To open gladiolus what needs to be done. To make gladioli last longer. Methods for Commercial Storage of Gladiolus

Great attention should be paid to cutting flowers, since an incorrectly cut peduncle is often the cause of corm disease. You can not cut the peduncle, leaving part of the stem not covered with leaves. Water from irrigation or rain easily enters such a stem, which leads to diseases.

In addition, when cutting inflorescences, it is necessary to keep at least 4-5 intact leaves- to provide and ripen replacement corms.

In order to cut as high a peduncle as possible and at the same time keep the largest number of leaves on the plant, you can use the following technique: insert a cutting knife between the leaves to the cut point on the stem, make an incision, then make the same incision on the opposite side, after which carefully remove the peduncle. The remaining leaves cover the cut from water.

Peduncles, characterized by hard and short leaves and a strong stem, can be "unscrewed" quite easily. To do this, make a puncture at the desired height with the tip of a narrow knife, then break the peduncle at the puncture site and lightly sway and rotational movements release it from the leaves and remove it by pulling it up. It may not work the first time, for a successful result some skill is required, moreover, with some varieties it is quite difficult to do this procedure.

Another way is that on the stem of the gladiolus, at the beginning of the topmost leaf, there is a slight thickening. Run your hand down the stem from the bottom bud and you will immediately feel it. In this place, the stem is very fragile and the peduncle can simply be broken. Moreover, the length of the inflorescence will be almost perfect, and you do not risk damaging the leaves. Personally, I think this method is the most successful.

If gladioli are not grown for cutting, then immediately after the blooming of 1-2 lower flowers or when a peduncle appears, the spike should be broken off or cut off, otherwise the flowers, and then the ripening seeds, consuming nutrients, will weaken the corm and retard its growth, as well as reduce the number and size of the resulting children. For the same reason, it is better to prevent flowering of gladioli from children - when flower stalks appear, immediately carefully break them out. If this is not done, then flowering will delay the ripening of corms for a long time.

In some varieties of gladioli, in the axil of the uppermost leaf (or instead of the lowermost bud), another, smaller peduncle develops. If the main ear fades and is removed in a timely manner, then the second ear will delight you with full flowering, but if the gladiolus is intended for cutting or for growing corms and children, then the second ear should be removed as soon as possible.

If you are just starting to grow gladioli and want to several gladioli bloomed at the same time to make a bouquet, it should be borne in mind that even corms of the same size, planted at the same time, can bloom at intervals of several days, or even weeks. In order for 3-5 gladioli to bloom at the same time, it is necessary to plant at least 7-10 corms. You can delay the blooming of flowers in an already cut peduncle. To do this, cut flowers are placed in cold water in a cool room (cellar, basement). With this method of storage, the lower flower will bloom for up to a week.

Gladiolus inflorescences cut at different times of the day depending on the weather. With moderate daytime temperatures or cloudy weather and good supply of moisture to plants, cutting can be done at any time of the day. In good summer weather, gladioli are cut in the morning from 6 to 10 o'clock and in the evening after 19 o'clock. Cutting should be carried out in a state of a half-blown bud. In this case, all gladiolus flowers gradually open and the inflorescences are perfectly preserved in water for 10-15 days.

Flowers last longer if they are in a cool room, away from drafts and direct sunlight.

For better preservation of cut flowers gladioli use various nutrient solutions. For 1 liter of distilled or boiled water cooled to room temperature, use one of the following additives:

  • 1 tablet of activated charcoal;
  • 1 tablet of crushed aspirin;
  • 2 teaspoons of granulated sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon table salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of boric acid;
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar;
  • 2-3 drops of ammonia;
  • 0.4 g citric acid;
  • 0.5 g of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

Beginning to fade lower flowers should be removed in a timely manner. Change the water in the vase daily, each time trimming the stems a little in the water. It is better to use boiled or distilled water.

To revive wilted flowers, dip their stems into hot water and wait until it cools down. So the flowers will be fresh again. Then cut off the tips of the stems and place the flowers in cold water as usual.

The long stem and the bizarre shape of the petals, combined with the richness of the color - all this cannot but cause delight.Gladiolus flowers open gradually, with good care, cut flowers stand in a vase for a long time, bloom to the last inflorescence.

The words "gladiolus" and "gladiator" come from the same Latin root - gladius, which means "sword". And in fact, the flowers are so similar to edged weapons that no one doubts the authenticity of the version. According to one of the popular legends, gladioli grew out of the swords of two gladiator friends who flatly refused to fight each other for the amusement of the idle public in Ancient Rome.

According to, if you properly care for a bouquet of gladioli, the flowers will stand in a vase for about one to two weeks, delighting with their beauty.

1. A bouquet of gladioli will last much longer if the stems are lightly scratched with a needle. This is done for better water absorption.

2. Gladioli are placed in a vase filled with water to the brim - so the stems absorb it in the maximum amount, and the petals become more elastic, last longer.

3. To better preserve fresh gladiolus inflorescences, various compositions of nutrient mixtures are used. The hostess will be able to choose one option to choose from:

  • 1 activated charcoal tablet
  • 1 crushed aspirin
  • 2 teaspoons of granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon boric acid
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar
  • 2-3 drops of ammonia
  • 0.4 g citric acid
  • 0.5 g of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate)

4. Remove the lower flowers that begin to fade from the inflorescence in a timely manner. If you want the flowers to bloom faster, the top buds must be removed.

5. Gladiolus are highly dependent on water, so change the water in the vase daily. It is better to use boiled or purified water.

6. Make it a rule to trim your gladiolus stems a little each time before placing them in fresh water.

7. It is best if the stems of gladioli do not touch the bottom of the container in which they stand.

8. It will be useful to know that gladioli love spraying.

9. A bouquet of gladioli should not stand in the sun - this rule applies to all flowers.

In good summer weather, gladioli are cut in the morning from 7.00 to 11.00 and in the evening after 18.00. The lower buds should be half-blown - in this case, all the flowers will gradually open. In this case, all gladiolus flowers gradually open and the inflorescences are perfectly preserved in water for 10-15 days.

Of course, gladioli are a real decoration of the house.. By following all the rules and recommendations listed above, you can extend the life of a bouquet of gladioli for a long time and get unforgettable pleasure from admiring these most beautiful flowers.

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil

Have you purchased your gladiolus bulbs yet? Yes, this flower will decorate the background of the flower garden, but in my opinion, gladiolus bouquets will decorate your home to a greater extent. This flower will stand in your vase for a week at home or at work, just remove faded flowers, trim the stem, change the water.

The main rule when cutting gladioli is to keep as many leaves as possible so that a replacement bulb grows, and you can cut a flower when two or three flowers open (this is in the Dutch). Modern Russian gladioli can keep up to 10-12 flowers open at the same time, so you can wait until 4-5 huge flowers open on the vine. Do not forget to pinch off the topmost one or two cones-buds, they will open better and stand longer in the bouquet. In water, one or two fade (fade), one or two open higher.

How to make a cut without damaging the leaves on page 9 was described by UralSZ:

" Features of cutting gladiolus.

Task: leave as many leaves as possible to grow the bulb, at least 5-8 leaves. You need a narrow knife, I had a scalpel. Hold the whole plant with your left hand so as not to inadvertently tear it out of the ground or injure it from effort, with your right hand you pierce the stem right through the leaves, having previously counted the required number of leaves with the bulb. Move the scalpel slightly in different directions so as to finally cut the trunk, and then with your right hand, without releasing your left hand, begin to gently swing the cut trunk from side to side. And so on until the trunk is pulled out of the leaves. The direct benefit is that the injury is small and it is hidden in the leaves. Plus, a sufficient number of leaves were left at the bulb, otherwise it is often seen that they were cut off along with all the leaves near the ground, or they were not cut at all and the ears were left until the very digging. What happens: they admired the flowers, and the bulb gave everything it could, did not store anything for itself. Disorder!

That it is necessary to cut flowers from gladioli, that's for sure. But now about something else. There are cases when flowers are arranged somehow "obliquely" on the peduncle - it depends on the variety. Because we know that according to the structure of the spike, gladioli can be two-row, alternate, etc. Let's say that you have a two-row ear, and there is such a flaw in it .. And you see that it does not remove itself and this flaw will be visible in the bouquet. It can be removed in advance, before the dissolution of such a bud, we very carefully begin to twist it with our fingers, move it so that it is located strictly in two rows. It's easy to do, you just don't have to rush and put in a lot of effort. Such an operation will not prevent the spike from blooming properly.
Flowers should be cut either early in the morning or late in the evening. Should not be cut in the rain.

But for the home, for the family, I think there is no need to make such a low cut, on a high leg. In addition, the rule, the shorter the cut stem, the longer the bouquet lasts, applies to gladioli, you can make light scratches on the stem.

I also always feel sorry for the little schoolchildren on September 1, for whom their mothers bought huge gladioli, they are heavy, it’s inconvenient for kids to drag them, a gust of wind can break bouquets. You can make yourself beautiful one-color or multi-color bouquets of gladioli of low Dutch or Russian tops.

gladiolus valued for the beauty of flowers and long flowering. Its positive quality is the ability of all Flowers of the inflorescence to bloom in cut form gradually. The downside is the lack of flavor. But in the 50s. of the last century, varieties with a weak aroma were obtained (Acacia, Sweet, Fragrans, Yellow Rose, etc.). And in recent years, the work of the selection of fragrant gladioli has continued. But wide distribution they were not found at flower growers, as they are significantly inferior in decorativeness to unscented varieties.

Gladiolus inflorescences cut at different times of the day, depending on the temperature and the availability of moisture to the plants. At moderate daytime temperatures or in cloudy weather and sufficiently moist soil, cutting can be carried out at any time of the day. In the conditions of the hot southern summer, I consider the early morning to be the best time for cutting, as the plants store moisture well during the night.

Cutting can be done in the phase of a half-blown first bud. In this case, all the flowers gradually open, and the inflorescences stand in the water for 10-15 days. However, many varieties with dense corrugated-folded petals in the phase of a colored bud open the flower rather slowly. It is better to cut such inflorescences when the two lower flowers have opened.

Very important, cutting inflorescences, keep the thread on the plant as many leaves as possible (at least four). If you leave 2-3 leaves, then full-fledged corms and a baby will not have time to form, weakened plants will grow from them next year or they may die during the winter storage period.

To have more length cut stem and leave the maximum number of leaves on the plant, use the following technique. On the flat side of the stem, where the fourth and fifth leaves diverge, a transverse puncture is made with a narrow knife sharpened on both sides. Then, by moving the knife left and right, they cross the stem as much as possible. Can the same incision do it on the opposite side. Holding the plant with your left hand below the puncture (so as not to pull it out of the ground and not damage the roots), break the stem with the other hand, bend it a little and, carefully twisting the peduncle, release it from the leaves.

To prevent disease it is recommended to disinfect cutting tools as often as possible, when cutting a small number of inflorescences - after each plant. It is convenient to have several knives for this purpose (they are easy to make from pieces of an old hacksaw blade), which are used alternately and, after being cut, are placed with blades in a disinfectant solution (alcohol, a strong solution of potassium permanganate, etc.).

cut flowers as soon as possible (preferably immediately) put in vessels with cold water and leave in a cool room for 1-2 hours. For transportation, the inflorescences are tied in bunches, lightly sprinkled with water (but so that the drops do not fall on the flowers), packed in thick thin paper, placed in long cardboard boxes, closed with a lid and fastened with adhesive tape. In this form, gladioli can be transported within 1-2 days. For long-distance transportation, after cutting, the ends of the peduncles must be lowered (by 3-4 cm) into molten paraffin (30-35 degrees). After the paraffin has hardened, the flowers are wrapped in paper. In this form, they can be stored at a moderate temperature for three to four days.

After unpacking the stems cut by 1-2 cm and immediately placed in deep vessels with warm water (35 degrees) for 1-2 hours (in a cool, bright room). Gladiolus in buds, after treating the stems with paraffin and packing in semi-parchment paper and perforated film, just like peonies, can be stored in a refrigerator and on a glacier for two to three weeks (at a temperature of 1-3 degrees). If cut flowers are meant to be sold quickly and have many open flowers, they are best placed directly in buckets of water. For the stability of the inflorescences, the buckets are covered from above with a large-mesh lattice.

With timely cutting of the inflorescence gladiolus stand in a vase for up to two weeks. It is necessary to remove fading lower flowers in time, change the water in the vase daily, each time slightly cutting the stems before putting them back in fresh water.

For better preservation of inflorescences fresh gladioli owls use various compositions of nutritional and preservative mixtures:

0.8 g of potassium alum, 0.3 g of potassium chloride, 0.2 g of table salt, 15-20 g of sugar;

One crushed aspirin or activated charcoal;

A few crystals of potassium permanganate or citric acid;

A few drops of ammonia or camphor alcohol;

1 hour spoon "table salt or boric acid;

10 g of pine extract and 50 g of sugar;

50 g of sugar;

1 cap of liquid fertilizer effect per 5 liters of water;

0.3 g of silver nitrate per 1 liter of water.

There are many known chemical preparations for prolonging the life of cut gladioluses: Bud 2, Tsvetin, Marooski's solution, no-ra and others. We must also remember that the life span of flowers after cutting largely determines the quality of water. The softer the water, the longer the life of cut flowers. It is better to use distilled, settled boiled or rain water.


Gladiolus is a beautiful and elegant flower. It is grown, as a rule, for cutting, because in the flower garden the most beautiful large-flowered varieties have to be tied up to protect them from lodging. Agree, all sorts of supports are not the best decoration. But cut flowers look great, and stand in the water for quite a long time.

For those who want to extend their life in a vase, our today's recommendations are addressed.
The undoubted advantage of the gladiolus is that, when cut, all the flowers of the inflorescence bloom gradually. The downside is the lack of flavor. True, in the 50s of the last century, breeders received the first varieties with a weak aroma (Acacia, Sweet, Fragrans, Yellow Rose, etc.). Breeding work in this direction continues now. However, fragrant varieties have not received wide distribution among flower growers, since they are significantly inferior to unscented ones in terms of decorativeness.
Gladiolus inflorescences are cut at different times of the day, depending on the temperature and the availability of moisture to the plants. With moderate daytime temperatures, sufficiently moist soil and in cloudy weather, gladiolus can be cut at any time of the day. If the summer is hot, then the best time for cutting - early morning.
Cutting can be done when the first bud is half open. In this case, all gladiolus flowers gradually open and inflorescences remain in water for 10-15 days. Many varieties with dense corrugated-folded petals in the phase of a colored bud open the flower rather slowly. Such inflorescences are best cut after the opening of two or three lower flowers.
It is very important when cutting the inflorescence to keep as many leaves on the plant as possible (at least at least four). If you leave only 2-3 leaves, then full-fledged corms and babies will not have time to form. Such corms, if they do not die during winter storage, then the next year they form weak plants.
To cut off as long a peduncle as possible and keep the maximum number of leaves on the plant, I use the following technique. On the flat side of the plant, at the divergence of the fourth and fifth leaves, I make a puncture across the stem with a narrow knife sharpened on both sides. Then, with the movements of the knife to the left and right, I cut the stem as much as possible. You can make the same incision on the opposite side. Holding the plant with my left hand below the puncture (so as not to pull it out of the ground and not damage the roots), with the other hand I break the stem, bend it slightly and, carefully twisting the peduncle, release it from the leaves.
To prevent disease damage, it is necessary to disinfect instruments as often as possible. When cutting a small number of inflorescences - after each plant. For this purpose, it is good to have several knives (they are easy to make from pieces of an old hacksaw blade) to use alternately, after each cut, immersing the blade in a disinfectant solution (alcohol, a strong solution of potassium permanganate, etc.).
Cut flowers as soon as possible (preferably immediately) should be placed in vessels with cold water and left in a cool room for 1-2 hours. After that, for transportation, the inflorescences are bundled, lightly sprinkled with water (drops should not fall on the flowers), packed in thick thin paper, placed in long cardboard boxes, closed with a lid, fastened with adhesive tape. In this form, inflorescences can be transported over long distances (1-2 days). For long-distance transportation, it is necessary, after cutting, to lower the ends of the peduncles (by 3-4 cm) into molten paraffin (30-35 ° C). After the paraffin has hardened, the flowers are wrapped in paper. In this form, they can be stored at a moderate temperature for three to four days. After unpacking, the stem is cut by 1-2 cm and immediately placed in deep vessels with warm water (35 ° C) for 1-2 hours (in a cool, bright room). Gladiolus in buds after treatment of the stems with paraffin and packing in parchment paper can be stored for two to three weeks in the refrigerator (at a temperature of 1-3 ° C). If cut flowers are meant to be sold quickly and have a lot of open flowers, then they are best placed directly in buckets of water. For the stability of the inflorescences, the buckets are covered from above with a large-mesh lattice.
With timely cutting, gladiolus inflorescences stand in a vase for up to two weeks. It is only necessary to remove the fading lower flowers in time, change the water in the vase daily, each time slightly cutting the stems before putting them back in fresh water.
To better preserve fresh gladiolus inflorescences, various compositions of nutrient and preservative mixtures are used. Here are some of them:


    0.8 g of potassium alum, 0.3 g of potassium chloride, 0.2 g of table salt, 15-20 g of sugar;

    one crushed tablet of aspirin or activated charcoal;

    a few crystals of potassium permanganate or citric acid;

    a few drops of ammonia or camphor alcohol;

    one teaspoon of table salt or boric acid;

    10 g of pine extract and 50 g of sugar;

    50 g of sugar;

    one cap of liquid fertilizer "Effect" per 5 liters of water;

    0.3 g of silver nitrate per 1 liter of water.

There are many ready-made chemicals for extending the life of cut gladioli: "Buton-2", "Tsvetin", "Nora", etc. It must also be remembered that the life expectancy of flowers after cutting largely determines the quality of water. The softer the water, the longer the life of cut flowers. It is better to use distilled, settled, boiled or rain water.