Is it possible to develop the sense of smell. How to restore the lost sense of smell in a person? How to develop the sense of smell to learn to feel emotions

An increased sense of smell in medicine is called hyperosmia. In this case, even faint odors seem very saturated and intense to a person. A strong reaction to aromas is considered a painful condition and often accompanies certain pathologies. So, what is the reason for this condition?

The essence of pathology

The olfactory analyzer is responsible for the analysis and recognition of aromas. It contains a special type of epithelium, which includes different kinds cells. These include supporting, basal, olfactory.

So, olfactory cells are localized in the structure of the nasal mucosa. On their surface there are olfactory cilia that trap fragrant molecules. All cells are attached to nerve fibers. They are combined into special bundles called axons.

According to these structures, impulses are transmitted to certain areas of the brain. They are instantly analyzed. As a result of determining the key characteristics of the smell - intensity and quality - its classification is carried out. The aroma can be pleasant or unpleasant.

The exacerbation of odors is called hyperosmia. This term refers to a high sensitivity to aromas that are present in the environment. If a person's sense of smell is aggravated, he can catch and recognize even the faintest odors.

In addition to hyperosmia, there are several other types of perception of aromas. These include the following:

  • hyposmia - is to reduce the sense of smell;
  • anosmia - in this case, a person is generally not able to perceive aromas;
  • kakosmiya - while the patient always feels the stench;
  • parosmia - implies a distortion of the information received, which is interpreted by doctors as a kind of olfactory hallucinations.

Symptoms, causes of appearance and methods of treatment differ significantly depending on the clinical picture. To choose the optimal therapy, you should consult a doctor who will conduct a detailed examination. According to its results, the specialist will be able to choose the appropriate treatment.

Causes of heightened sense of smell

The sense of smell is a kind of frontier, which is responsible for filtering odors coming from outside. If, for a certain reason, a failure occurs at some stage, the development of olfactory dysfunction is observed.

The key reasons for the exacerbation of the sense of smell include the following:

A situation in which a person says “I can smell strongly” can be provoked by the long-term use of certain medicines. These include, in particular, amphetamines and thiazides. If you exclude the use of such funds, you can restore the sense of smell in a short time.

Sometimes smells irritate with mental disorders. Hyperosmia may be the first sign of such anomalies:

  • schizophrenia;
  • depression;
  • hysteria;
  • neurasthenia.

A sharp exacerbation of sensitivity to various aromas can be a symptom of a chronic pathology. The main diseases that cause the appearance of such a symptom include the following:

  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis;
  • Turner syndrome;
  • hypothyroidism - is a diffuse toxic goiter.

Sensitivity to all kinds of aromas varies significantly throughout the day. Doctors note that there is a minimum level of perception. When it is reached, a certain level of aromatic molecules causes the analyzer to react.

Men have a lower sensitivity to fragrances. They rarely experience a condition in which they note "strongly react to smells." Representatives of the weak are much more likely to experience hormonal fluctuations. Therefore, they are much more exposed to hyperosmia.

Also, experts note that in children the threshold for smell perception is much lower than in adults. Therefore, babies react quite sharply to various aromas and complain much more often about unpleasant or pungent odors.

In some situations, a feeling of increased sense of smell appears during the period of bearing a child.. This condition is due to hormonal changes that occur in the female body. After childbirth, the balance is gradually restored. This helps to completely eliminate acute susceptibility to odors.

Also, in women, reactions to aromas can change significantly throughout the menstrual cycle. This is due to normal fluctuations in the balance of hormones. Most often, an exacerbation of smell is observed before the onset of menstruation. Also, the onset of ovulation can be the cause of this condition.

Often, increased sensitivity to aromas is the result of the use of oral contraceptives. Also, hormonal treatment can become a provoking factor in the development of hyperosmia.

Clinical picture (symptoms)

With the development of hyperosmia, all odors seem very strong and intense. A person begins to feel aromas that other people with a normal sense of smell do not feel. At first glance, it seems that such opportunities should please. However, in reality, everything is not so simple.

In fact, hyperosmia often causes various problems. The main disorders include the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • pain in the sinuses;
  • psychological instability;
  • migraine;
  • violations of the functioning of certain organs;
  • psychical deviations.

Thus, instead of unique abilities, a person gets a depressed and irritable state. Many people with this diagnosis experience an irresistible urge to plug their nose and close themselves in a sterile room.

Traditional treatments for increasing odors

If the sense of smell has increased, you should immediately contact a qualified otolaryngologist. Such a diagnosis is made by a specialist on the basis of a visual examination using a mirror. Thanks to this, it will be possible to determine the width of the olfactory zone. Specific tests to determine the level of smell are also mandatory.

In addition, consultation of narrow specialists is often required. If hyperosmia is suspected, the patient will certainly be referred to a neurologist and a psychiatrist.

  1. The treatment of this condition is selected depending on the provoking factor, since the exacerbation of the sense of smell is not an independent pathology, but only a symptom of a certain ailment.
  2. If the development of the disease is due to an infectious lesion of the organs of the respiratory system or nasopharynx, general strengthening treatment is indicated. It should be aimed at normalizing respiratory functions and improving air circulation in the sinuses. Chronic pathologies, such as sinusitis or cysts, require conservative therapy or surgical intervention.
  3. If the provoking factor is emotional instability or neurological anomalies, an effective drug treatment is prescribed. It involves the use of sedatives. There may also be a need for the use of psychotropic drugs. In addition to drug therapy, methods of influencing the psycho-emotional state of a person are often used. For this purpose, you should contact neurologists and psychiatrists.

In the presence of hormonal problems - primarily hyperthyroidism - appropriate therapy is indicated. Conservative treatment consists in the use of special drugs that contribute to the destruction of hormones produced by the thyroid gland. The radical approach involves the action of radioactive iodine. In difficult situations, it is not possible to do without surgical intervention.

During pregnancy, avoid contact with sources of strong odors.- applying new cosmetics, visiting crowded places, eating spicy food, etc.

If severe hyperosmia is observed, which causes pain, migraines and other serious manifestations, it is recommended to establish a blockade. For this purpose, a solution of novocaine is injected into the nasal cavity. .

Before carrying out these manipulations, the mucous membranes must be anesthetized. The procedure is carried out both in a hospital and in a clinic. But in any case, in the first half hour after applying the solution, a person should remain under the supervision of a doctor. This is required in case of allergy or individual intolerance to the drug.

Effective folk remedies

It is necessary to apply such recipes depending on the provoking factor for the appearance of this symptom. One of the most common causes of pathology is diffuse toxic goiter.

In this situation, you should use this recipe:

People who decide to use folk remedies should take into account that this therapy tactic can seriously harm. So, there is a threat of developing allergies, increasing susceptibility to aromas, or vice versa, a complete loss of smell.

Sometimes folk recipes provoke damage to the digestive system, inflammatory changes in the nasopharynx and other undesirable changes.

Hyperosmia, or an aggravation of the sense of smell, is a fairly serious disorder that can lead to unpleasant manifestations. To cope with this condition, it is very important to establish the causes of its development. To do this, you need to conduct a detailed diagnosis. According to its results, a qualified doctor will be able to choose an adequate therapy.

Probably, with any training, it will not be possible to reach the olfactory level of the legendary "Perfume", but it is possible to learn at a distance to catch the smallest traces of odorous substances that bring pleasure or warn of danger. The state of our sense of smell is a characteristic indicator of the state of health of the organism as a whole. Therefore, an improvement in the ability to distinguish smells will reflect an improvement in the functioning of the whole organism. And, first of all, it would be useful to know what can cause deterioration of the sense of smell, and how our sense of smell is arranged.

Improving the sense of smell can be achieved by doing several things. Any physical activity helps to improve the sense of smell, as they improve overall blood circulation. But, first of all, this applies to facial gymnastics. Exercises restoring local blood circulation in the upper part of the nose are good for restoring and improving olfactory abilities. You can speed up this process by warming up the upper part of the nose.

The exercise for the muscles that expand the nostrils is very simple: while inhaling, inflate the nostrils as wide as possible for 5-6 seconds, while exhaling, relax the muscles; repeat the exercise 4 more times.

It is also advisable to do the exercise for the nasal muscle (it is located in the wings of the nose) 5 times with tension during inhalation for 5-6 seconds: press your finger on the tip of the nose and, at the same time, press your finger on your finger with the maximum possible force with your nose and pull your lower lip down; there should be no movement, and other muscles of the face should not move.

Exercise for the muscle of the proud (it is above the bridge of the nose) is done on the same conditions: put one or two fingers in the middle of the eyebrows; press your fingers on your eyebrows, and try to move your eyebrows with all your strength to the bridge of your nose, but your eyebrows should not even move.

Helps to improve the sense of smell exercise. Perform this exercise, paying special attention to the movement of air along the upper part of the nose, through the upper nasal passage, that is, through the area where the olfactory receptors are located. For the same purpose, you can use the audio recording "Fresh Stream".

It helps to improve local blood circulation and a well-known yogi technique: drawing warm, slightly salted water into the nose. Closing one nostril with a finger, slowly draw in water with an open nostril until it is in the throat. Then the water is spit out. Do the same with the other nostril.

If a person does not actively use their sense of smell, over time it begins to deteriorate. And for this reason, too, the sense of smell must be trained. The more you use your sense of smell, the more you will achieve. For instance, good way to practice is to blindfold and identify different scents without seeing their sources. Take several short breaths rather than one long breath when smelling. This is what animals do when they smell something. This helps to correctly identify the aroma.

Explore all the scents around you. Translate your sense of smell into the plane of emotions: feel how these smells affect you, what sensations and reactions they cause.

Try to explore with your nose some very faint smell and distinguish the shades of this smell. Try to get a better feel for subtle odors. Remember the impressions and emotions received. It is best to carry out such training in the forest, where the sense of smell develops, as nowhere else, since the forest is full of smells.

Practice identifying the direction the scent is coming from.

It is useful for himself and for the child such children's education: the child sniffs fragrant objects and tells you about his feelings. Wild strawberries smell different from strawberries. Invite the child to name these or other similar berries with their eyes closed. Teach him to recognize odorous herbs: mint, wormwood, dill. When memorizing a large number of flavors, fantasy, imaginative thinking develops. This offer from the teacher can be used by an adult.

Another important area: the development of olfactory memory. Remember, evaluate, compare the various pleasant smells of flowers, herbs, fruits, fallen leaves and freshly fallen snow, a familiar person or a familiar room. Anything that comes to your mind. It can be the smell of soap, a car, a cat, coffee, a forest lake ... The biologically active text “Summer's Tale” can help you immerse yourself in the world of smells and positive emotions.

Increase the amount of zinc in your diet. Decreased sense of smell may be due to a lack of zinc in the body. To boost your sense of smell, eat more zinc-fortified foods such as lentils, sunflower seeds, walnuts Take a multivitamin supplement containing zinc. Some anti-allergic drugs also improve the perception of odors.

Humidify indoor air. An increase in air humidity leads to an improvement in nasal breathing, and, as a result, to an improvement in the sense of smell. Ventilate the room as often as possible, remove dust. When using chemical reagents, caustic and odorous materials, take care of your nose, use protective masks. Remember that prolonged exposure to harsh and unpleasant odors can reduce your olfactory ability.

How to restore the sense of smell? There are various options for overcoming this deviation. The treatment process will depend on the cause of the disease. In most cases, it will be possible to achieve a positive result on your own at home, using effective folk remedies, but consultation with your doctor is required.

The reasons for the loss of smell can be different. In humans, the mucous membrane covering the nasal septum may swell. This is due to the defeat of the body with an acute respiratory viral infection. Other factors:

  • sinusitis;
  • bacterial rhinitis;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • nasal polyps.

Anosmia is sometimes caused by negative changes in the mucous membrane, provided that the olfactory cilia are immersed in the secret.

Violations appear with the destruction of the neuroepithelium responsible for the sense of smell. This is due to the progression of acute infections of a viral nature. Other factors are associated with the inhalation of chemicals that have a toxic effect.

In the absence of smell in some patients, the disease can be triggered by a cranial injury, in which there is a fracture of the very base of the cranial fossa (in front). The causes are tumors of a different nature, neurosurgical manipulations, the use of neurotoxic drugs, congenital diseases, for example, Kallmann's syndrome.

The violation is often provoked by damage to the receptors that are located in the organs responsible for smell, in the pathways. This change is a complication of many diseases. The problem is associated with poisoning with toxic substances. These include: nicotine, morphine, atropine.

Deviation can acquire a stable form. It is called hyposmia. Such a transformation is caused by nasal polyps, tumors of a malignant or benign nature, and a deviated nasal septum.

During the diagnosis, it is possible to establish the factors that provoke the problem:

  1. The olfactory pathways are not sufficiently developed.
  2. Due to bruises, blows, due to a fall on the occipital region of the head, as a result of which the bulbs and olfactory pathways are destroyed.
  3. Inflammatory processes affecting the sinuses of the ethmoid bone.
  4. Inflammation associated with the soft adjacent cerebral surface, surrounding areas.
  5. Tumors are median, other volumetric formations.
  6. Smoking.
  7. Negative transformations associated with the aging process of the body.
  8. Exposure to toxins (meth acrylate, cadmium, acrylate).
  9. Parkinson's disease.
  10. Dementia with Lewy bodies.
  11. Alzheimer's disease.

If you need to return a normal sense of smell after a cold, just refer to the recipes traditional medicine which have been tested and give positive results. At home, they do a special exercise, which is associated with variable relaxation and tension of the nasal wings.

Performing such a manipulation, you must strictly adhere to the established methodology. The tension time should not exceed the relaxation period. Manipulation is performed during the day, several times are enough. Exercise is done every day until there is a noticeable improvement and the normal state is restored.

Parallel treatment of colds, loss of smell with a runny nose and restoration of the sense of smell can be carried out by washing.

For the procedure of washing out mucus from the sinuses, along with the infection, salt water is used.

To prepare a solution, it is necessary to dilute 1 tsp in 200 ml of boiled water. sea ​​salt. You can use table salt. During the manipulation, it is necessary to close one of the nostrils with a finger, and slowly draw in salt water with the other. The procedure is carried out carefully, without haste. This therapy is ideal for patients in childhood, it effectively copes with the lack of smell. A few drops of iodine are added to 200 ml of the solution.

It will be possible to restore normal sense of smell thanks to the use of essential oil. It is necessary to pour water into an enameled container (200 ml will be needed), then it must be boiled. 3 tablespoons are added to the resulting liquid. freshly squeezed lemon juice and 5 drops of essential oil. For these purposes, use lemon balm, mint or lavender oil. The resulting therapeutic composition is ready for inhalation.

Above the container, you need to lower your head and inhale the steam through your nose. A positive result can be achieved by performing the procedure within 2-3 days. So the patient not only gets rid of the problem that has arisen, but also treats rhinitis. Inhalations should not be stopped as soon as the condition improves. Be sure to carry out additional 1-2 manipulations to consolidate the effect.

If there is no sense of smell, aroma lamps should be used. They need to be combined with various essential oils. Suitable oils are lavender, orange, mint, rosemary, lemon balm, tangerine. Oils that evaporate can be easily inhaled, so the action happens at a rapid pace.

Before starting a therapeutic effect, you need to consult a doctor. Some essential oils can trigger allergies in people.

You can perfectly restore your sense of smell and get rid of progressive rhinitis with freshly squeezed lemon juice or cyclamen. It is allowed to use the tool in several ways. Juice should be instilled with a pipette 4 times a day. Another option is to draw in the juice through the nostrils. It is necessary to be treated every day without passes. The therapeutic course is 2-3 days.

With a cold a high degree efficiency is characterized by menthol oil. It is instilled into each of the nasal passages. It is possible to significantly increase the level of effectiveness and accelerate the onset of positive changes due to the lubrication of the outer side of the nose.

In practice, a high benefit from the treatment of rhinitis with propolis has been proven. It is easy to make an ointment for lubricating the nasal passages from it at home. For this you need:

  • propolis (1 tsp);
  • butter (3 tsp);
  • olive oil (3 tsp).

These ingredients are placed in a convenient container and thoroughly mixed in a water bath until a homogeneous consistency of the composition is achieved. It is permissible to use cotton swabs for restorative purposes. They are dipped in ointment and put into the nasal cavity. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes. Such medical event should be done 2 times a day.

If the sense of smell is lost, the patient will be able to return it at no extra cost. You will need sugar beet juice and natural honey. Freshly squeezed beetroot juice is diluted with a small amount of liquid honey, the components are thoroughly mixed.

The composition is used for instillation into the nasal cavity. It is necessary to be treated until a significant improvement in the condition occurs. To achieve the effect as soon as possible, the number of procedures is increased to 5. If necessary, you can use cotton pads or small pieces of cotton, which, together with the product, are placed in the nostrils for 10-15 minutes.

After a runny nose, fresh celandine is often used for restorative purposes, from which juice is squeezed. It must be instilled in both nostrils, a few drops. The time interval between procedures can be 2 hours.

Garlic juice will help get rid of anosmia. It has a positive effect when there is a loss of smell with a cold. Juice must be diluted in water. For this, 10 servings of water are taken for 1 serving of juice. Cotton swabs are impregnated with the composition. They are injected into each of the nasal passages for 15 minutes. The number of procedures is 2-3 per day. To feel the smell again and overcome rhinitis allows the bactericidal action of garlic.

Whether a decrease in smell has occurred, a person will be able to check on his own. To do this, you need to inhale the aroma of any soap. If there are no problems, then the person feels it well. If there is no smell, then it cannot be felt. The development of hypoxia is evidenced by the inability to smell the vinegar smell of varying degrees of strength.

If you have any doubts, you should consult a doctor who will be able to promptly provide help you need, preventing the development of deterioration. Correct diagnosis of the causes of negative changes is important for patients at any age. The method and features of therapy will depend on this.

Deviation can be dealt with in some cases folk remedies. good recipe- a mixture of carefully washed river sand and table salt. The ingredients are taken in the same amount. The resulting mass is laid out in a pan, then the container is placed on the stove.

First, the mixture is dried, then its temperature is brought to 50°C. After that, you need to pour the composition into a specially prepared fabric bag, which is then tied. The filled bag is applied to the bridge of the nose (20 minutes). The therapeutic course consists of 9 procedures. They can be done every day or with a break of 1 day.

We restore normal breathing and the perception of smells and tastes in the following way: grease a coin (you can take 5 kopecks) with natural liquid honey, attach it to the middle of the back of the nose. So that the coin does not fall and does not move, it is fixed with an adhesive plaster.

It is best to use an old copper coin. The procedure should be performed daily, its duration is half an hour. In most cases, a full recovery will require at least 15 treatments.

It will be possible to restore health thanks to a small aluminum plate. It must be thoroughly rinsed, then wiped dry and glued with a plaster to the bridge of the nose. It is better to perform such a manipulation before going to bed in order to leave the plate with all night. It is realistic to overcome the problem and achieve restoration of the olfactory function after 3 procedures.

After the flu, you can use the following mixture:

  • water - 200 ml;
  • lemon juice - 10 drops;
  • cologne - 10 drops.

Water must be preheated to a temperature of 50°C. After that, juice is added to it and mixed thoroughly. The resulting composition should be soaked with a piece of gauze or cotton fabric. It is applied to the entire nasal surface. The procedure takes approximately 6 minutes. The duration of the treatment course is 10 procedures that are performed every day without gaps.

After the flu, during self-treatment, patients can use the Vietnamese Golden Star balm. The closed container with the product should be left in direct sunlight for 2-3 hours. Thus, the composition is heated. After that, it should be rubbed into the back of the nose and into the middle part of the forehead. To achieve the desired effect, it is enough to perform 7-10 procedures daily.

When hypoxia appeared, it is necessary to do warming up with a blue lamp. If there is no such device at home, it is allowed to use a conventional desktop electrical appliance, the main thing is that the power of the light bulb is 40 watts. The patient must wear sunglasses. The lampshade is removed from the lamp. The head should be tilted back. This will allow light to enter the nasal cavity. The optimal distance from the nose to the lamp is a length of 25 cm.

If a person does not smell, quartz will help. A small piece of quartz should be placed in a glass vessel, such as a jar, and left in a sunny place for 3 hours so that the stone warms up well. The stone must be placed on the nose. The treatment session should last for 20 minutes. We must ensure that the stone does not move. To do this, it is additionally fixed or fixed, held with fingers.

Not in all cases, it is possible to cope with the disease without the qualified help of specialists. This may apply to older people or situations associated with serious pathological processes. In a medical institution, the loss of smell and taste, provoked by diseases of the mucous surface, is treated through special measures. Among them are the following:

  1. Elimination of factors of exogenous and endogenous origin, which not only cause, but also support pathology.
  2. The use of a complex of specially selected drugs in each individual case, which relieve rhinitis.
  3. Carrying out physiotherapy.
  4. Implementation of physiotherapy.
  5. Surgical intervention in the body, if there are indications for this or an emergency.

The most important thing is that the treatment of ENT diseases is painless. It is possible to achieve positive results due to the correct impact on the totality of all links of pathogenesis. Due to this effect, patients begin to feel positive changes in the process of nasal breathing, the olfactory function is gradually restored.

If you carry out washing, irrigation of the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses with the use of specially selected medicines, there is an optimal cleansing of the nasal passages. All pus, toxic substances, causative agents of allergic reactions are removed from the mucous membranes of the nose, sinuses. It is possible to fully restore the drainage properties.

Be sure to combine the entire set of necessary sanitizing procedures with a course of immunomodulatory therapy. It is selected individually for each person. Normalization of the functioning of the immune system allows you to achieve a full recovery in short term. At the same time, the treatment process is simplified, since the body itself can fight the causative agent of the disease.

If complex and timely therapy is carried out, it will be possible not only to restore the function, but also to ensure a stable, long-term remission.

When the sense of smell disappears, it is considered a rather difficult problem. Consultation with a specialist is needed in order to accurately understand the causes and eliminate the likelihood of complications.

To restore the ability of nasal breathing, the nasal cavity is sanitized. After that, the doctor prescribes therapy for the paranasal sinuses. Based on the severity of the disease, a drug effect on the body or the use of sparing surgical methods of treatment is provided.

When deterioration in olfactory function is associated with a respiratory disease, it is recommended conservative treatment. It consists of the mechanical removal of obstructions in the nasal cavity that do not allow air to pass freely.

Often, a positive effect can be achieved only after the treatment of the underlying disease. When there are polyps, they can only be removed surgically. Allergies are treated with symptomatic medicines.

Sometimes anosmia is caused by organic lesions of the central nervous system, injuries, viruses, infections in children. The prognosis in most cases is unfavorable. With a traumatic illness, a persistent character is usually observed. Normalization or a significant improvement in the current situation is achieved only in 10% of patients from the total number.

Irreversible processes cannot be treated. This is due to age characteristics. If the olfactory nerves are damaged, there are no methods to effectively eliminate the transformation.

Faced with the violation in question, it is best to seek qualified help immediately. Based on the examination and the results obtained, the doctor will help determine the most appropriate course of action. It is important not to harm your own health and not provoke complications by self-medication.

The ability to hear the smells around us is a priceless gift that needs to be protected and preserved. But, no one is immune from the fact that under the influence of external or internal factors, the sense of smell may decrease. And at this stage life modern man starts to lose its colors.

Try holding a fragrant rose to your nose and pinching your nose with your fingers for a few seconds. What will you feel about it? That's right - nothing. Your brain will not be able to recognize the smell and identify it, as the olfactory receptors located in the sinuses will be blocked. At the same time, the body will have a certain shock, because it is a very smart well-coordinated machine.

Visually and tactilely, you understand that you should now smell the rose, but for some reason the electrical impulse about this action does not enter the brain. That's what all those feel who, for one reason or another, begin to lose the ability to hear smells? How to improve the sense of smell and is it possible?

Audiologists say that the sense of smell can not only be preserved, but also significantly improved. And you can do this using proven methods:

  • Physical exercise;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Vitamin therapy;
  • Improving the environment to train the sense of smell.

It is known that if you want to put any organ or part of the body in order, then it is necessary to subject it to constant training. For example, in order to get beautiful relief muscles, a person must spend at least a few months in the gym. This is exactly the case with the improvement of the sense of smell - it must be constantly trained. How can you train your sense of smell?

The more you use your unique ability to hear and listen to the scents around you, the stronger your sense of smell will become. Eminent perfumers train their olfactory receptors in this way. As a rule, before inventing a new fragrance, they put on a blindfold to turn off the visual perception of things and thereby activate the olfactory receptors.

It is thoroughly known that closed eyes help to hear the whole bouquet of the aroma of smelling substances. Ordinary odors are revealed in a completely different way.

Physical exercise to improve your sense of smell

The development of the sense of smell occurs during an increase in physical activity performed according to certain rules. Although audiologists note that even ordinary morning exercises can significantly increase the level of smell.

The most effective in the development of the sense of smell is facial gymnastics, in particular exercises that are aimed at stimulating blood circulation in the upper part of the nose. To enhance the work of olfactory receptors, you can warm up your nose with a special lamp after facial gymnastics.

So, the exercises begin with training the muscles located in the sinuses. To do this, during each breath, begin to strongly inflate the nostrils and continue to repeat this procedure for at least 5-10 minutes. Then you can take a short break and continue the gymnastics further. Within a week, the sense of smell will increase significantly.

Next, you can do light exercises to train the nasal muscle, which is localized in the wings of a person's nose. While inhaling, forcefully press on the tip of the nose, and at the same time pull down the lower lip. It is necessary to ensure that the rest of the muscles of the face do not move.

After that, it is recommended to use the muscles of the proud (nose bridge). Exercises are performed according to the standard methodology. It is necessary to put one or two fingers on the bridge of the nose and then try to strongly move the eyebrows. But, the essence and the whole point of the exercise is that the eyebrows should not move.

Use your sense of smell to 100%

Experts say that if a person does not use his sense of smell for its intended purpose, then sooner or later his work will decline. Therefore, the more often you pay attention to the development and training of olfactory receptors, the stronger the ability to hear smelling aromatic substances will be developed. Doctors advise you to carefully examine the smells that surround you. In particular, some fragrances can enhance a person's emotional state.

Interesting to know: the smell of fast food, fresh pastries, and confectionery products can enhance a person’s aggressive behavior. But if a person who spends most of his time driving hangs in his car aromatic oil with cinnamon or mint, this will increase concentration, and also significantly reduce a person’s irritability. The smell of lemon and coffee beans activates the brain and increases efficiency.

In order to hear smells better, you can resort to improving local blood circulation by drawing warm salted water into your nose. It is this method that has found its recognition and application among fans of oriental medicine, namely yogis.

The essence of the procedure is as follows: in 250 ml you need to dissolve one teaspoon of sea salt. Next, one nostril must be covered, and the second one should be drawn in this healing solution. You need to do this until salt water begins to flow into the throat. Then the solution must be spit out. It is recommended to continue these manipulations until breathing becomes easier.

Audiologists recommend surrounding yourself with pleasant smells that would be easily perceived and absorbed by the olfactory center. Determining the bouquet of aromas contained in a perfume composition will be considered the highest skill. But, only a few can do it.

Nutrition to improve your sense of smell

You can improve your sense of smell with proper nutrition. As a rule, the deterioration of the olfactory receptors in the epithelium is associated with zinc deficiency in the body. To restore the ability to hear, it is recommended to include in the diet foods such as lentils, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, whole wheat flour, walnuts, red meat, spinach.

On the recommendation of doctors, you need to include vitamin complexes and biological supplements in your diet. If you are prone to chronic inflammatory processes, then you need to exclude cheese, milk, and ice cream for a while. These are the products that provoke increased formation of fluid in the nose.

Doctors urge you to carefully read the instructions for medications, in particular antibiotics. Most of them have a number of side effects that affect the functioning of the olfactory center.

The quality of smell is affected by bad habits in the form of smoking and alcoholism. If a person notes a decrease in smell, then it is advisable to abandon the harmful effects.

  • constant humidification of the air in the room where you are most of the time;
  • the use of special protective masks during contact with household chemicals, as well as with industrial toxic substances;
  • compliance with the hygiene of the nasal cavity;
  • enhanced vitamin therapy;
  • preventive washing of the nasal cavity with saline solutions.

Somehow I thought about how to make my memory work better and not have to turn to specialists to remember the most important moments in life.

And I realized that it is necessary to use all channels of perception - vision, hearing, smell, taste, sensations, feelings - then the events will leave a vivid trace in the memory.

Moreover, such memories are treasures for the soul.

The perception of events with all the senses allows you to live life to the fullest, and it is they who turn the simple moments of life into jewels.

In this article, I would like to suggest ways how to develop 5 senses, improve the perception of information and saturate life with new emotions.

I propose to start every day under the motto: I open this wonderful world around!

You need to pay attention and do a little research.

We offer you a book - a hint to help you work with memory and channels of information perception

Developing the 5 Senses: 5 Simple and Effective Exercises

1. Development of visual perception: please the eyes

Remember the expression "the eye rejoices"? This is usually said when it's nice to look at something.

It is important to please yourself and expand your visual perception. These may not be new things, but when you begin to consciously pay attention to things - their volume, color, texture, unusualness and uniqueness - this turns on the reaction in the brain

“yeah, how many different things I see” - “seeing is wonderful!”

Ask yourself: what pleases my eyes? What do I enjoy looking at?

It can also be a beautiful sunset when the sun glows crimson.

And how the river flows, bypassing the rapids.

And the movement of ears of wheat in the field.

In addition, to develop visual perception, notice the details of the world around you:

  • what is the name of the seller in the store,
  • how many columns are at the building you pass by to work,
  • what pattern is laid out tiles in the store.

The question is different: how to return the joy and spring of life?

Let's think, if the center of sensory perception is our heart, then the antennas that saturate it are our fingers, skin, ears, eyes, nose, tongue.

This means that the more we please ourselves, allow us to see and hear the beautiful, discover the whole range of tastes and smells for ourselves, the more we feel this world, we feel happy.

Why pay attention to your feelings?

Feelings are what make up the experience of the soul and the richness of our lives.

Feelings are directly related to memory. Feelings are the instrument of the soul. What stays with us from life to life.

They influence us so much that it is sometimes difficult to remember childhood for those who have a lot of pain and experiences, memory blocks such memories, works as a fuse.

The good news: the sensory perception of life can be returned.

Remember what you loved to do as a child, and what brought a lot of joy, fun and enthusiasm?

Immerse yourself in childhood memories and look at the world in a new way with childish spontaneity and the excitement of a researcher.

I would like to finally quote one thinker:

Whoever can fill every moment with deep content, infinitely prolongs his life.

P.S. For the development of channels of perception to help a practical master class.

P.P.S. Write what feeling you will develop today.