Jerk of a barbell from the chest is an approaching exercise. Snatch and clean and jerk of a barbell are exercises of weightlifters. Common beginner mistakes

Do classic weightlifting exercises give you a lot of problems and reduce your WOD performance? Use these 5 tips, courtesy of renowned weight trainer Glenn Pendlay, to make instant improvements in snatch, clean and jerk.

Like golf or high vault, weightlifting is one of the sports where technique is essential and requires careful study. This is why weightlifting seminars often slide into the basics of physics. For the biomechanics geeks, this is pretty cool.

But for most others, this can be difficult enough that they may find it better to completely eliminate the snatch, chest, and jerk from their program. We strongly discourage doing this. Weightlifting is one of the most useful species training, which allows you to develop strength and power of the whole body, as well as core stability, which subsequently will have the most positive effect on performance in other areas of CrossFit.

Fortunately, "Progidy is not as scary as it is danced." And below you will find tips on classic snatch and clean and jerk techniques from one of North America's top weightlifting coaches, Glenn Pendlay of MuscleDriver USA based in Fort Mill, South Carolina. These simple tips will help you instantly improve your snatch, clean and jerk performance. Technique, of course, but this is not the launch of an orbital station, but just the physics that you studied in school.

The correct execution of the snatch or lifting and jerking begins with removing the barbell when you lift it off the platform, and this is where the problem lies with most novice weightlifters, especially those who have already done deadlifts before. In the deadlift, lifting the bar off the ground at maximum speed is one of the key points in the exercise, especially when the bar is heavily weighted. So it's okay for a person to think that quickly pulling the bar off the platform in a snatch or lift will also be a factor. In fact, this is not necessary at all.

“There is some progression in training Crossfitters to snatch and lift. And the first stage of it is getting rid of this desire to quickly remove the barbell from the platform. Pendlay says. - In weightlifting, the speed with which you lift the bar to hip level is less important than your position when the bar is at that height.

And all because it depends on this position whether you can raise the bar over your head. For beginners, this looks somewhat unusual. They believe that the lift-off speed of the bar determines whether the approach will work or not. Of course, it's good if you are strong and can lift it quickly, but only if you maintain the correct position and angles. But if the barbell moves too fast, then you can miss the moment of detonation and you simply cannot lift the barbell. If the bar moves slowly, but when you reach hip height you are in a great position, then you have a much better chance of success. "

The position that Pendlay is talking about takes only a moment in the exercise. The bar of the bar should be exactly over your heels, the knees in front of the bar, and the shoulders behind is the best position to put in the maximum power to lift the bar. "It often happens that athletes hang over the bar too much or put their weight on their toes too much," says Glenn.

Coaching tips

Start with your shoulders directly above the bar while the bar is still on the floor. “I don’t teach people where their pelvis should be, because it all depends on the structure of the body,” says Pendlay. - If you are standing over the bar, and it is opposite your shins, and then you squat until your shoulders take a position above the bar, then your pelvis is automatically in the right position. Your knees should be in front of the bar and your lower leg should be at an angle. Your arms hang straight down to the sides of your knees, and your pelvis is where it should be, which for most people feels lower than your natural posture. "

From this point on, the boom lift line becomes critical. The bar should kind of move towards you, because this is the only way to get into the perfect punch position when the bar is over your heels.

“You can't let the bar go forward,” Pendlay says. "Because if she moves forward, how can we achieve a stable and powerful position in the hips?"

“What a lot of people do is instinctively try to get into a position where they think they can lift more weight while keeping their pelvis a little higher than necessary. And they can, of course, be able to lift a lot of weight from the floor to mid-thigh, but in doing so, they change the position of the bar, so that they can not put in maximum effort in the next stage of the deadlift. If you have a barbell weighing 50 kilograms, then you can do whatever you want with it. But with a weight of 150 kilograms, with this approach you can no longer cope. As soon as the bar gets really heavy, you should enlist the support of the laws of physics, instead of trying to outplay them with brute force. "

Get under the bar as quickly as possible

Fast is a daunting part of any exercise in the weightlifting arsenal, so your common sense tells you to lift the bar as high as possible before squatting and catching it. But the reality is that the longer you wait before going under the barbell, the harder it will be for you later to meet her in gray.

“In visiting CrossFit gyms and watching people snatch, I find that the most common mistake is taking too long a detonation phase,” says Pendley. - In other words, after the barbell reaches the hips, they continue to drag it up until the barbell is somewhere at chest or shoulder level, and only then they try to sit under it. But this is too high.

Once the bar has left your hips, you should immediately fall under it, and not keep trying to lift it higher. People pay too much attention to lifting the bar, but not enough attention to diving under it - this happens in the snatch and when taking the bar to the chest. You just need to lift the bar up to the level of the navel in order to then take it on your chest. The thighs are very strong. If you continue to pull the bar up with the force of your arms, then yes, you will raise it higher, but at the same time you will slow down, because your arms cannot give out as much force as your hips. "

Ilya Ilyin, two-time Olympic champion and holder of world records in clean and jerk and in the sum of two exercises (w / c up to 94 kg), said the best on this topic in one of his videos: “It's simple. I blew it up and stone it down. "

If this concept seems meaningless to you, then think about physics. When you snatch or take on the chest, the bar moves up from the ground, reaches its maximum height, and then falls down again until you meet it in gray. If you wait too long before diving under it, then by the time you go under it, it will already start its way down, to put it simply, it will start to fall. An object picks up speed when the force of gravity pulls it down, so the longer the bar falls, the faster it will move and the harder it will be for you to meet it.

“Ideally, you should strive to meet the barbell at the highest point of the deadlift while it has no momentum,” says Pendlay. “If the bar is only two or three inches down, it’s much easier to meet and hold. And if by this moment it has already flown 18 inches, then it will be extremely difficult to meet and hold it. That's why you have to start going under the barbell while the barbell is still moving up. "

Coaching tips

Glenn has a simple hint for getting under the bar in time: when the bar reaches your hips, start spreading your legs. “I’m not using this hint because I think you should definitely spread your legs when doing the snatch,” he says. - "Not at all. But this is a great opportunity to teach beginners not to drag the bar up for too long.

Because once your feet are off the ground, you cannot continue to lift the bar up. This is the most basic physics. So maybe you really should introduce the rule that as soon as the barbell reaches your thighs, you lift your legs. To do this, you should at least slightly lift your feet off the floor. I am not telling my athletes to lift their legs up too high, because then they will start to get carried away and will lift them almost 12 inches, doing the so-called 'donkey kick', which should not be. "

Create sound with your heels

This hint is related to the previous one due to the spread of the legs, but for its implementation you do not need a coach, but only a keen hearing. After you have lifted off the platform and hovered for a split second in the air, stamp your foot on the platform or floor so that you can hear a distinct pop. According to Pendlay, this is a simple solution to improve your technique in three ways.

“First,” he says, “stomping with your heels keeps you from lifting the bar too tightly. The second - focuses your attention on the rapid movement of the legs, which is important for the snatch and take on the chest and the clean and jerk. If you stamped your feet, it means that you picked them up and put them down, while doing it quickly, otherwise you simply would not be able to give out a sound. And third, it brings you back on a full stop. Many people try to get down on their toes first and then on their heels to soften the landing. This will definitely throw you off balance and make the phase of reception and fixation of the bar unstable. "

If possible, use a wooden platform instead of a rubberized floor when doing snatch, barbell striking, or jerking. Your feet will make a louder bang on the tree upon landing, which will give you the opportunity to control yourself. If you do not hear such claps on a wooden floor, then you will understand that you are not moving your legs fast enough or that you have fallen on your toes too much. Both are possible together. "

Bring your heels, pelvis and hands together in time

In weightlifting, coordination is very important. It increases your chances of doing a heavy snatch. To do this, you need to try to do three things in an instant: (1) heels stomp on the platform, (2) elbows “turn on,” (3) pelvis reaches the lowest point of the squat.

“You’ll never get it perfect, but it should be,” Pendlay says. - There are a lot of world-famous weightlifters who also cannot perform all these three actions in an instant. But it is very important to try to do this. You've probably already seen beginners who have a big time difference between landing their feet and fixing their elbows. So even if you manage to combine landing and fixing the elbows, just these two things, this is already excellent progress compared to most of them. "

Coaching tips

The key to keeping these three things in sync lies in Pendlay's Note # 2: Don't pull the bar up for too long. “It all has to do with the urge to dive under the barbell while it is still moving up,” says Pendlay. - If your legs touch the floor, and your elbows turn on much later, then you are under the bar when it is already moving down. The greater the time difference between these movements - turning on the elbows and landing the heels, the ... you just need to know that for every tenth of a second the barbell flies several inches. "

Help with High Grip Squats and Shvung Press

Practicing the snatch, lifting and clean and jerking technique is extremely important to improve the quality of your weightlifting exercises. But auxiliary exercises are also important, for one simple reason: if you are not strong, you will not be able to perform a snatch or take a lot of weight on your chest.

According to Pendlay, an experienced weightlifter can snatch at 60 to 70 percent of his maximum weight (beginners typically snatch at half that weight). That is, if you dream of doing a snatch with a weight of 300 pounds (136 kg), then you should learn to squat with a weight much heavier.

“You may never be strong enough. Says Pendley. There is a huge misconception that American weightlifters only care about technique, not strength. This accusation asserts that all we do is hone our technique, and as if we do not understand that it is necessary to be strong in squats. This is complete nonsense. In weightlifting, it is the king of all exercise. To be a good weightlifter, you need to be good at squatting. "

The barbell squat is the most important support exercise for your lower torso. For the upper torso, Pendlay offers a push press to learn to lock and hold a heavy barbell overhead in the clean and jerk.

“Just as a good squat is important, so is upper body strength to snatch or jerk,” says Pendlay. - If you cannot hold the barbell over your head, you cannot complete the exercise. The Shvung Press is our main exercise for strengthening the shoulders, arms and upper back. We do, not the army press, because it is important for us to practice small squats and springbacks. But also, in weightlifting, you shouldn't develop the habit of pushing the bar off your shoulders.

When doing the push, the legs push the bar up and the arms push the body down. If you try to use your arms to push the bar up, you will fail because, fortunately, the weight you push is much greater than the weight you can shake. Shvung pressing gives you the ability to lift more weight because you use the momentum from your legs, so in the initial stage of lifting the bar you use your lower body, not your upper body. "

The high bar squat is the version of the squat that Pendlay practices with his men. Unlike the lift squat, the bar is positioned on top of trapezius muscles(not lower), the back remains straight during the exercise, and the pelvis drops down as far as possible with each repetition, breaking the parallel between the hips and the floor.

“We squat with a high bar simply because it keeps our back straight from the bottom of the squat,” Pendley says. - If you are strong enough in low bar squats (powerlifting squats), but not so strong in high bar squats, then your body will return to the most comfortable squatting method for you as soon as the weight becomes large and intimidating. But this does not work at all when performing a barbell lift. You simply cannot do the exercise by leaning forward. "

When performing a push press, use both types of grip - jerk and jerk. Start with the bar on your shoulders and do the exercise with a lot of weight, trying to get close to your working weights in the snatch and clean and jerk. When using light weights, the push press can be performed solely by using the inertia coming from the legs. When you go out on heavy weights, then your legs can only push the barbell to the level of the nose, where the shoulders and arms already come into play. This upper body load is exactly what you need when you are trying to improve your performance in classic exercises with the push press.

It will be interesting for you

The barbell snatch is an exercise that is widely used in weightlifting. In addition, it has gained even more popularity due to the widespread use of this exercise when doing CrossFit. Any multi-joint exercise will not bring you tangible benefits without technically correct execution. This aspect is in the first place in importance. It is best to start learning the barbell snatch from the floor using the minimum working weights (empty Olympic bar). As for the barbell snatch technique in weightlifting, everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. This aspect is paramount, many athletes spend years perfecting the perfect technique!

Today we will give answers to questions about how and why a barbell snatch should be done, what are the technical features of this exercise and how to show your maximum result in it.

Why do you need to jerk the barbell?

The barbell snatch is one of those exercises that you can use to assess your level of physical fitness. It is believed that the snatch and jerk of the bar do not directly contribute to muscle hypertrophy. This is not entirely true, such an opinion is a delusion. If you look at the figure of the weightlifter, then we will see the correct and beautiful proportions - a massive shoulder girdle, narrow waist, muscular hips. Such proportions will be the envy of every fitness lover. Such figures for most look much more attractive than bodybuilders with their dysfunction or powerlifters with a lot of excess fat. Thus, if you have a goal of gaining muscle mass, and if you want to provide a complex load on a huge number of large muscle groups at the same time, then I recommend including the barbell snatch in your training plan.

How to do a weightlifting snatch correctly?

By observing the technique when performing the snatch, you will add in results with each workout, although the progression of loads can take quite a long time. A good stretch is required for a correct snatch. Therefore, before each workout on which you are going to do this exercise, you should do a series of exercises that warm up the muscles. Focus on stretching the muscles that will be involved in the snatch. Do various splits while hanging from the bar to stretch the extensor fascia and protect yourself from unwanted injury. A thorough warm-up of the rotator cuff is also necessary. Pre-stretch the biceps of the thigh by performing a couple of approaches of the Romanian deadlift or good-morning exercises with light weight.

The whole movement is divided into several stages: breaking the bar off the floor, undermining, squatting, getting up from the squat, fixing at the top point. Let's take a look at each of them:

Breaking the bar off the floor

We hold the bar as wide as possible, as far as there is enough stretch in the pectoral and deltoid muscles. You can use either the classic overhead grip, or you can lock the barbell - pinch your thumb with everyone else. We put our legs narrowly, but we turn the socks a little to the sides. The back is perfectly straight, it is unacceptable to hunch over at any stage of the snatch. The movement should be as powerful and explosive as possible. The main thing here is speed. The bar should be kept as close to the shin as possible. When he is approximately at mid-thigh level, we move on to the next phase of the snatch - the undermining.


Undermining is needed so that the barbell goes through the entire amplitude as quickly as possible. This is done with a small jump or rise on toes. Some people also advise striking the bar against the thighs to give the bar additional acceleration. So the bar will literally fly over you. The most important thing is to keep all biomechanical angles accurately. You can not bring the bar forward, it must rise strictly vertically. A fraction of a second after the detonation, you need to sharply drop down - do a dip.


It is important to do the squat at the right moment. You need to have time to do this before it stops picking up speed, otherwise you will have to throw the barbell with your hands up. It is unrealistic to do this with a lot of weight. The squat should be quick, but it is by no means a "fall" down. To avoid injury, you need to control your body in every centimeter of the barbell snatch amplitude.

Squat Rise

The laws of physics work in such a way that getting out of the squat is much more difficult than with regular squats. For the same reason, over-head squats are so hard. It is necessary to maintain balance and not let the bar bend to one side or the other. And, of course, you can't do without strong legs and back.


At the top point, you need to fully straighten and fix the bar in straight arms. To do this, we include in the work of the triceps and deltoid muscles. We wait a second until the inertia has completely disappeared and throw the barbell to the floor.

Common mistakes novice athletes make

  • The use of a large working weight in the barbell snatch from the floor by beginners.

Without long-term perfection of the correct technique, it is impossible to achieve serious results.

  • Practicing the technique alone. What is a snatch, what is a barbell jerk, it is better to do it under the supervision of an instructor or coach. Only he will be able to give an adequate assessment from the outside and direct all efforts in the right direction.

Weightlifting regulations in force

In 2017, at all Russian competitions, any athlete can receive a category by fulfilling the following standard. The standard is assigned by the sum of two movements: snatch and clean and jerk.

Table of bit standards for men

Weight category (kilogram)MSMKMCCCMIIIIIII (th)II (th)III (th)
34 75 70 55
38 80 75 60
42 105 95 90 85 80 65
46 135 120 105 95 90 85 70
50 180 155 135 120 105 95 90 75
56 255 205 175 155 135 120 100 95 80
62 285 230 195 175 155 130 110 100 85
69 315 255 210 185 165 140 125 110 95
69+ 195 175 150 135 115 105
77 350 280 240 210 185 160 140 125 110
85 365 295 255 225 195 170 145 130 115
94 385 310 265 230 200 175 155 135 120
94+ 315 270 235 210 180 160 140 125
105 400 320 275 240 215 185
105+ 415 325 280 245 220 190

Table of bit standards for women

Weight category (kilogram)MSMKMCCCMIIIIIII (th)II (th)III (th)
34 65 55 45
36 70 60 50
40 95 90 85 80 75 65 55
44 120 105 95 90 85 80 70 60
48 165 130 110 100 95 90 85 75 65
53 180 140 120 110 105 95 90 80 70
58 190 150 130 115 110 100 95 85 75
63 205 160 140 125 115 105 100 90 80
69 215 170 150 130 120 110 105 95 85
69+ 175 155 135 125 115 110 100 90
75 225 180 160 140 130 120
75+ 235 190 165 145 135 125

How to achieve an increase in strength in the snatch?

More than half of your snatch success depends on your progress in the utility lifts. The back room prepares the muscles for hard work in basic exercises. Classic deadlifts, snatch rows, over-head squats, and various stretches should become an integral part of the training process if an athlete seriously wants to succeed in weightlifting. Training in reduced and increased amplitude also works well. For example, pulling off the plinths will help you do better hitting and squatting, while deadlifts from the pit will improve your speed on a stall.

The principle of periodization of loads is also important. Crossfit and weightlifting are not sports where you can progress from day to day. Sooner or later, this will turn into stagnation, and in the worst case, serious injury. The alternation of the load will allow not to overtrain the muscles and the articular-ligamentous apparatus, and will also help to mentally move away from heavy weights and work for wear.

Crossfit complexes with a barbell snatch

Weightlifting exercises formed the basis of more than a dozen functional complexes. We will consider the most interesting of them in the table below.

Dinner of a mammothDo 15 jumps from the chest, 30 double jumps, 15 jumps from the chest, 20 burpees, 20 front squats, 30 double jumps, and 25 jumps. The task is to complete everything in the shortest possible time.
The big dirtyRun 400 meters, followed by 40 squats, front squats, and overhead squats. Then again a 400 meter race and 40 push and jerk barbells from the chest and jerks. Then a 400-meter race, 40 power captures of the barbell to the chest and snatches of the barbell. At the end, another 400-meter race.
Crossfit Games Open 15.1Perform 15 bar raises, 10 deadlifts, and 5 bar jerks. The task is to complete the maximum number of rounds in 9 minutes.

    What is required

    The clean and jerk is one of the classic weightlifting exercises that has migrated to functional crossfit training.

    Due to the technical complexity of the exercise, as a rule, the barbell push is included in the training program by more experienced and trained athletes, however, many beginners try to perform the push (unfortunately, often incorrectly) in their training. In our article today, we will share with you a methodology for teaching the correct execution of the barbell push and help to minimize the risk of injury.

    What we have today according to plan:

    • Why should you do a barbell push?
    • Exercise technique
    • Mistakes of novice athletes
    • Official sports standards
    • How to achieve an increase in power indicators at a point?
    • Crossfit workouts with a barbell push.

    Why is this exercise needed?

    As a child, even before I seriously began to get involved in sports, I loved watching weightlifting competitions. This is truly a great sport, and many athletes, such as Yuri Petrovich Vlasov, Leonid Ivanovich Zhabotinsky, Vasily Ivanovich Alekseev and others, left a truly enormous sports heritage, and their phenomenal results continue to motivate athletes from all over the world even after decades.

    Weightlifters perform the clean and jerk in competition, and their main task is to lift the most weight. In CrossFit, we pursue a slightly different goal, doing the clean and jerk primarily to increase tonnage and overall training intensity.

    I don’t know about you, but for me the complexes that contain the barbell push are the most difficult because of the decent working weights and the need to follow the correct technique without question. If you read the total tonnage for a workout, you get a huge number. But after completing all the complexes, no matter how difficult they are, a feeling of satisfaction comes, as I realize that I have worked 100%.

    The following muscles work during the barbell push: the quadriceps, glutes, spinal extensors, and deltoids. Therefore, I recommend correctly distributing the load during the week, for example, not doing heavy weightlifting exercises in one workout and heavy deadlifts and front squats in another. Thus, your muscles simply will not have time to recover, overtraining will come, which will lead to a complete lack of progress in training, constant muscle pain, chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances and depletion of the central nervous system.

    Barbell push technique

    Due to the technical complexity of the exercise, I recommend that you seek help from a competent specialist. Below I will try to describe in as much detail as possible the correct technique for performing the push, but only with a look from the outside can you soberly evaluate the technique, point out mistakes and help the ward achieve the desired result.

    The standing jerk is a technically challenging exercise, and professional weightlifters have been honing the technique for years. The jerk of the bar implies a huge range of motion, and the movement itself consists of several stages: ripping the bar off the floor, undermining, squatting, pushing and squatting "scissors". Each stage should be worked out separately in order to fully understand the biomechanics of movement. In no case should you rush if you are not given a separate stage. Start practicing them with minimal weights until the trainer is happy with your technique. Then you can start pushing, again starting with low weights.

    Breaking the bar off the floor

    Starting position:

    • Feet shoulder width apart;
    • Hands hold the bar slightly wider than the shoulders with a "lock" grip;
    • The toes are slightly apart, the center of gravity lies on the heels;
    • We keep the back perfectly straight, while maintaining the natural lordosis in the lower back;
    • Shoulders are taken slightly back, the gaze is directed forward.

    Our task is to lift the barbell off the floor with the help of a powerful effort from the legs and back and give it the proper acceleration in order to throw it onto the chest. Raise the bar just above the knee, while the bar should be as close to the shin as possible.


    In order to give the barbell acceleration and throw it on the chest, you need to straighten your legs and body, stand up on your toes (a small jump is allowed), bend your arms and “accept” it with your chest, while at the same time starting to lower yourself into a squat. In this case, the elbows should be brought out in front of you.


    When the bar is at the level of the solar plexus, we begin to squat under it, while starting it with the movement of the shoulders to the chest. If everything is done correctly, about halfway down the squat, the bar should "fall" on your chest. We sit down with her on our chest in full amplitude, get up and fix ourselves. We have a couple of seconds to gather our strength and prepare for pushing out. During the push of the barbell, the elbows should be turned away from each other in such a way that the barbell lies not on your chest, but on your shoulders.

    Ejection + scissor squat

    With an explosive movement of the legs and buttocks, we begin to push the bar upward, while performing the "scissor" squat. Some weightlifters perform the split squat, but due to the anatomical features of most people, the scissor squat is easier for them and allows them to lift more weight. We make a small jump, bringing one leg forward and the other back. The movement is similar to barbell lunges. As soon as we have caught the balance point, we put the back leg to the front and fix ourselves in this position. The barbell can now be dropped to the floor.

    Detailed training in the technique of pushing the barbell on the video:

    Another helpful video:

    Common beginner mistakes

  1. The pushing out of the bar is carried out primarily due to the efforts of the quadriceps and buttocks, while the deltas and triceps are responsible for stabilizing the projectile. Do not confuse the clean and jerk with a Schwung or an army press, here we do not shake our shoulders, we violate the laws of physics.
  2. Do not snatch and jerk with regular sneakers or sneakers. Do not spare a few thousand rubles and buy specialized high-quality weightlifting shoes, they will help keep the body in the correct position during the squat. At one time, I added 40 kg to the squat with a bar in two workouts, simply by switching from sneakers to weightlifting shoes. The clean and jerk progress was not long in coming either.
  3. See a sensible trainer. You will hardly be able to deliver the correct push technique on your own, only with a look from the outside can you make adjustments to the technique, relying on the individual anatomical features of the body.
  4. Pay particular attention to stretching the arms and elbows. When the bar is placed on the chest and the elbows are pulled forward, the joints and ligaments are under enormous stress. Use static-dynamic exercises to further strengthen your ligaments and tendons.


Table of standards for men (amount: clean and jerk + snatch, kg):

Weight categoryCombined event (kg)
AdultsBoys 11-15 years old
MSMKMCCCM1 2 3 1 jun2 jun3 jun
34 kg90 82 76 70 64 58 52
38 kg105 96 88 80 72 64 56
42 kg120 110 100 90 80 70 60
46 Kg130 119 108 97 86 75 64
50 Kg180 150 137 124 110 96 82 68
56 kg255 205 170 154 138 122 106 90 74
62 kg285 230 190 170 152 134 116 98 80
69 kg315 255 205 185 165 145 125 106 87
77 kg350 280 235 210 187 164 141 118 95
85 kg365 295 250 225 200 175 151 127 103
94 kg385 310 260 235 210 185 162 137 112
+94 kg315 265 240 215 190 167 142 117
105 kg400 320 270 245 220 195
+105 kg415 325 275 250 225 200

Table of standards for women (amount: jerk + snatch, kg):

Weight categoryCombined event (kg)
AdultsGirls 11-15 years old
MSMKMCCCM1 2 3 1 jun2 jun3 jun
34 kg80 72 66 60 54 48 42
36 kg85 77 71 65 58 51 44
40 kg90 83 76 69 62 55 48
44 kg120 100 92 84 76 68 60 52
48 kg165 130 105 96 88 80 72 64 56
53 kg180 140 115 106 97 88 79 70 61
58 kg190 150 125 115 105 96 86 76 66
63 kg205 160 135 125 115 104 93 82 71
69 kg215 170 145 135 125 113 101 89 77
75 kg225 180 150 138 127 116 105 94 83
+75 kg185 155 143 132 121 110 99 88
90 Kg230 190 160 150 140 130
90 kg +235 195 165 155 145 135

How to progress on the clean and jerk?

The secret of a powerful push is to work out individual phases of movement and perform auxiliary exercises.

Crossfit complexes

The table below contains several CrossFit workouts containing a barbell push. Attention: this is definitely not suitable for beginners, as it combines all the elements of a truly "hardcore" training, namely: heavy working weights, high intensity, explosive exercise performance, huge tonnage and complex load on all muscle groups.

Bodybuilding teaches you to train your muscles separately. Such a system perfectly pumps the muscles, but destroys muscle coordination. That is, the muscles learn to work all together in one period of time. Do a little test: Try a bar flip lift. Did not work out? Meanwhile, this simple exercise is easily performed by skinny first-year soldiers.

It is clear that none of them will overcome your working weight, say, in the bench press, even 1-2 times. However, to become a well-rounded athlete, it is necessary to pump and coordinate muscles. An excellent exercise for this is weightlifting snatch, which forces the entire muscles to work. In addition, the snatch has a huge training potential - working weights can be increased for years, and with them you can increase your muscle coordination!

Snatch technique

  • Weightlifters perform a snatch from the floor, but for us bodybuilders this technique is not very convenient. We will use a slightly different starting position in which the bar is held in the middle of the thighs. So, grab the barbell with a very wide grip and lean forward slightly so that the projection of the bar is on the middle of your thighs.
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and bend your legs slightly at the knees - as if you are preparing for a vertical jump upward.
  • With a powerful, accentuated effort of all muscles, pull the bar upward. This effort, in terms of its strength, should be really powerful, while the vector of movement of the bar should be directed straight up. This movement should be followed by not only the barbell, but the whole body, forcing you to stand on your toes.
  • As soon as the bar is at the top point, it will freeze there for a fraction of a second. Just during this time, you have to make another difficult movement: quickly sit down under the bar, turn your hands and take the weight of the bar on your straight arms. At the same time, slowly lower yourself into the squat, absorbing the inertia of the return movement of the bar. In addition, at the lowest point you have to stop for a while to balance the weight of the bar and prevent it from overturning you on your back.
  • After these movements, the legs are actively involved in the work. They will help you get out of the squat by holding the barbell in straight arms over your head. I must say that this is a very complex movement that bears little resemblance to classic squats. Due to biomechanics, you will be forced to rise from the squat with a perfectly flat back, transferring your body weight to your heels.
  • When you straighten up, repeat the movement in a mirror-like manner: return the barbell to your chest, turn your hands and lower the barbell to mid-thighs. Get ready for another repetition.

Where to include the weightlifting snatch?

Turn the snatch into a complex to pump the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle. As an example, I will present an example training program.

Exercises Approaches Repetitions
Dash 5 4
Bench press standing 5 8, 8, 10, 10, 10
Seated side raises 4 8, 8, 12, 12
Lifting the bar in front of you 2 10
Bent over side raises 2 10

At first, your main problem will be poor muscle coordination and inadequate knowledge of technique. Use an empty bar to practice your technique, and then gradually build up the load. In no case do not chase the working weight.

The snatch perfectly develops muscle coordination even with a relatively small working weight.

Related Videos: "The technique of performing the weightlifting snatch"

Barbell push is a competitive movement in weightlifting, which practically affects all muscle groups and consists of several phases. In general, all exercises in heavy athletics consist of several phases, which facilitates the process of studying technology. Barbell push consists of stripping the bar from the floor, pulling, taking the bar-gi to the chest and shvun-ga or push into the scissors. Beginners are advised to first learn the technique of getting the barbell squat and the army press, then the deadlift, after which they include the barbell lifts in the program. -no-time-me-but from-ra-ba-you-vaya all the movement is whole-lump with a stick. All this is necessary in order to develop a technical skill, there is nothing to look for in weightlifting without something.

The barbell jerk is not such a difficult exercise as the snatch, but in it the power indicators are op-re-de-la-yut, first of all, not by the strength of the muscles, but by the skill of the athlete ko-or-di-ni- to break their work, that is why it is so important to permanently improve their technical skills. The strong ha-rak-te-ris-ti-ki of the muscles are, of course, just as important, but for the most part they should be trained in exercises that are, as it were, between us-mi eta-pa-mi so-roar-no-va-tel-th movement, or in special general-development-vi-va-yu-shih exercises. This does not mean that in training cha-zhe-lo-at-le-ta there is no place for strong jerks or jerks, but they are only an element of a ready-to-go the rest of the friction process.

Muscle and joint work

Weightlifting from other power sports, for example, pa-uer-lift-ting-ga, is distinguished by the extraordinary di-na-mich-ness of all co-rev-no-va-tel movements, therefore during their implementation, not only the fast muscular system takes on the load, but also the slow muscle fibers. Slow fibers, mainly concentrated, are three-ro-vains in the post-that-ral muscle layers, which are in-ner-vi-ru-that as a whole, so that a push for-act-tvu-e them all. Fast muscle fibers are located in the upper muscles, whose work is more in-di-vi-doo-a-li-zi-ro-va-na. But in this case, the athlete loads all the muscles, just the degree of their inertia is different depending on the phase of the exercise.

During the barbell push, almost all muscle groups receive the load, which, in turn, loads almost all joints, but in the first phase, more nor and the hip joint, and in the final - the shoulder and knee. It is precisely this that is the reason for the complexity of the coordination of movements, but at the same time, it is precisely because of the fact that the load ras-pre-de-la-is-Xia between a large number of muscle groups, and it is possible to lift such impressive weights. True, one cannot do without stretching, so everyone who wants to do weightlifting, or wants to include ty-lo-at-le-ti-ch-ch-ki exercises in their third no-ro-woc-no program, no-about-ho-di-mo to take time stretching .

Barbell push - scheme

1) Get into the starting position, as in the classic deadlift, only the socks look to the sides, and the barbell is locked, that is, cover the big finger with the rest of your fingers.
2) You begin to "perform" the deadlift, but when the bar is over the knee, there is a break, as in lifting the bar to the chest.
3) Performing a detonation, you simultaneously go out on your toes and pull up the tra-pe-chi-ei barbell, pulling it up with your feet and performing broach , and at the point when the bar is max-si-mal-but you-so-ko, you pod-ki-dy-wa-e-te up, "freeing from it" and at one time under it, under-sa-zhi-va-e-tes, in general, you perform lifting of the barbell to the chest.
4) When the barbell is on your chest, you sit down a little and push it up, like when you are doing an army press, but after the bar crosses the line of the eyes, under it -di-mo get hooked.
5) The squat is performed either as a shvung, or as a scissor split, which each at-year decides for himself individually, since, depending on the constitution, it is more convenient for everyone to push in his own way ...

Barbell push - special exercises

1) The push into a low sit is a classic push, during which the athlete, pushing the bar-gu up in the final phase, performs a full squat.
2) The push from the skirting is the execution of the classic push of the bar from the platform of 15-20 cm, for example, you can use 50 kg thick weightlifting plates.
3) The push of the chest is the execution of only the final phase of the exercise, without lifting the barbell to the chest, that is, the athlete simply removes the barbell from the rack.
4) Pause Jerk - This exercise involves a 1-3 second delay at half-time-half-time or full-time before completing the exercise.
5) A push from behind the head is, in fact, a push from behind the head, which allows you to develop mobility of the shoulder joint.
6) Jogging - performing deadlifts with toes spread apart, going out onto the toes and with scars in the final phase of the exercise.


The postural muscle layers are mainly concentrated in the limbs, therefore the strength of this muscular system correlates with the likelihood of injury, in connection with which, re-co-men-mind to single out periods for training of this particular muscular system. Also, re-co-me-do-e-xia include in the preparation training of ties and su-ho-zhi-liy , since the ability of the nervous system to produce more or less powerful nerve impulses depends on their condition. The fast muscular system op-de-de-la-ets the maximum strength indicators of the athlete, therefore, its training cannot be pre-neat. The technical skill of the athlete closes this circle and allows you to use all the or-ga-niz-ma systems to the maximum.

Summing up, it should be said that the barbell jerk is an effective exercise for the general development of the body; no skill and it is recommended to include pa-uer-bod-te-ram and bo-di-bil-de-ram in the power cycle. This exercise will be especially useful for age-related athletes, since with age there is a natural atrophy of the postural muscle layers, and exercises like a push can slow this process down. But to the question-ro-su of the integration of this control-of-non-tion in the tre-ni-ro-voc-ny program should be approached once-cleverly and with face-nose-ty, since-as-ku, making technical mistakes, you can inflict injuries on yourself. Be careful, but remember, only the one who does nothing is not mistaken!