Why is it important to constantly learn and acquire new knowledge? The pursuit of knowledge is the best motivator in life! Pursuit of knowledge

Of all the treasures, knowledge of all is the most precious, because it can neither be stolen, nor lost, nor destroyed.
Indian saying

Knowledge is what elevates one person over another in the most essential way.
D. Addison

It's strange how much you have to learn before you know how little you know.

Whoever knows more suffers more. Isn't there a tree of science - a tree of life?
D. Byron

Knowledge of facts is precious only because ideas are hidden in facts; facts without - rubbish for the head and memory.
V. Belinsky

He who is afraid of knowledge is lost.
V. Belinsky

The clever among the fools are always strange.
V. Belinsky

A person is afraid only of what he does not know, knowledge conquers all fear.
V. Belinsky

The greatest tragedy for a thinking person is the cooling of the passion for knowledge.
E. Bogat

The greatest enemy of knowledge is not delusion, but inertia. One error fights against another, each one destroys its adversary, and from the struggle truth is born.
G. Bockle

The only cure for superstition is knowledge. Nothing else can remove this plague stain from the human mind. Without knowledge, the leper remains unwashed and the slave unreleased.
G. Bockle

Knowledge is not an inert, passive visitor who comes to us, whether we like it or not; it must be sought before it is ours; it is the result of a great and therefore a great sacrifice.
G. Bockle

True knowledge does not consist in acquaintance with facts - it only creates a pedant, but in the ability to use facts - this creates a philosopher.
G. Bockle

To simplify the complex is the most significant result in all branches of knowledge.
G. Bockle

The will that strives for knowledge is never satisfied with the finished work.
D. Bruno

The source of true knowledge is facts.
P. Buast

We see little, we know
And happiness is given only to those who know.
I. Bunin

In human affairs, it is not the one who has lived more that understands, but the one who has watched more.
F. Bacon

We draw wisdom from history; in poetry - wit; in mathematics, discernment; in the natural sciences, depth; in moral philosophy - seriousness; in logic and rhetoric - skill.
F. Bacon

The imaginary wealth of knowledge is the main reason for his poverty.
F. Bacon

One should strive for knowledge not for the sake of controversy, not for the contempt of others, not for the sake of profit, fame, power or other base goals, but in order to be useful in life.
F. Bacon

It is easier to show off with a lot of knowledge than it is good to own a few.
L. Vovenargue

We know more useless things than necessary.
L. Vovenargue

The more you read without thinking, the more you are sure that you know a lot, and the more you meditate while reading, the clearer you see that you still know very little.

Knowledge of some principles easily replaces ignorance of some facts.
K. Helvetius

Much knowledge will not teach the mind.

We only know for sure when we know little; as knowledge grows, doubt grows.
I. Goethe

It is not enough just to gain knowledge; we need to find an application for them.
I. Goethe

What you do not understand does not belong to you.
I. Goethe

He who knows a lot is flexible; who knows one thing is proud. The first sees what he lacks, the second is like a rooster on a dung heap.
T. Hippel

The one who hears nothing and knows nothing, and does nothing, belongs to the huge family of marmots, which have never been good for anything.
F. Goya

Ignorance of natural causes led man to create gods; the deception turned them into something formidable.
P. Holbach

The source of knowledge is inexhaustible: no matter what successes humanity gains on this path, everything will remain for people to seek, discover and learn.
I. Goncharov

Nobody can know everything.

Always - to learn, everything - to know! The more you learn, the stronger you will become.
M. Gorky

To prove to a person the necessity of knowledge is like convincing him of the usefulness of sight.
M. Gorky

Knowledge is the absolute value of our time ...
M. Gorky

Not knowing is tantamount to not developing, not moving.
M. Gorky

There is no power more powerful than knowledge; a man armed with knowledge is invincible.
M. Gorky

A donkey who knows the way is worth more than a soothsayer who reads at random.
V. Hugo

Just as rubles are made up of kopecks, knowledge is made up of grains of what has been read.
V. Dahl

Many knowledgeable people have no mind.

Knowledge can be of two kinds. We know ourselves about the object, or we know where to find information about it.
S. Johnson

Anyone can drive a ship
When the sea is calm.
But whoever wants
Command him on a dangerous voyage,
Obliged to know which sails
On a fine day, which ones to set in a storm.
B. Johnson

The knowledge of what things should be characterizes an intelligent person; knowledge of what things really are characterizes an experienced person; the knowledge of how to change them for the better characterizes a person of genius.
D. Diderot

An excess of knowledge is just as harmful as a lack of knowledge. Knowledge is memory. And the more knowledge it stores, the more problems are solved by simply extracting it from memory. At the same time, thinking remains passive, which means it does not develop. But it is in the process of thinking that a person receives new knowledge, comprehends existing ones, finds ways and means of solving previously unknown problems.
V. Zubkov

Superficial knowledge is meaningless knowledge, taken on faith and mechanically stored in memory.
V. Zubkov

A theory without practice is dead, practice without theory is blind.
V. Zubkov

Knowledge gives a person weight, and actions - brilliance. However, most people only know how to look, not weigh.
T. Carlyle

And live and learn to old age.
Chinese proverb

A person with great knowledge looks at the far and the near in the same way, does not consider small things insignificant, and big ones - huge, because they know that the sizes of things are relative. He proves that the present and are one and the same, and therefore does not yearn for the distant past and does not try to grasp the close present, since he knows that time never stops. He explores the fullness and emptiness and therefore, gaining, does not rejoice, when he loses, he does not grieve, because he knows that fate is impermanent. He clearly understands the path and therefore does not rejoice at his birth and does not consider his death a misfortune, since he knows that the end and the beginning replace each other.

He who knows nothing doubts nothing.
R. Cotgrave

One should always know the truth, speak sometimes.
Lao Tzu

To know a lot and not to present oneself as knowing is a moral height. To know a little and to expose oneself as knowing is a disease. Only by understanding this disease can we get rid of it.
Lao Tzu

What we know is limited, and what we don’t know is infinite.
P. Laplace

It is difficult for us to believe what lies outside our horizons.
F. La Rochefoucauld

All knowledge is from experience, from sensations, from perceptions.
V. Lenin

If I know that I know little, I will achieve to know more ...
V. Lenin

If you are patient and diligent, then the seeds of knowledge sown will certainly give good shoots. The root of learning is bitter, but the fruit is sweet.
Leonardo da Vinci

The rapid accumulation of knowledge acquired with too little independent participation is not very fruitful. Learning can also give birth to only leaves without fruit.
G. Lichtenberg

Of course, it is better not to study anything at all than to study superficially, because sound human reason, wanting to express its judgment about things, does not make such blunders as semi-scholarship.
G. Lichtenberg

Knowledge is an experience compared with other experiences.
J. Lossky

Knowledge is achieved not by running quickly, but by walking slowly.
T. Macaulay

The boundary of our knowledge seems to us certain, but the only thing that is certain in it is our ignorance.
M. Maeterliik

The completeness of knowledge always means some understanding of the depth of our ignorance.
R. Millikan

How nice it is to know that you have learned something!

The scourge of man is imaginary knowledge.
M. Montaigne

Knowledge is a double-edged weapon that only burdens and can injure its owner if the hand that holds it is weak and does not know how to use it ...
M. Montaigne

Knowing something by heart is like not knowing anything; it is to own what is given only for the storage of memory.
M. Montaigne

There is no striving more natural than the striving for knowledge ...
M. Montaigne

The feeling of compassion is the beginning of philanthropy, the feeling of shame and indignation is the beginning of duty, the feeling of compliance is the beginning of the rules of behavior, the feeling of truth and untruth is the beginning of knowledge.
Meng Tzu

Anyone, both educated and ignorant, can make discoveries, with the difference that this latter will more often discover what was already revealed before him, but he does not know.
V. Odoevsky

In any area of ​​human knowledge, there is an abyss of poetry.
K. Paustovsky

Knowledge is organically linked to human imagination. This seemingly paradoxical law can be expressed as follows: the power of imagination increases with the growth of knowledge.
K. Paustovsky

What is the use of knowing a lot, since you did not know how to apply your knowledge to your needs.
F. Petrarch

In a person or for a person, the completeness and degree of perfection of knowledge and self-consciousness is the basis and guarantee of his real power.
M. Petrashevsky

Who knows more, doubts more.
E. Piccolomini

Literacy is precious to us only as a road to development.
D. Pisarev

Knowledge and only knowledge makes a person free.
D. Pisarev

Knowledge that is superficial, shaky or limited, does not destroy any old delusions in the mind of a person and does not enrich him with new ideas - this is just an extra ballast for memory.
D. Pisarev

Very few people, and moreover only the most wonderful, are able to simply and frankly say: “I don’t know”.
D. Pisarev

Knowledge is not something finished, crystallized, dead, it is eternally moving.
D. Pryanishnikov

A person would make fewer mistakes if he knew exactly what he does not know.
Publius Sire

Knowledge is the only power that can be acquired if you do not have it, power is power, and power is everything.
I. Rachel

To feel is to know.
J. Robinet

The main thing is not to accumulate as much knowledge as possible - the main thing is that this knowledge, great or small, belongs to you alone, be drank with your blood, would be the brainchild of your own efforts.
R. Rolland

A person is made educated only by his own inner work, in other words, his own, independent thinking, experiencing, feeling what he learns from other people or from books.
N. Rubakin

Since the world arose in darkness,
No one else in the whole earth
Did not indulge in regret
That he gave his life to learning.

It is important to know not what is, but what is useful.
J. J. Rousseau

In general, people who know little talk a lot, and those who know a lot say little.
J. J. Rousseau

Knowing good is more important than knowing a lot.
J. J. Rousseau

A person is inquisitive only to the extent of his enlightenment.
J. J. Rousseau

Ignorance is a bad way to get rid of trouble.

Knowledge can be used in various ways, and, depending on who uses it, it can be a real good deed or a real evil.
N. Serno-Solov'evich

Knowledge, separated from justice and other virtue, appears to be trickery, not wisdom.

There is only one god - knowledge and only one devil - ignorance.

I know that I know nothing.

I'm getting old, but I always learn a lot everywhere ...

Every day on which you have not replenished your education with even a small piece of knowledge that is new to you ... consider it fruitless and irrevocably lost for yourself.
K. Stanislavsky

The thirst for knowledge, like the thirst for wealth, intensifies as we acquire more and more.
L. Stern

I learned a lot from my mentors, even more from my comrades, but most of all from my students.

Knowledge is a tool, not a goal.
L. Tolstoy

Knowledge humbles the great, surprises the ordinary and inflates the little man.
L. Tolstoy

Knowledge is only knowledge when it is acquired by the efforts of one's own thought, and not by memory.
L. Tolstoy

In this life, whoever knows more, trusts words less.
T. Wilder

A head filled with fragmentary, incoherent knowledge is like a pantry in which everything is in disarray and where the owner himself will not find anything; the head, where there is only a system without knowledge, is like a shop in which all the boxes have inscriptions, and the boxes are empty.
K. Ushinsky

You can expand your knowledge only when you look directly into the eyes of your ignorance.
K. Ushinsky

Art is art with some help from another.
E. Fage

Knowledge helps to see the ambiguity of what is happening and its internal inconsistency.
L. Feuchtwanger

We carry our own truth, which is a combination of many truths borrowed from others. This is why others should be well known.
S. Philip

Knowledge is based on three things: you need to see a lot, learn a lot and suffer a lot.
N. Foscolo

Any knowledge expresses not only what is known, but at the same time contains an indication of the unknown.
S. Frank

We want to know in order to live; and to live means, on the other hand, to live not in blindness and darkness, but in the light of knowledge. We are looking for living knowledge and a knowledgeable life illuminated by knowledge.
S. Frank

To digest knowledge, one must absorb it with appetite.
A. France

All knowledge has a value only when it makes us more capable of activities. If one could imagine omniscience without omnipotence, it would be the most terrible torment of hell.

Knowledge, far from justice, deserves the title of dexterity rather than wisdom.

Knowing the laws is not about remembering their words, but about comprehending their meaning.

Knowledge arouses love: the more you become acquainted with science, the more you love it.
N. Chernyshevsky

Ignorance of nature is the root of those unknown forces before which the human race trembled for so long, and those superstitious beliefs that were the sources of all its misfortunes.
N. Chernyshevsky

You should never boast about ignorance: ignorance is powerlessness.
N. Chernyshevsky

Knowledge is a refuge and a shelter, convenient and necessary for us in old age, and if we do not plant a tree while we are young, then when we grow old, we will not have a shade to hide from the sun.
F. Chesterfield

The same a big difference as between a well-groomed horse and a donkey.
F. Chesterfield

Superficial knowledge does not give either satisfaction or honor, but it often brings dishonor or simply puts in a ridiculous position.
F. Chesterfield

Only fools and charlatans know and understand everything.
A. Chekhov

It is not surprising that a large amount of knowledge, not being able to make a person smart, often makes him vain and arrogant.
A. Chekhov

Least of all we know, firstly, what we understood by instinct; secondly, what they have experienced on their own, when faced with different, phenomena; thirdly, what we understood not from books, but thanks to books, that is, thanks to the reflections that they pushed us to.
I. Shamfort

The amateur takes the dark for the deep, the wild for the powerful, the indefinite for the infinite, the meaningless for the supersensible.
F. Schiller

Faith and knowledge are two scales: the higher one, the lower the other.
A. Schopenhauer

The only path leading to knowledge is through activity.
B. Shaw

The less we know, the more we suspect.
G. Shaw

You need a lot of knowledge to be able to hide your ignorance in front of others.
M. Ebner-Eschenbach

Knowledge exists to spread it.
R. Emerson

Our knowledge is the accumulated thought and experience of countless minds.
R. Emerson

The most important sign of complete knowledge of a person who has attained perfection is the ability to use knowledge quickly.

The author of the statement is the famous English Philosopher, a representative of empiricism and liberalism - John Locke, in his statement, touches on the problem of comprehending the truth. He considers the understanding of how it is possible to comprehend the truth, one of the main difficulties facing those who know.

I agree with the author's point of view. Truth is knowledge corresponding to its subject, coinciding with it. They distinguish between absolute truth (knowledge that cannot be refuted) and relative (knowledge that depends on certain conditions, place and time of their receipt).

On the way to achieving absolute truth, there is a change of several relative truths.

An example would be people's perception of our planet at different periods of time. So, the ancient Greeks imagined the earth as a flat disk, surrounded by the sea, then the first assumptions about the sphericity of the earth appeared; in the second century BC, Claudius Ptolemy created the geocentric system of the universe, and, finally, in the 16th century, Nicolaus Copernicus outlined his system of the structure of the world - heliocentric. So, with the development of mankind, truths that were previously considered reliable were refuted and replaced by new ones.

To achieve a comprehensive knowledge of reality in any area requires many years of hard work in this area; for example, the history of chemistry. When a large number of discovered chemical elements appeared, it became necessary to classify them. Scientists in the first half of the 19th century tried to group elements according to their properties. The Döbereiner classification system (combining elements of the tirade with similar properties) and the Shankurtu Spiral (a helical graph of elements arranged in ascending order of atomic weights) turned out to be imperfect. Then, in the 1860s, the first L. Meyer's table appeared: It included 28 elements, arranged in six columns according to their valence. Finally, in March 1869, a periodic law was introduced chemical elements Mendeleev, who made it possible to substantiate the scientific classification of elements and their compounds, to establish a clear relationship between many chemical concepts. The proposed periodic system is still relevant.

Thus, long years of reflection and hard work always stand behind true knowledge. Striving to find the truth makes humanity not stand still and develop.

Updated: 2017-11-06

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  • J. Locke "It is difficult to understand what other way you can come to the truth and master it, if you do not dig and search for it as gold and hidden treasure"

The desire to acquire knowledge has always been considered one of the important qualities necessary for. Therefore, the foundations of epistemology - the direction of philosophy immersed in the process of cognition, were laid down in antiquity. Therefore, it is problematic to name her exact age.

What is epistemology?

To get a general idea of ​​this section, you can understand the origin of the term itself. It is formed from two Greek concepts: gnoseo - "I know" and logos - "word, speech". It turns out that epistemology is the science of cognition, that is, it is interested in ways of obtaining information by a person, the path from ignorance to enlightenment, the origins of pure knowledge and in application to the studied moments.

Epistemology in philosophy

Initially, the study of data acquisition as a phenomenon was part of philosophical research, later turning into a separate block. Epistemology in philosophy is a department that studies the boundaries of personal knowledge. It accompanies the main branch from the very moment of its inception. As soon as people discovered a new type of spiritual work, doubts arose about the confirmation of the authenticity of the knowledge they received, and the opposition of superficial data and deep meaning began.

The theory of epistemology was not immediately formed; its clear outlines can be traced in ancient philosophy. Then the forms and types of cognition appeared, an analysis of the evidence of knowledge was carried out and the issues of gaining true knowledge were considered, which became the beginning of skepticism - a separate course of the discipline. In the Middle Ages, in connection with the acquisition of a religious shade by the worldview, epistemology began to oppose the abilities of reason to divine revelations. Due to the complexity of the task, the discipline made significant progress during this period.

On the foundation laid in modern times, noticeable changes are taking place in philosophy, which brought the problem of cognition to the fore. A classic type of science is being created, which in 1832 will be called epistemology. Such a leap became possible due to man's rethinking of his place in the world, he ceases to be a toy in the hands of higher powers, acquires his own will and responsibility.

Problems of epistemology

The discipline's rich history and variety of schools raise a number of questions to answer. The main problems of epistemology, common for all directions, are as follows.

  1. Reasons for cognition... It means finding out the prerequisites for finding explanations for what is happening. It is believed that they consist in the need to anticipate future events with a high complexity of the system; without this, the response to new tasks will be constantly delayed.
  2. Conditions for obtaining knowledge... These include three components: nature, man and the form of displaying reality during recognition.
  3. Search for a source of knowledge... Epistemology examines this moment with the help of a number of tasks that should provide an idea of ​​the initial carrier of information, of the object of knowledge.

Epistemology - types

In the course of improving philosophical thought, the following main directions of epistemology emerged.

  1. Naive realism... The senses are the measure of truth; there is no difference between human perception and the real state of affairs.
  2. Sensationalism... It means cognition only on the basis of feelings, if they are not there, then information will not appear in the mind, since a person relies only on feelings, and the world does not exist outside of them.
  3. Rationalism... Real knowledge can be obtained only with the help of reason, without taking into account the data transmitted, invariably distorting reality.
  4. Skepticism... Doubts at every point of knowledge, demands not to agree with the opinion of authorities until his own assessment is made.
  5. Agnosticism... It speaks of the impossibility of fully knowing the world - both feelings and reason give only pieces of knowledge, which are not enough to get a complete picture.
  6. Cognitive optimism... Believes in the possibility of obtaining comprehensive knowledge about the world.

Modern epistemology

Science cannot be static, being influenced by other disciplines in the process of development. At the current stage, the main directions of epistemology are cognitive optimism, skepticism and agnosticism, which are considered at the intersection of a number of disciplines. In addition to philosophy, this includes psychology, methodology, computer science, history of science and logic. It is assumed that such a synthesis of approaches will help to understand the problem deeper, moving away from superficial study.

Epistemology: books

  1. S.A. Askoldov, “Gnoseology. Articles"... The principles of epistemology, corresponding to the concept of panpsychism, proposed by A.A. Kozlov are presented. The author of the articles continues to develop it.
  2. M. Polani, "Personal knowledge"... Dedicated to the study of the nature of knowledge from the point of view of the synthesis of philosophy and psychology of knowledge.
  3. L.A. Mikeshina, “Philosophy of Knowledge. Polemic chapters "... Explains issues that are sidelined or controversial.

"I want to study!" - what do we turn the first impulse into and what stages do we go through until we reach mastery? What is more important - to discover something new or borrow someone else's experience? How do we ourselves change in the learning process, how does it change our life or the way we look at it? School and college experience is over, now let's look at adult learning. And the private child psychologist Maria Gushchina will help us figure it out.

Rules - to comply or to reject?

Dance or embroidery, a foreign language or sales technologies - in learning, the first excitement and curiosity inevitably meet the rules that are proposed to be mastered. It is in the form of rules, laws, axioms, norms and instructions that mankind stores previously acquired knowledge and it is in this not too appetizing form that they are often offered to a beginner. “I dreamed of learning to drive, but the first lecture on traffic rules was so boring! - says Yulia, 34 years old. - It was impossible to hold attention even for ten minutes, listening to these endless "movement is allowed", "movement is prohibited", "to make a turn." However, only until the lecturer said: "Behind every rule, behind every detail that you need to memorize, there is not someone's whim, but the life of real people who have suffered once." From that moment on, I didn’t get bored for a minute at the lectures, it became important for me to think over and learn every nuance ”. Many people leave the distance at this stage, if the teacher does not know how to maintain the student's interest, help him retain the first inspiration and the feeling of a miraculous discovery, and find personal meaning in learning. And as a result, to fall in love with the rules, to see them as support and protection, to experience trust in them.

If we had to invent everything ourselves, without the ability to use someone else's experience, most of us would not have learned anything. Without the knowledge and skills accumulated in medicine, many simply could not be born or survive in infancy. And subsequently they would have to spend a lot of time on elementary discoveries and at the same time suffer a lot. Everyone can be his own Newton - only for this you will have to drop a lot of objects on your head. Out of a million people with dysentery, perhaps one would have guessed that hands and food should be washed, moreover, with boiled water. And it would be extremely difficult to communicate with people from other countries without knowing their language.

However, if we rely only on the rules, we would not have made much progress either - we would still be treated with plantain, ride donkeys and wear shapeless clothes. Progress is ensured not only by norms and laws, but also by the ability to go beyond them. Otherwise, it is impossible to complete a new step to the staircase leading forward and upward. This takes flexibility. “My friend calls herself a spontaneous housewife,” says Olga, 38. - She hates reading cookbooks and looking for recipes on the Internet, so she cooks according to the principle "what if it turns out delicious." Adds the most unexpected ingredients to soups and salads. Sometimes this is really successful, but more often it turns out that just such a recipe already exists and she has not discovered any America, she just guessed by chance. And if I didn't guess, then it turned out just awful and hungry guests had to urgently order pizza or sushi. Now I come to her well-fed, so as not to risk it. " The organization of the scientific process and the requirements for diploma theses, dissertations and other academic works follow exactly this principle: first, find out your predecessors, then add your own to their findings. In teaching, which we do not for the common good, but for ourselves, it also makes sense to rely on this idea, so that knowledge does not lie dead weight, but fits into our life, finds effective application. The energy of experimentation, risk-taking and improvisation, when combined with a solid learned foundation, can soften and refine the foundations without collapsing the entire structure. Adherence to rules shouldn't dampen creativity, but creativity shouldn't ruin everything to the core. The masters say, "Study the principles and then ignore them."

Expert opinion

Maria Gushchina: “Canon and creativity, technique and individual style - it would seem that these concepts have different polarities and are antagonists. However, only at first glance. Looking closely, we can see that these are two important components of the process of mastering and acquiring mastery. Humanity, accumulating knowledge and skills in different areas, separated the wheat from the chaff for many years. Rules are the fruit of trial and error and serve as landmarks in the learning path to keep the student on track and not veer into dead-end paths. By analogy with road traffic, these are signs that inform us about the features of a particular section of the road, the recommended speed limit, thereby avoiding emergency situations - mistakes, delusions.
In Ozhegov's dictionary, the word “rule” is defined as a position that reflects a regularity, a constant correlation of some phenomena. Thus, this is the foundation, the soil on which the tree of skills and mastery grows. However, a person is inherent in curiosity and interest in new things, which push him to search, make him experiment. Sometimes deviations from the rules allow you to formulate a more accurate version of them. Of course, not every experiment is successful. Finding new solutions can take a long time, sometimes a lifetime. And not everyone can take the courage and go beyond the usual framework, break the rules, risk declaring something new and controversial, destroy stereotypes. Nevertheless, each person, doing his own thing, invents his own techniques and rules, reflecting his individuality. Therefore, we can say with confidence that each of us is a creator and innovator. "

How to find your calling and not remain an eternal student

If it is interesting to study, then it is addictive. The result for the sake of which it was started, for example, independent trips by car or starting your own business, are sometimes postponed. Of course, because in the chosen field there is still so much unexplored and unrecognized, and the qualifications obtained are still so low - one should still learn, earn more praise from teachers, girlfriends or from myself. The first stage is followed by the second, third, additional courses, trainings, seminars, but application in practice does not occur. We try to ignore self-doubt, fear of starting a new activity: "When I listen to a few more lectures, then I will definitely start!" Such visible perfectionism seriously hinders learning itself, since without practice, new knowledge or skill has nothing to catch on, just as a new shoot cannot develop without soil for roots. In combination with practice, the material is comprehended incomparably deeper, their own, more mature questions are born, and progress is taking leaps and bounds - while the excellent students “out of production” are marking time at the initial level.
The moment of realization of the knowledge gained is not easy because it returns to the beginning: why was all this necessary? Some find that they have not yet answered this question. Like a schoolboy who has already been taught everything and is expected to choose a path in life, we feel confused and hesitate to make a decision. If at one time we chose the current lesson also reluctantly, by chance, under someone else's pressure, then at the end of the next courses we re-experience the crisis - and we get a chance to do something differently, in a more mature way. Endless study, of course, is more useful than boredom and sitting in front of the TV, but compared to real development it loses a lot.
“A girl named Katya studied with me at the Institute of Foreign Languages,” says Polina, 29, “and she did not study very well. She had a rich husband, they had no children, and we suspected that she was studying just to keep herself busy. When we later met in a group, everyone talked about what kind of job they found, and Katya - where she is studying again. Landscape design courses, sommelier courses. She plans to receive a psychological education. "
The eternal student is like a bookcase full of dusty tomes that no one reads. In order not to become like this awkward subject, it is important to look for something important and attractive just for you in all the knowledge and skills absorbed, something that you want to know more about, that raises questions. Then, out of hundreds of paths that diverge in front of us at every moment of choice, it will be easy to recognize our own and improve on this path. Experienced people say: "To define is to narrow." The real challenge is to move away from youthful greed, engulfing a student at any age, to switch to limitation, to reject the inappropriate, to choose one of many options. Such a limitation does not impoverish us, but allows us not to waste and invest our time and energy in what truly entails.

Expert opinion

Maria Gushchina: “The search for one's own path, destiny, without exaggeration, can be called the main task of any person's life. Quite early, a child begins to think about who he will become when he grows up, tries on various professions from a salesman to an astronaut, fantasizes and dreams. Such a game is gradually filled with new meaning, when a high school student must seriously answer the question "who to be?"
The need to make choices that will shape life for years to come is troubling. We experience something similar as adults, when we enter a new stage, for example, after learning something. At this moment, it is important to listen to yourself and not be afraid to hear yourself, follow yourself, follow your impulse. It can be difficult, because the opinions of parents, friends and other advisers and experts, whose opinions are difficult to resist, are loudly heard around. Good landmarks are our already known abilities, hobbies and interests. Since you can do what you love without noticing the time, feeling the joy of learning new things. The formula "Make a hobby your job" works here. Of course, this is happiness - to go to work with enthusiasm, with pleasure to do it and develop in the chosen field. Otherwise, any work, even wonderful for someone else, turns into hard labor for us. The chance to avoid such a fate is worth taking the risk and believing yourself. "

The road to mastery

Learning is a great anti-aging tool because it kind of turns us into a child. Along with this image comes curiosity, creativity, courage, the ability to enjoy the little things. Many of those who receive a second education note with joyful surprise how pleasant it is to buy notebooks again, open new textbooks, hold a student card in their hands and ask their classmates: “Have you done your homework? Let me write it off. I would like to show off my first successes in front of loved ones and to myself in a childish way - and get approval. Over time, this desire will be replaced by a more restrained reaction, and at the beginning of the path, increased enthusiasm is not only forgivable, but also very important, there is serious work ahead. A good teacher, be it a persuasive communication trainer or a friend teaching you your favorite patchwork, is generous with upfront praise.
One of the difficulties of transitioning to real mastery is switching to an adult position, when not I am accompanied, but I myself am responsible for everything. Of course, it is important to keep the initial creativity and excitement, but getting stuck in the image of a beginner is risky, as it sometimes captures other areas of life. “When my sister, a biologist, was getting her second degree in jurisprudence, it was not easy. - says Alina, 42 years old. - She is already 30 years old, and the specialty, it would seem, is so serious and disciplining. And she not only in the session, but also constantly refused to clean, wash the dishes, cook, only talked with her friends and went to classes. With her son, my mother and I did much more. Her husband was angry and said that she went to college to answer all claims: "But I'm studying!" She married early, and then there was a chance to fall into childhood, to be an irresponsible student girl. "

Expert opinion

Maria Gushchina: "In modern world everything happens very quickly. As early as 200 years ago, girls and boys began to learn crafts as apprentices and assistants from the age of 12-13, or even earlier, children were involved in ordinary household chores as soon as they learned to walk. Being with the master inseparably, the students not only honed the simplest skills, but also had the opportunity to see all the nuances of qualified work, imbued with the spirit of the work. This is how continuity arose. Today we are often learners as adults and are more vulnerable to change. The beginning of the professional path is accompanied by fantasies, worries and doubts. Alas, some expectations turn out to be illusions and disappointing. So a first grader is upset when he learns that school is not Kindergarten, there is no time to play, you have to complete tasks. An activity that seemed exciting, after the first charm, may seem like a boring routine. I would like to quickly and brilliantly solve problems with two unknowns, but I need to repeat the multiplication table. The pianist is eager to perform the most complicated Rachmaninov, and you cannot slip past the boring scales and etudes. Restraining yourself and honing small skills is not easy. The secret is to grasp the depth and meaning of the whole object in the most monotonous and difficult exercises, to see it from different angles. This is how the dialectical law of the transition from quantity to quality is embodied. His creativity then does not argue with the canon, but becomes a reserve for the future and a fuel that maintains the fire of interest and gives strength. "

How to avoid diving into reluctance to learn

Sometimes the inner, creative and striving for knowledge, the child sleeps deeply, and we seem to give all his qualities to someone else, for example, to our children. They say that only they are allowed to enjoy their studies, and only up to a certain age, and an adult learns only so that his salary will be increased for raising his qualifications. And to reasonable suggestions to go and learn English, which suddenly turned out to be so necessary, we answer: "Why, it's too late for me, my brains are not the same." Sometimes such immersion in immobility and stagnation leads even further and turns a person into a militant defender of the most outdated and meaningless rules learned in his youth. Having fallen into such an internal trap, people begin to protest indiscriminately against everything new and developing in any field - in science, fashion, technology, social structure. The fear of going beyond the usual boundaries sometimes makes us restrain others from this. We may notice signs of inertia in ourselves, for example, in the desire to passionately and harshly criticize and devalue anything that is even slightly different from our expectations and views - be it a hairstyle, leadership style, or the method of raising children.
It is never too late to start preventing such numbness or regain lost peace, freedom, fresh and joyful perception of the world, yourself and other people. A start might be the idea of ​​learning something new, even the simplest thing, like riding a bike or growing basil on a windowsill. It is best to start with an area that is familiar to you. If you already drive a car, you can master the elements of extreme driving. Knit - try crocheting.
Speak English and it removes all the problems anywhere in the world? And there are still so many beautiful and useful languages ​​in the world, as well as people with whom you can communicate. A small step will revitalize the ability to change in principle.
Resistance plays an important role, it protects us from haste and error, and allows us to better prepare for the unexpected. At the same time, the search for the new does not mean abandoning the old, but allows, with the help of doubts, to clarify and improve the existing one. Going beyond your limitations should not turn into an end in itself, otherwise it will be destructive. However, in a reasonable dose, renewal serves just to preserve the basics. According to this principle, the body is constantly busy with information processing, metabolism and cell renewal - and stopping means illness and destruction. Therefore, studying for an adult is not a luxury or a child's whim, but a way to live a full life.

Expert opinion

Maria Gushchina: “Is there that summit, at which perfection in the profession ends, the step at which one can say:“ I know everything about this ”? Some of the ancients said: "The more I know, the less I know." Fortunately, this is so, because it allows you not to lose interest in your work and expand your perception. The position “I know everything” makes us blind, narrows our view of things, deprives us of alternative options. In the modern world, everything is changing rapidly, scientific and technological progress is making more and more successes, branches of knowledge whimsically sprout into each other, discovering new interconnections and highlighting the unexplored facets of long-familiar things. By deciding to stop, we run the risk of missing a lot and getting into a stupid and even dangerous position. Many people know that as soon as the first ease appears in driving a car, the first accident happens. Overconfidence is destructive. Modern science asks more questions than gives answers, and these questions move us forward in the knowledge of the world. At the moment when a person has no doubts and questions, development stops and stagnation begins. And as you know, what does not develop, then atrophies. "

There is an opinion that education can be obtained only in educational institutions, at the end of which, the study and the learning process stops. But this is far from the case, and the need for new knowledge only increases with age. And that's why...

Throughout his life, a person learns something new, acquires new skills, learns something. Otherwise, he will not survive in the modern world.

Is it worth the time, money and effort to acquire this knowledge? It is never too late to learn, it allows a person to retain a sharp memory longer, think faster, make decisions, and learn faster. The learning process itself helps to develop a lot useful qualities, such as self-discipline, self-discipline, the ability to clearly express their thoughts, increases mental concentration.

Knowledge is simply information that you gather from various sources. But knowledge must always be backed up by practice. Try to immediately implement them, check their effectiveness. Today's world is a world of information and if you own it, success is in your hands, you keep pace with the world.

It is human nature to constantly learn something new, study, read, research, search. Look at young children, they are in a constant continuous learning process and they like it. The speed with which they learn and assimilate everything new is amazing. What happened to the adult? His abilities have only grown, and the desire to learn something new, to learn has disappeared?

Anyone who stops in development, not wanting to learn new things, to learn again and again, will gradually begin to degrade, dull and age quickly.

It is a fact recognized and proven by scientists that the more a person learns, reads, is interested in new knowledge, the longer he lives and the diseases characteristic of old people are not afraid of him.

In addition, if a person is constantly improving his level of knowledge, he is more interesting for modern companies. He is more competitive in the labor market, and accordingly his salary rises significantly.

Knowledge broadens the human horizons, his worldview changes in the learning process. This helps to perceive the world, people, events from the other side, since perception is transformed with the assimilation of new things. In the process itself, a person begins to gradually change, and therefore his life too. So if you want a change, start learning again.

Self-study and self-development have become the key words of a modern person. Now there are a huge number of different sources from where you can get new knowledge: the Internet, bookstores, libraries, all kinds of courses, trainings, seminars. Don't be afraid to open up new horizons and expand your boundaries.