to any healthy diet is to include a variety of nutrient-dense whole foods in your diet, making sure they contain adequate amounts of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

The rather high popularity of vegetarianism in recent years makes many people look for something to replace the meat they refuse. Nutritionists, of course, do not recommend excluding meat food completely, but in fact, it is quite possible to live without it, if you do not forget about the main rule of a healthy diet - the balance of nutrients.

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Contrary to popular belief, humans are neither herbivorous nor "frugivorous" creatures. We are omnivores, our body is adapted to consume any food, both plant and animal. That is why we need animal products.

Meat contains a large amount of biologically complete protein, which contains all the essential amino acids. Meat contains several times more B vitamins, it contains animal fat and cholesterol, which many people fear, but which the human body needs. Meat food is rich in extractive substances that can increase appetite and stimulate the digestive glands. Finally, it is meat that contains the largest amount of iron, and in the form in which it is best absorbed. It is no coincidence that in the old days, people were given meat and liver for treatment.

However, meat does have its downsides. There can really be a lot of cholesterol in it, and because of this, the intake of animal food by people suffering should be limited. Extractive substances are not what patients need. Fat people are more important, which is difficult to achieve with the help of meat. Red meat and organ meats (liver, kidneys, heart, tongue, etc.) also increase the level of uric acid in the body. And this is a direct harm to health at.

Do not forget about the oncogenicity of red meat, especially in the form of sausages. A recent report from the World Health Organization explicitly "blames" these foods for increasing risk. Obviously, replacing meat with something safer is a smart move. But what to eat if you exclude beef, pork, poultry meat from the diet?

"Animal" meat substitutes

If a vegetarian is not fundamental in his beliefs and refuses only meat, he has plenty of opportunities to replace meat with other animal products.

Milk and dairy products

In terms of amino acid composition, cottage cheese made from whole cottage cheese is closest to meat. It contains 15% of a complete protein that fully meets the needs of the human body, as well as a large amount of calcium, phosphorus and. In addition, cottage cheese contains a number of substances (choline, methionine, etc.) that prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Low-fat cottage cheese (the so-called "skinny" with a fat content of 0.5%) is even more useful, as it combines an exceptionally low amount of saturated fatty acids with a fairly high protein load.

A high concentration of nutrients is also found in cheeses. 25% protein, 25-30% fat - this is the approximate qualitative composition of a good cheese (unfortunately, recently it has been quite difficult to find such a cheese on store shelves).

Any sour-milk drink can serve, if not as a full-fledged substitute for meat, then as a good addition to the plant-based diet of a vegetarian (to be precise - lacto vegetarian). A person can easily get the missing amino acids from a glass of milk, curdled milk, etc.

Egg white is recognized by all nutritionists as ideal. It contains all the necessary amino acids, it is absorbed by the body by 97-98%, if you use only it - cholesterol does not enter the digestive system, as it is contained in the yolk. Protein omelettes are an integral part of many therapeutic diets. That is why eggs can be an excellent substitute for meat.

Fish and seafood

This category includes various representatives of the animal world that lives in the water. The protein contained in fish is not inferior to meat in its composition. A serious advantage of fish is that it is better digested than meat due to the low content of poorly digestible connective tissue.

The nutritional value of fish is also high due to the increased content in many of its varieties and omega-6 fatty acids. These substances are extremely important for the processes taking place in the body, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and inhibit the growth of "bad" ones. It is no coincidence that in countries with traditionally high consumption of fish, the level of atherosclerosis is relatively low.

Fish is also rich in trace elements: potassium, and most importantly, phosphorus, which is indispensable for maintaining bone strength. In addition, it contains many vitamins, especially group B, and the liver of many fish contains a high content of vitamins A, D, E.

The above described products suitable for those who refuse only meat. However, there is a category of vegetarians who completely ignore any food of animal origin, regardless of whether the animal was killed to obtain it or not. Such people are called vegans or Vitarians. It is somewhat more difficult for them to choose a complete replacement for meat, since neither vegetables, nor fruits, nor cereals individually contain a complete set of proteins. However, with the right diet, vegans can get everything they need from plants.


This category of plants includes, beans, and also mistakenly considered a nut. They contain a lot of vegetable protein, which is well absorbed by the body. The disadvantage of most legumes is the rather high content of carbohydrates that provoke. Peanuts also contain a large amount of fat, and this should be taken into account in the fight against excess weight. Another disadvantage of legumes is the lack of methionine in them.

Separately, we should talk about soy. This plant has an incredibly high protein content, in its composition as close as possible to the animal. Soy isolates, tofu, natto, miso, soy milk - all these products can be a complete replacement for any meat product.

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This category of plants can include all those products from which various cereals are made - rice, wheat, buckwheat. The latter is considered an ideal cereal, as it contains the highest amount of protein. Oatmeal is also very useful, but due to its relatively high fat content, it should not be made the main cereal in the diet of a vegetarian.

The lack of essential amino acids makes cereals an inferior substitute for meat. The way out here may be to cook meals with the addition of soy milk enriched with vitamins - this will allow you to get a complete set of amino acids, as well as ensure that you meet the need for calcium, which is also lacking in cereals.

Vegetarians consider nuts to be exceptionally high in protein. However, even a superficial analysis of sites dedicated to the rejection of meat, shows that their knowledge is limited to this. But despite the high protein content, nuts cannot provide the body with all the necessary set of amino acids. They contain too little tryptophan and lysine, and without these substances normal metabolism is impossible. However, the combination of nuts with legumes and cereals solves this problem.

In fact, there are practically no minuses in the rejection of meat, if you do not switch to pure vegetarianism. Eggs, fish, dairy products may well provide a person with absolutely all the necessary substances, including proteins, macro- and microelements.

Another thing is veganism. The main problem of vegans is the lack of vitamin B12 in plant foods. Some sites indicate that it can be obtained from seaweed, soybeans and other plants. However, this is blatantly false information. Vitamin is found only in animal foods, which include meat products (liver, kidneys), fish, shellfish. In much smaller quantities, it is found in cheeses, meat, eggs, and lactic acid products.

The lack of vitamin B12 in plant foods makes them biologically inferior. However, in the West, special vegan products are produced artificially enriched with this substance. In our country, we can recommend to vegans additional intake of vitamin complexes and food supplements containing vitamin B12.

To eat or not to eat meat is the most controversial issue in nutrition. Most experts are in favor of a healthy product, but at the same time they warn: the meat must be of the highest quality!

US meat-raised animals eat over 30 million pounds of antibiotics a year- writes the American edition Organic Life. Almost all meat products supplied to hypermarkets contain antibiotics. It seems incredible! At a time when every patient must stock up on a prescription for medicines before going to the pharmacy, antibiotics can be freely bought at the nearest store along with meat. But a close acquaintance with them is fraught with human health and threatens to lose the sensitivity of harmful microflora to their effects!

To be sure of the quality of meat products, the Russian consumer can be recommended to eat domestic meat. But not everything is simple here either! Some manufacturers have long adopted the experience of "advanced" countries, while others, given our confidence in domestic products, are engaged in falsification.

May 4, 2017 public organization Roskontrol published data, according to which the profit of foreign companies is traced in the event of the sale of foreign meat under the guise of products of a Russian manufacturer.

It turns out that there is no faith in anyone, and meat should be excluded from the diet? Of course not! But when buying once again a kilogram of pork, beef or poultry, you need to be extremely careful when evaluating their quality. Here the rule works: less is better! Moreover, part of the meat in the diet can be replaced with no less healthy natural products.

You should not be afraid of protein deficiency and even iron. If you make a balanced diet based on plant products, you can cover the body's needs for these substances. 100 grams of meat contains approximately 15 grams of protein, but some edible plants contain even more!

The debate about the benefits and harms of the diet of meat-eaters and vegetarians seems to never end. One thing is clear: in the diet of both the first and second there are both positive aspects and very tangible disadvantages. It is much more useful to observe the "golden mean" - to eat meat products, while enriching the diet with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Reasonable restrictions on meat products reduce the risks of many diseases, scientists and doctors assure. Animal rights organization - PETA adds that Americans, as the world's most meat-consuming nation, are twice as likely to be obese and have diabetes, and almost three times as likely to get cancer. The abuse of meat products is not the only cause of the risk of these diseases, but the main factor contributing to this.

Reasonable dietary restrictions are also advocated by "our smaller brothers." A curious fact was published in the American edition The Metro. Journalists managed to get acquainted with two centenarians from the world of ... cats. Both belonged to the same owner and lived exclusively on bacon, eggs, broccoli and coffee. One representative of the cat family lived to be 34 years old, and the second - up to 38 years. The maximum age for this breed does not exceed 15 years!

10 delicious foods that can replace meat


Delicious, meaty, fragrant ... Mushrooms can replace meat in any diet, and if they are also cooked correctly, the household will not even notice the “substitution”!

Mushrooms are stuffed with various fillings, used raw for sandwiches, marinated, fried or cooked with them for first and second courses. This is a low-calorie food that will not affect the figure in any way. At the same time, mushrooms are reliable suppliers of protein. Even chanterelles and champignons, which have the lowest protein content, contain - 9% of the protein of the total mass.

On a note!

Don't know what to cook with mushrooms? The easiest way to pamper your family is to stew mushrooms in vegetable oil with thyme, black pepper, balsamic vinegar and your favorite seasonings.


Eggplant has a fleshy texture, a pleasant neutral flavor and can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. Chefs prepare cutlets and meatballs from them, stuff them with cheese and mushrooms, bake them in tomato sauce and use them as a base for salads. An unusual and original dish on the gourmet table is pickled eggplant.


In our diet, meat products complement cereals, but it turns out that cereals are also rich in proteins. The leader among cereals is buckwheat, the protein content in it is more than 12%! Rice, oatmeal and corn are slightly inferior to her.

In addition to protein, cereals contain iron and vitamins. You can combine them with fresh or stewed vegetables or make delicious casseroles from them.


Nutrients from eggs are absorbed almost completely, so nutritionists consider them valuable sources of protein. The most useful way to cook eggs is soft-boiled, in this form the body quickly absorbs minerals and vitamins.

Eggs can be introduced into salads, cook a variety of omelettes and sweet airy soufflés. But you can eat them raw only when you are completely confident in the quality of the products. The risk of Salmonella infection is too high.


The composition and properties of spirulina - seaweed, considered the most ancient plant on the planet, are simply impressive! But its most important advantage is its very high protein content, which reaches up to 65%.

Spirulina protein is easily digestible and gives a boost of energy, but because of the peculiar taste that not everyone will like, the algae is more often pressed and sold in the form of tablets and dietary supplements.


Lentils are a top alternative to animal protein in a vegetarian diet. It is hearty and light, quickly prepared and perfectly satiates. It can diversify the diet not only in taste, but also in color. In the supermarket, you can buy lentils in four primary colors - black, green, brown and red.

You can cook cutlets and meatballs from lentils, use it for stews and warm salads, as well as first courses.

Fish and seafood

Almost all seafood can please the human body with valuable protein, and its value is in no way inferior to protein of animal origin. Fish also contains beauty vitamins A and D, they improve the condition of hair, nails and teeth, and can improve eyesight.

On a note!

In the dwarf state of Monaco, located on the coast of the Ligurian Sea, the average human life expectancy is 89 years. Gerontologists associate this fact with the diet of centenarians. Their menu is based on a large amount of fish and seafood.


It is hard to imagine that this culture can replace meat. But it has a lot of nutrients, including vegetable protein. Some chefs substitute cauliflower for chicken in recipes, cook it like chicken wings, and make steaks out of it. Cauliflower is not as boring as it seems at first glance!

Green pea

Not all cooks know that green vegetables contain protein. And although its quantity is not very large, it is still not worth discounting vegetables. 100 g of fresh green peas contains almost 5 g of high quality protein!

Fresh peas can be added to salads and cooked with it in soups, used as a base for pies, and in the cold season, switch to more satisfying dishes - pea purees and cutlets.


Almost every student knows that there is a lot of protein in nuts. But not every culinary specialist can prepare dishes from them that can replace meat. Vegetarians add nuts to minced beans to make cutlets, others make delicious diet cheese from almonds.

Due to their high calorie content, nuts are perfectly satiating and can serve as an alternative to meat products.

Expert comment

Meat and other plant products are not mandatory in the human diet. Vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes and herbs contain all the necessary macro and micronutrients with the exception of vitamin B12, which is definitely recommended for anyone who has made a choice in favor of plant foods.

Over the past few years, the most heated debate has been about the lack of protein, iron and calcium needed by a person in lean food. Yes, animal products contain a complete "set" of amino acids, but all of them are found in vegetable products. The only difference is that the body collects them not from one, but from different sources. The richest in protein are almonds, beans, broccoli, bulgur, cashews, quinoa, chickpeas, soy and its derivatives.

There is also enough iron in plant foods. For example, it is found in spirulina, quinoa, cooked spinach, white beans, and lentils. But it is important to know that iron is well absorbed in the presence of vitamin C. Conversely, it is "blocked" by foods high in phytates. In this case, the body will not receive iron.

Good sources of calcium are almonds, cooked broccoli, okra and white beans, bok choy and other dark green greens, tahini, cooked soybeans, and soy products. But you should not rely on spinach, rhubarb, beet greens and chard - the oxalic acid contained in them prevents the absorption of calcium.

It is believed that a person can live for about a month without protein. This microelement is necessary for the normal functioning and proper functioning of the body. Protein is found in large quantities in meat products. This article will discuss whether it is possible to do without meat. The main substitutes for meat products are considered.

Why is protein needed?

The trace element is a building material for cells. It regulates the production of hemoglobin, enzymes, hormones. Increases immunity, helps the body digest and absorb vitamins, fats and other substances. It also ensures the proper functioning of the metabolism.

Important! Meat is one of the main sources of protein. It is necessary to refuse the use of the product gradually. Otherwise, problems with the digestive system may occur.

Meat contains the following substances:

  • vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • iron.

In order to replace meat, you will need to find alternative sources of protein.

How to replace meat in the diet?

Today, a vegetarian diet is widespread in the world. These people do not eat meat for ethical or other reasons. They get protein by eating other products of plant (animal) origin.

1. Legumes

A large amount of protein is found in the following grains:

  • beans;
  • lentils;
  • peas.

Legumes also contain vegetable proteins. They are necessary for the proper assimilation of products. Beans should be consumed in moderation. Otherwise, bloating will form. It is recommended to combine grain crops with vegetable dishes.

2. Dairy products

Dairy products have a lot of protein.

Cottage cheese

This is a great alternative to meat. The product contains a sufficient amount of protein (more than 15%). It is best to purchase cottage cheese made from whole milk. This product contains many useful substances:

  • phosphorus;
  • methionine;
  • calcium;
  • methionine;
  • vitamin b.

Regular consumption of cottage cheese in food can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

Dairy products

These include kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk and other fermented milk drinks. They saturate the body with the necessary amino acids.


The product contains a large amount of protein - more than 25%. At the same time, it is very difficult to find high-quality cheese without additives and harmful substances.

3. Tofu

It is compressed soy milk. In addition to protein, tofu also contains other trace elements (for example, amino acids).

The main advantage of the product is its versatility. It can be used as a supplement or on its own. Many people like to eat tofu along with soups or fried foods.

4 eggs

Egg white must be present in the diet. It is easily absorbed by the body and contains all the necessary substances. The product is very popular among people who are actively involved in sports. Eggs help to quickly build muscle mass.

5. Mushrooms

A good option to replace meat products. Mushrooms are rich in protein and low in calories. In order to avoid problems with digestion, do not use this product often. Mushrooms are a fairly heavy food that is difficult for the body to digest.

6. Seitan

The product is made from wheat protein. The manufacturing process is to remove starch from wheat. This procedure allows you to saturate the seitan with a large amount of protein.

Seitan tastes like chicken and has a special aroma. The product also contains gluten. That is why it is forbidden to use seitan for people who are allergic to gluten.

7. Nuts

It is recommended to observe the measure when eating nuts. They cannot completely replace meat. This is due to the fact that the product lacks the necessary amino acids. Nutritionists advise combining the product with cereals or legumes.

8. Tempe

The composition resembles tofu, is made on the basis of soy. The main difference is that soybeans are used for making, not milk. Tempeh is produced by fermentation. The product has a dry texture and may sometimes contain a small amount of grains or beans.

Unlike tofu, tempeh is high in fiber, magnesium, and gut health benefits. The product is usually added to salads or used to stuff sandwiches.

9. Seeds

In addition to protein, sunflower seeds contain vitamins, fats, amino acids, carotene and other substances. It is not recommended to consume a large number of seeds. The optimal daily intake is no more than 100 grams. Otherwise, there will be problems with digestion.

10. Cereal crops

To provide the body with protein, the following cereals should be included in the diet:

  • wheat;
  • barley;
  • corn;
  • buckwheat;

When eating cereals, the body receives the necessary vitamins and nutrients. However, cereals cannot completely replace meat. Therefore, it is worthwhile to combine cereals with other sources of protein.

11. Textured Protein

It is a plant product derived from soybean oil. The manufacturing process is as follows - the protein is separated from the fat by high temperature.

After that, a product is obtained that looks like ordinary cottage cheese. In order to prepare a textured protein, you need to soak it. Preferably in boiling water or hot water.

12. Greenery

The product contains amino acids necessary for the body. It is recommended to add green leaves to salads, soups, or use as an independent dish.

Plants with the highest protein content:

  • spinach;
  • Dill;
  • cilantro;
  • parsley;
  • celery;
  • cabbage.

Nutritionists advise to use smoothies made from greens and vegetables. They are very beneficial for the body.

Features of choice

Not all meat substitutes contain essential trace elements. That is why the diet should be varied and balanced.

Important! Before purchasing products, you should carefully study the composition indicated on the package. This is especially important for vegetarians who do not consume animal products.

The benefits and harms of vegetable protein

The composition of vegetable protein practically does not differ from animal protein. The main component is amino acid residues. At the same time, vegetable protein is absorbed by the body much worse. The main drawback is the unbalanced composition. Some useful elements are missing in the composition of vegetable protein.


This article discusses in detail the main meat substitutes. The benefits and harms of vegetable protein, features of the choice of products are also described.

Protein is the building block of the human body. Do not immediately refuse to eat meat products. It is best to gradually transfer your body to vegetable protein. Thus, it will be possible to avoid the unpleasant consequences that can occur with improper nutrition.

What happens to the body if you completely give up meat?

Pros and cons of vegetarianism that will change you both externally and internally.

Among the food trends of our time, the rejection of a number of products that, according to popular belief, are harmful to the body, has confidently placed. Contrary to age-old traditions, meat is often included in the list of frequently excluded foods. People consciously come to vegetarianism for various reasons. Someone backs up their decision with ethical views and does not want to be involved in the killing of animals for the sake of human needs. Others are sure that the exclusion of animal protein from the daily diet will help cleanse the body of toxins and achieve a feeling of lightness.

It seems that all this is only for the benefit of our body, but let's talk not only about the absolute pluses, but also about the minuses that you may encounter when reducing your diet by giving up meat.

Positive Effects

Absolutely positive effects that the rejection of meat products will have on your body include the following.

Weight loss

A complete rejection of meat will help you normalize metabolic processes, reduce the level of subcutaneous fat and, therefore, cope with excess weight. Scientists have found that with unlimited volumes and caloric content of vegetarian food, weight loss occurs without additional effort. However, if you lean on junk food during vegetarianism, you can easily achieve the opposite effect. Pasta, white bread, sweets, and refined oils all fit into a vegetarian diet but are clearly not good for the body.

Removal of toxins and toxins from the body - skin cleansing

Indeed, the rejection of meat is excellent for cleansing the body. Many vegetarians note the appearance of lightness and reduced fatigue during the day. in addition, the removal of toxins and toxins will be accompanied by an improvement in the condition of the skin: acne, blackheads and blackheads will disappear.

For example, blogger Rachel Crawley shares her story of getting rid of acne with subscribers. At first, the girl tried to give up sweet and fast carbohydrates and noticed changes in her skin after only three days of the experiment. New inflammation appeared much less. Now the girl continues to recognize her body and tries veganism - the result is obvious, or rather, on her face.

Reducing the risk of colorectal and bowel cancer in general

The intestinal microflora in people who eat meat and vegetarians is markedly different. When switching to plant-based foods, more protective bacteria are produced in the intestines. Thus, your body will receive enough indigestible fiber from plant foods, which serves as the prevention of malignant intestinal tumors. In addition, you will eliminate foods in advance that, according to the WHO, can potentially contribute to the development of cancer: red meat, bacon, salami and other smoked foods.

Reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease

Among them are coronary heart disease, hypertension and atherosclerosis. Carnitine, found in meat, triggers chemical reactions in the intestines that negatively affect the heart muscle. However, refined foods, sugar, and the abuse of vegetable oils, and not just meat, can lead to cardiovascular diseases.

Reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes

Professor Anastasios Tumpanakis from the School of Health Sciences at the University of London and his colleagues proved that with vegetarianism, cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood are reduced, and the level of glycated hemoglobin is stabilized. Moreover, scientists have found an improvement in the psychological state of diabetic patients. By giving up meat, patients experienced a reduction in symptoms of depression.

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Negative Effects

Despite the compelling list of benefits of being a vegetarian, there are numerous downsides to going meatless. They once again prove that everything needs a balance and a conscious approach. Among the negative effects are

Amino Acid Deficiency

Vegetable protein has a small amino acid composition and is much worse absorbed by the body. Animal products, including meat, contain all the essential amino acids, while plant foods may lack one or more of these amino acids. The lack of protein over time leads to disruption of the immune and reproductive systems. In addition, the protein obtained from meat is important for building cells, including heart cells.

iron deficiency

The lack of this element in the body of a vegetarian is caused by the fact that meat contains heme iron, the absorption of which is 15-35%. At the same time, iron from plant products is absorbed worse: from 2 to 20%. Even milk and eggs are not a sufficient source of this substance.

zinc deficiency

Insufficient levels of zinc in the body are caused by the phytic acid content in legumes, nuts, seeds, and grains. It reduces the bioavailability of this element. However, if you still have dairy and seafood in your diet, zinc deficiency can be avoided.

calcium deficiency

It is caused by two factors. Firstly, the same phytic acid and oxalates reduce its absorption. Secondly, vegetable proteins contribute to an increased excretion of calcium in the urine.

Deficiency of vitamins D and B12

Unfortunately, even if you are a vegetarian instead of a vegan and eat dairy and eggs, your meat-free body will still lack vitamins D and B12.

Deficiency of polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3s have a big impact on the cardiovascular system, eyes, and brain, so it's important to maintain these levels. However, if you decide to give up not only meat, but also animal products in general, this will lead to a lack of Omega-3 in the body. Accordingly, the skin, hair and immunity will begin to deteriorate.


It will take time to rebuild from an "omnivorous" lifestyle to vegetarianism and improve the pancreas and intestines. Due to the lack of enzymes contained in meat, bloating and gas formation are possible at first.

The risk of developing gastritis

Plant foods, unlike meat, do not contain buffer proteins. It is they who neutralize the effects of acids that can provoke gastritis on the mucous membrane. In the worst case, persistent gastritis can lead to stomach cancer.

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How to make up for the missing substances without meat?

If your decision to give up meat is final and unshakable, then you should look for alternative sources of the missing substances in the body. Here are some simple tips that can help you avoid missing out on important items.

  • To prevent the body from being iron deficient, do not drink too much tea and coffee. They contain tannin, which prevents the absorption of this element. Along with foods containing iron, consume foods that contain ascorbic acid. It improves absorption by 3-4 times and also prevents the creation of insoluble compounds with soy protein.
  • To avoid lack of Omega-3, eat seafood, eggs, flaxseed, walnut, soy, which contain alpha-linolenic acid.
  • To maintain the level of essential amino acids, eat milk, soy and foods artificially enriched with the desired amino acid composition.

  • Zinc your body can get from legumes, nuts and soy products. Soaking, the use of sprouted grains, beans and seeds, and bread leavening agents reduce phytic acid and increase zinc bioavailability.
  • Dairy products, kale, mustard leaves, turnips, broccoli, and dried figs will help maintain calcium levels. In addition, you can turn to special additives.
  • Vitamins D and B12 can be taken in dosage forms. Vitamin B12 balance is recommended to be maintained with foods artificially fortified with cobalamin.

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