What is the human biofield. Strong biofield in humans, signs. Study of the Subtle Bodies of Man

The energy of a person may not always be in perfect tone, especially since there are many factors of external influence on the aura.

Internal problems also lead to a deterioration of the thin shell, so people often ask the question if they are worried about a weak biofield: what to do with such bad energy? Unfortunately, this difficulty cannot be solved with a single exercise or cleansing session because it requires a holistic lifestyle approach.

Bad human aura: signs

Many people are in no hurry to sound the alarm if they notice a deterioration in their energetic well-being. However, the longer an individual stays in such a state of aura decline, the more difficult the recovery process will be.

There is a possibility, for example, that due to a weak biofield or its negative background, a person will subconsciously want to become an energy vampire or sticky. Therefore, it is best to recognize the symptoms of a weakened aura immediately. The main signs of this problem are:

  • Suppression by other people, i.e. quick absorption of strong energy from other people. However, the external message may not always be good. Because of this, a person with a weak aura does not like crowds of people; she feels changes in mood and physical well-being.
  • Low resistance energy attacks. With a weak aura, it is very easy to become a target of sorcerers and magicians, as well as those who are used to siphoning out the remnants of energy from a person who is tired of such a situation. The carrier of such a biofield may feel that they are constantly crawling into his soul, spoiling his mood, and confusing him.
  • Decreased immunity... Energy protects the individual from diseases, therefore, its weakening leads to the activity of pathogens of chronic ailments. A weak human biofield can cause the development of incurable diseases: cancer and AIDS. Low energy levels also increase the risk of injury.
  • Constant fatigue and aggressiveness... Such a person loses confidence in himself, he gets irritated and is in an internal conflict between reality and his own desires. Carriers of a weak aura are characterized by low self-control, they feel like failures and seem to call on the environment to humiliate them.
  • Development of psychosomatic and emotional ailments... An underestimated biofield level leads to the development of depression, neuroses, and serious breakdowns. The bearer of a weak aura has many dark thoughts in his head; a negative flow of energy can even emanate from him.
  • Deterioration of the socialization process... Already from childhood, a person with a weakened aura notices that it is more difficult for him to learn. Peers treat him cruelly, he is often teased and scolded in the environment. At work, such a subject has many complaints, he hardly adapts in a team. Marital relationships and contacts with children are also complicated.

Signs of a carrier of heavy energy

In addition to a weak flow of energy, a person with a problem biofield may have a severe aura, i.e. negative character of thin shells. Here's how it manifests itself:

  • People always want to stay away from such a person. She can be friendly and interesting, but subconsciously you will still feel rejection.
  • This can be a very annoying person. He craves communication because he is an energy leech. Such a person has problems with replenishing energy, she steals other people's reserves, taking away vitality. A subject of this type is persistent and conflicted, likes to humiliate and argue, shows aggression. After such an event, the bearer of a bad, heavy aura feels cheerful and fresh.
  • As a result of prolonged communication with the owner of the negative biofield, general malaise is observed. You may get a headache, dizziness will intensify, your mood will deteriorate. The feeling of emptiness, fatigue, depression persists.
  • The carrier of heavy energy is often angry and nervous. He has problems with the rational use of time, he does not get enough sleep. Such people cannot turn on houseplants and pets, because they, too, get sick and weaken before our eyes. A bad aura is a companion to chronic fatigue.

The carriers of low energy or heavy biofield can also be energy sticks. This type of personality does not take energy from others, but is actively introduced into the living space of acquaintances, trying to stay there for a longer time.

These people spread the maximum amount of negativity to the environment that accumulates in them. You can recognize the owner of such an aura by constant requests for help, intrusive calls and meetings. Moreover, during each problem, such people look for the guilty ones among those who were with them.

Energy sticklers do not provoke conflicts, but they enjoy other people's sympathy and moral support.

If the energy of the owner of such a biofield is not only weak, but also clearly negative, you can feel discomfort and anxiety next to him.

Why is the aura weak

Before dealing with the identified symptoms of deteriorated energy, one should find out the reason for the decrease in the biofield. After all, if the influence on the aura is carried out almost daily, no methods of strengthening it will help.

So, what are the factors that weaken a person's energy and make him unviable?

Severe illnesses

Any ailment that touches even a small part of the body or one organ is reflected in the biofield of the personality. At the beginning, the aura may fade or fade at a specific point, then it becomes dirty and forms gaps in itself.

With such holes, it is difficult to guarantee the full movement of energy, so a person begins to weaken every day. Low biofield is noted in the elderly, physical development in whom it falls every day, as well as those who are in the hospital or seriously suffer from an active disease.

Researcher Rafi Rosen, for example, claims that chronically ill individuals either lack all layers of bioenergy, or only one remains. And this despite the fact that the norm is 5-10 dense layers of the so-called orgone.

Unhealthy Lifestyle

If an individual does not eat properly, rarely goes out into the fresh air, does not know how to properly allocate time between leisure and work, suffers from stress and suppresses his fears about complexes, his body and soul suffer. As a consequence, a weakening of the aura occurs.

This also happens with low physical activity (or, conversely, strong loads), due to the abundance of bad habits. It is obvious that promiscuous sexual relations also weaken the biofield, because a person literally gives away his energy potential.

Poor psycho-emotional state

People who ask when a weak aura of a person managed to become apparent rarely think about the fact that all our thoughts and feelings affect the state of the biofield. If a person often experiences panic, anger, fear, anxiety or anger, he unconsciously reduces the volume of his aura, prevents the energy from circulating normally, because he blocks the chakras with his negative.

In addition, manipulations by other people also often depress the aura and close the energy field. Inflicted psychological trauma, bouts of jealousy, imbalance and increased excitability, envy, curses and betrayal - all these everyday facts from our lives cause breaks in the biofield, due to which the energy loses its shape and symmetry.

Energy exchange problems

To release energy outward, affecting the environment in an invisible way, and to receive currents from the world - these are natural processes for the biofield of a healthy person. If an individual falls into the so-called energy vacuum, his aura immediately loses its strength and beauty.

The situation can be solved only by changing the environment or changing its energy. You need to surround yourself with flowers, useful natural materials, objects with a positive and strong biofield.

Energy Vampire Actions

People who do not like to build up a stable aura through self-improvement often steal strength from the environment. Such personalities feed on negative emotions, they want to bore someone. When the victim's feelings get out of control, she becomes completely defenseless in terms of energy, which means that her life streams can simply be pumped out.

As a result of such actions, the aura strongly loses in density and size, it acquires breakdowns. In addition, along with energetic chaos and a stream of negative thoughts comes a deterioration in the condition, for example, loss of vision or hearing, tachycardia. The energy vampire himself receives the recharge he needs and calms down for a while.

Loss of energy double

There is an opinion that each subject has a person on the planet who is intended for him in terms of energetic correspondence. If the connection with the energy twin is broken or he died, the circulation of currents in the biofield is disrupted, and a weak aura arises. This problem can be solved only with the help of special practices that will ensure the fusion of biofields in twins or pick up a new twin.

As a rule, the energy double is a person of the opposite sex who is not a blood relative.

Weakened biofield: methods of struggle

In a hectic and chaotic world, where literally all media are permeated with negativity, it is not uncommon for the aura to deplete. In addition, a bad environment can lead to the fact that even from birth, a person will have a naturally weak biofield. What to do in such a situation? Of course, if an individual feels great and does not experience difficulties in life, he should not pay too much attention to this topic.

But if problems with the chakras are noticeable and the outer energy shell has become extremely thinned, you need to reconsider your views on life, change your attitude towards people and yourself. Learn to focus on your own power reserve, clean your energy regularly, and remember to believe in the best.

A powerful biofield in humans can be easily identified by the following features:

  • No chronic diseases, perfect health and the physical state;
  • Without visible effort, a person achieves success in any endeavors. Luck is clearly with him;
  • Attracts people, behaves friendly, easily makes new acquaintances;
  • He knows how to learn a lesson from trouble, does not get upset over trifles, looks with optimism to the future;
  • Can draw crowds with him, often occupies leadership positions;
  • Strives for change, does not sit in one place for a long time, is in continuous search;
  • When touched, energy is felt in the palms - this is a strong biofield. Often such people have psychic abilities, they can relieve pain.
  • The inner warmth emanating from a person is clearly felt.
  • Acts as a wise mentor, knows how to listen, gives practical advice.

The owner of a strong biofield can be easily identified in a crowd. Man - radiates powerful energy flows. He knows how not only to take energy from the outside, but also to give it, shares it with others. Gives a powerful impulse of positive mood into space.

Signs of a strong energy biofield are found in people with negative thoughts. They carry in themselves a huge clot of negative energy, aimed at destruction and chaos.

Varieties of energy potential

Receiving energy, a person, due to his natural characteristics, disposes of it in different ways, directs it in a positive or negative direction. The energy potential of a person is divided into the following types:

  • Mirror energy. Feeling a positive or negative impact on himself, a person always gives back energy flows. Protecting yourself from any external influences. An effective technique for the development of mirror technology: mentally imagine a reflecting surface in front of the interlocutor, if the thoughts are unclean, then everything said will come back without reaching the goal.
  • Protective wall. Alien energy flows, like a ball, bounce off a person and fall into space. The disadvantage of this type is that a negative message can bounce off the wall in the opposite direction and affect an innocent person.
  • Energy absorption. Like a sponge, it absorbs any information flows. Strives to participate in all social processes, to be aware of all events. Such a person has a powerful effect on the energy of the environment. Able to process negative, radiating positive vibrations into space. That subsequently weakens the biofield.
  • Self-destruction. A person collects all energy waste on himself. It processes it, multiplying it many times, fencing it off from the environment. Creates a cocoon around itself, saturated with negativity.
  • Energy filter. Man has the strongest biofield. Can absorb energy in large quantities and transform it. Charging the interlocutor with positive, changing his thinking, clearing his mind.
  • Mediator. Every third person is endowed with this energy potential. People accept flows of information, without doing anything with it, return it back to space.
  • Energy leech (vampire). Due to the lack of their own energy, they feed on the emotions of others, depleting the interlocutor's biofield.

How to strengthen internal energy

It happens that a person feels constant fatigue, problems are driven into a corner. This is a consequence of the violation of the integrity of the energy shell. Questions arise: "How to make the biofield strong?", "How to protect yourself from negative impact? ". There are several effective ways:

  • Give up bad habits completely. Alcohol and smoking for a short period of time create a false sense of happiness. Subsequently, they take many times more, depriving them of vitality.
  • Negative emotions: resentment, pain, fear, hatred, anger - kill all the good in a person.
  • Music is a powerful charge of vivacity. Favorite pieces of music are able to restore energy balance in a few minutes.
  • Favorite hobbies. Activities for the soul that bring true pleasure attract positive information flows. People doing what they love always achieve great success.
  • Circle of friends. It is necessary to understand whether someone from the immediate environment has a strong biofield. It is with such a person that you should spend more time.
  • Meditation. The ideal path to self-discovery. After meditation, the biofield is cleared of negativity and receives many times more positive information.
  • Clear life goals. If there is a cherished desire, the universe will fill a person with the energy necessary to fulfill it.
  • Charity. Do good without thinking about self-interest. The soul becomes easy, free.
  • Service in the temple. After a church service, a person's biofield increases several times. Sincere prayer works miracles.
  • Sports activities. With physical exertion, the accumulated negative comes out of the body.
  • Pets. They are able to cleanse a person's aura, take on the negativity, and protect from diseases.
  • Love. The power of love will destroy all barriers, fill the heart with warmth.

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On our pages, from time to time we publish materials devoted to unusual facts, phenomena, teachings and concepts that modern science considers pseudoscientific (for example). But, despite their so-called pseudoscience, many of these concepts are actively supported by a huge number, one might say, alternatively thinking people around the world, because knowledge about them and even their practice can serve a person excellently, having a positive effect on health and life in general. ...

It is to this category that the esoteric concept of the human biofield belongs, which says that around a person and other living beings there is a certain conglomeration of energy fields that are generated by these living organisms or their organs. The idea of ​​a biofield is often used to substantiate parapsychological phenomena, such as, for example, the therapeutic effect of non-contact massage.

How did the term "biofield" appear?

For the first time, the concept of "cellular field" was used by the Soviet biologist Alexander Gurvich in his 1944 work "Theory of the biological field". The concept was intended to denote a putative anisotropic field of a physical nature, which determines cellular and molecular ordering in the space of an organism or its organs. It was assumed that the biofield is genetically determined and associated with heredity.

In addition, Gurvich believed that the biological field, being electromagnetic, manifests itself in the form of radiation, which is in the near and medium ultraviolet. And the radiation intensity is equal to the average indicator from 300 to 1000 photons / cm².

One of the varieties of the "cell field" Gurvich called the "cell division field", which is ultraviolet mitogenetic radiation that occurs during the process of cell mitosis and stimulates it in the range from 190 to 326 nanometers. And the boundary of the long wave (326 nanometers) was determined by the scientist as the minimum energy required for a hydrogen atom to be split off from the amino group, which is part of amino acids. Hence, it turns out that the theoretical constructions of "cell division" are based on the fact that ultraviolet radiation acts as a carrier of energy required to activate protein synthesis and cell division.

In subsequent years, attempts were made to apply the available data to the patterns of development of organisms, but they did not bring much success, which can be judged at least by the fact that today the process of ontogeny is interpreted mainly from a molecular biological point of view.

In the period from the 60s to the 70s of the XX century, the term "biofield" began to be used for the most part by supporters of esoteric and parapsychological groups, and in the late 70s and early 80s it became an element of everyday vocabulary. Subsequently, the concept acquired the status of pseudoscientific and began to be used not only ordinary people but also by the media. In the scientific community, it has practically ceased to be used.

The esoteric meaning of the biofield

According to esoteric views, simultaneously with the physical body of a person, there is also a bioenergetic one. The biofield is an invisible structure that contains information about all the characteristics of a person: his desires and aspirations, feelings and, lifestyle and thoughts and, of course, health. Given that it can be interpreted in different ways, in some cases the biofield is also called an energy field or aura.

As a rule, the human biofield can be recorded or seen in most cases only with the help of special equipment. However, people with extrasensory abilities also have this ability. As they say knowledgeable people(we will not cite specific personalities here, but refer to anonymous sources), the biofield is an egg-shaped sphere enveloping a person.

The energy field is designed to protect a person from the harmful effects of the external environment, for example, from ailments, diseases, negative emotions, fatigue and everything that can cause him any damage.

The size of the biofield is different for each person. And while in some people it can be very faint and barely noticeable, in others it can be very dense and strong. And here it is very important to say that the denser and stronger the aura, the better for a person, because through such energy protection it is very difficult to penetrate any negative manifestations, for example, bad mood, or diseases.

How to find out how strong the biofield is?

As we have already said, the human energy body can be measured using a special device. But, unfortunately, not many people have such a technique. Therefore, we offer you a way by which you, without any devices, can determine how strong or weak your biofield is.

To find out, you need to try to observe your mood and well-being over a certain period of time. If you notice that you are often plagued by illness, you are easily irritated, your mood leaves much to be desired, and there is some inexplicable discomfort inside, this is an indicator that your biofield is very weak.

Almost always, people whose energy potential is at a low level experience external influences throughout their lives, which, in turn, has an extremely negative effect not only on health and well-being, but also on things such as careers, financial position, romantic and family relationships etc. In addition, if a person has a weak aura, ill-wishers, if there are any, of course, will have no difficulty in jinxing him, inducing a love spell or damage. Even some rude words in his direction can harm him.

In the same case, if you feel completely different: you have, most of the time, you experience positive emotions, you are in a good mood, and you feel a surge of strength, then your energy field is strong enough to properly perform its primary functions. ... In such a situation, you have nothing to worry about.

But be that as it may, anyone should know at least a few methods that can help restore the aura. Especially, of course, this applies to those whose energy field does not differ in good performance.

How to restore the energy field?

The work of rebuilding the energy field is a painstaking process, but everyone has the opportunity to rebuild it if they so desire. And today there are several effective methods for this. We will tell you about the most common and accessible of them.

This method is breathing meditation... It is performed as follows: you need to take a comfortable position (it is generally recommended to sit in the lotus, half-lotus or Turkish position), sit a little and gradually begin to inhale and exhale air currents. Breathe in with your nose and exhale with your mouth.

During inhalation, you need to imagine how, together with the air, you inhale positive energy, and during exhalation - how, together with the air, all the negative energy that has accumulated over a long time or during the day comes out. In total, at least forty breaths should be done. Then you need to imagine how the positive light energy you received spreads over the area of ​​the surrounding biofield, and also do the following: easily massage the chin, temples, forehead, earlobes and chin.

  • Try not to get involved in quarrels and conflicts
  • If possible, refrain from, and especially those programs and films that can cause negative emotions, aggression, melancholy, fear, etc.
  • Do not wish anyone harm, do not be rude to people and watch your speech - avoid swearing and obscene language
  • Do your best to keep your mood and thoughts positive.

These tips will allow you to make your biofield stronger and stronger, and you yourself, like your life, will begin to change for the better, because the constructive influence of a strong aura will manifest itself both on the internal and external levels.

The real causes of diseases are recorded in the aura! To recognize them, you need to see the human biofield. You can do this by mastering this technique!

Where to find the causes of health problems in life?

Modern Scientific research begin to come to the same knowledge that is described in ancient texts.

It turns out that a person has not only a material body, he has other bodies, called subtle. All of them are combined in the human biofield (aura¹). It directly affects the work of the body and at the same time expresses the emotional and physical state of a person.

There are healers and psychics who, according to the state of the aura, are able to diagnose diseases, identify psychological problems and successfully heal them.

But each person is able to diagnose himself! For this, it is only necessary to develop some superpowers, that is, extrasensory perception and vision of the aura.

In this article, you will find a simple exercise designed to conduct biofield energy diagnostics at home. With the help of it, you can independently determine obvious and potential diseases, as well as find places of energy holes in the biofield!

Ability development: how to diagnose human biofield?

The most convenient thing is to learn to see the aura on another person. This can be a close person or friend who can stand motionless for some time. It will have to be on a white or light background.

1. The practitioner sits down a few meters from the assistant and focuses his gaze on him.

A person should be at such a distance that he can be seen in full growth.

2. The practitioner stares intently at the navel of the person you are studying for 10-15 minutes.

Diffuse gaze - it is necessary to look intently at a certain point and at the same time cover the entire image that the eyes are capable of giving.

Unblinking gaze is the secret of so many esoteric practices! It allows you to go beyond the usual visible world, to develop extrasensory perception. Such a look is necessary in order to see the human biofield.

At first it may seem difficult, the unblinking gaze needs to be trained. At first, when you want to blink, you can slightly squint your eyes and moisten the cornea with liquid, but do not close them.

3. In a few minutes the practitioner will see the etheric body - a transparent shell very close to the physical body. After some time, he will begin to see the very human biofield. With experience, a person will see it in details and colors.

4. At first, the practitioner pays attention to what tones the person's energy shell is: if the tones are light, this is a good sign; if the colors are dark and muddy, then the person is sick.

5. A person looks closely, examines the width and size of the biofield. The longer and more closely you look, the more detail will become visible.

If a person is sick or has a predisposition to the disease, you can see dark spots, gray or black fog on various parts of his body. These are places of energy holes in the aura.

In fact, seeing the biofield and finding the reasons for its features is a real art that has been developed over the years! Much here also has to do with human intuition².

With experience, you will be able to learn to see the aura instantly and analyze the state of a person's health from his photograph.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Aura in esotericism and parapsychology is a shell invisible to the human eye that surrounds the human body, or any other living object, that is, an animal, plant, mineral, etc. (

Currently, there is an active debate about whether the aura, also known as the human biofield, really exists, or is it just the inventions of charlatans and medical practitioners of alternative medicine. Of course, the existence of a certain shell, invisible to the eye, around the body, it is difficult for rational thinking to imagine, but nevertheless, a person and his consciousness itself are such complex phenomena that it is also not easy to explain this complexity by the theory of evolution.

Improbability Theory: Biofield

Aura concept

Among those who recognize the existence of the aura, there is no unambiguous definition of this concept. Usually, the aura is understood as the field surrounding a person, be it energetic or some other. This is a kind of outer shell of the body. Often, the aura is also interpreted as emanating from a person. We will understand by the aura a transparent shell surrounding the body, a kind of energy field.

The human biofield is an integral part of the energy of the cosmos, therefore the aura can be fed from various carriers of energy: positively charged places (churches, temples), water, trees, the sun. Many people have noticed that in temples and churches they feel much better, feel peace of mind and peace. The same happens when one is united with nature. The reason for these seemingly unusual phenomena is that the aura receives its nourishment from the general cosmic energy.

The body and the surrounding aura are indivisible and can only exist together. According to some approaches, the aura has a certain color and shade, which carries a significant information load. Mediums and psychics are able to determine by the aura whether a person is healthy, what is his state of mind. Sometimes the aura can also show up in photographs. The presence of an aura helps to explain such phenomena as a halo over the head of saints, clear associations of a particular person with any color.

It is believed that not only humans, but also animals and even plants have their own energy shell. These shells interact with each other. For example, after petting a cat, a person gets pleasure because he is positively influenced by the aura of the cat's body. The animal also experiences joy, the auras thus interact, enriching and nourishing each other. On the contrary, there are people with whom you feel discomfort, and after prolonged communication - even a deterioration in well-being.

These are the so-called energy vampires, absorbers of someone else's aura, communication with them is dangerous to health and psyche. The strength of the aura depends on the person's age: old people often involuntarily absorb the energy shell of younger people, and small children, on the contrary, disinterestedly give their aura to their parents. The biofield of a dying person is very weak and gradually fades away.

The size of the aura is also not the same: people can differ in their energy, which just depends on the size of the aura. A large aura indicates the presence of a powerful energy field around a person. As a rule, these are strong-willed people, leaders by nature. On the contrary, a small aura indicates weak vital energy, vulnerability, sensitivity.

Biofield through the eyes of a physicist

Aura composition

The composition of the aura, according to the estimates of most researchers, is quite complex. It includes the magnetic field of the human body: according to the approach of the American professor Burr, all animate beings, including humans, possess magnetic fields. The next components of the aura are the gravitational field. Also, a hypothetical torsion field, that is, the space torsion field, is often considered as an element of the human energy shell. However, its existence has not been proven. modern science and is considered at the level of hypothesis.

Biofield. Invisible power

Human aura layers

In the structure of the aura, special energy layers are distinguished, each of which performs specific functions and has its own color. Traditionally, seven layers of the aura are distinguished, and this understanding comes from ancient times: even in Ancient Egypt, the sarcophagi of priests and pharaohs were made in the amount of seven, one was placed in the other, like a nesting doll.

The layers of the aura are divided into even and odd, and the odd layers have a stable structure, and the even ones are amorphous, are in constant motion, consist of ectoplasm and resemble a liquid. The layers are closely intertwined, while they are all at the same level in space, and each subsequent layer can be perceived during the development of consciousness.

  1. The first layer of the aura, the etheric body, can be seen even with the naked eye: if you look at a person in the dark with just the corners of your eyes. This shell is a copy of the physical body, but somewhat larger in size. The first layer of the aura of a healthy person is about 10 cm, while in a sick or unbalanced person it can be depleted or polluted. The color of the etheric body depends on the personality of a person: a pale blue color indicates a delicate and vulnerable soul, and gray indicates a sufficient rigidity and firmness of character.
  2. The second layer of the aura, the vital body, is a complex of specific energies called prana. These energies are responsible for digestion, circulatory system, breathing, and the emotional sphere of a person.
  3. The third layer, also called the lower mental body, governs physical needs and urges: lust, fear, hunger, laziness. This layer is responsible for the satisfaction of individual and selfish needs.
  4. The fourth layer of the aura is responsible for love and affection, sympathy and friendship. A highly developed astral body is characteristic of altruists, selfless benefactors and patrons of the arts.
  5. The fifth layer, the body of the higher astral, governs the willpower of a person. A highly developed fifth layer indicates an incredible talent of a person, his willpower, responsibility and resilience.
  6. The sixth layer, the mental body, is responsible for the development of telepathic abilities and clairvoyance; it is not for nothing that the expression "sixth sense" is very popular. The development of this layer leads to the appearance of intuition in a person, and strong development leads to the appearance of the gift of foresight.
  7. The seventh layer, the most subtle, is known as the karmic body. It is at the level of this layer that interaction with the spiritual energy and mind of the Cosmos takes place.

All seven layers of the aura very rarely interact at the same time; most people have two or three layers active.

Mikhail Velichko. Body, Material Biofield (Aura) and Soul

Aura color

The color of a person's aura can change depending on his emotional state, and each emotion has its own color. Hatred, anger, thirst for revenge leave black spots on the aura, anger has red tints; the biofield of the egoist is gray, the jealous is gray-green. Brown has the aura of a stupid or greedy person. Positive emotions also affect the color of the shell: politeness is bright green, love gives the aura a crimson hue. Blue color speaks of high spirituality, contemplation. The color of the aura can depend on the person's temperament, his psychological makeup and state of health. However, not everyone can see the color of the aura.

The famous clairvoyant Edgar Cayce, by the color of the aura, very subtly determined the mental and physical state of a person. Thus, the lead-gray color of the aura, in his opinion, signals not only poor health, but also self-doubt. The purple aura testifies to the spiritual quest of a person, and the presence of golden and silver radiance in the aura speaks of the unselfishness of the owner, his estate to help others.

Attention should be paid not only to the color, but also to the purity and saturation of the aura. The appearance of black spots on the biofield, the extinction or turbidity of the shell indicates painful phenomena in the body or psyche. Barbara Martin, aura researcher and teacher, claims that in the aura of a healthy person, you can see silver rays emanating from the body in straight lines. If the rays drooped, then this indicates illness or fatigue.

Scientific research of the aura. Kirlian effect

Domestic researcher Semyon Davidovich Kirlian conducted a serious study of the biofield: using the device he created, he photographed various living things in the presence of high-frequency electric fields. Thanks to the developed technology, Kirlian was able to transfer these fields to paper. This proved that all living beings have energy fields of various colors.

Kirlian also managed to find out that the electromagnetic field changes its color depending on the physical and emotional state. These studies were of practical importance, since they helped to identify the onset of the disease at the earliest stage. In the future, the development of Kirlian was continued.

Kirlian's research helped to scientifically prove the existence of a certain shell with an energetic charge, which in yoga and esotericism is usually called the aura.