On the legs are pimples with a white head. How to get rid of leg acne. Most often, acne appears with the onset of cold weather.

Acne of various kinds is a very common problem among many people of different ages. Water pimples on the legs and body can appear in both men and women, causing considerable discomfort. There are many reasons for their appearance, but in any case, these neoplasms require certain treatment. How to get rid of pimples on your feet?

Reasons for the appearance

Any kind of acne, acne and dropsy on the skin brings not only discomfort and pain, but also makes it less attractive to others. Watery pimples on the body and legs may indicate certain pathological processes that have arisen in the body, or a decrease in immune defenses.

There are many factors that can trigger the appearance of watery acne. But the main one is sensitive skin. In general, the reasons why water pimples appear on the legs can be divided into two categories - external and internal.

The most common root cause in women is shaving. Often, the fair sex is faced with a problem in the form of peeling, severe itching, burning and small rashes. Therefore, dermatologists advise adhering to certain rules of depilation, or it is completely recommended to change the method of the chosen shave.

The greatest irritation is caused by waxing and depilatory. However, even a banal shaving with a machine can provoke such a consequence. This could be due to an old, dull razor, dry shaving, or not using aftershave emollients.

Internal causes of water acne include:

  • colds;
  • decreased immune defense;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • lack of certain vitamins and minerals;
  • allergic reaction;
  • disturbances in the digestive system, which often leads to the appearance of acne.

Very often dropsy appear precisely in the cold season, since it is at this time that viral diseases, colds are significantly exacerbated and immunity is significantly reduced. Also, pimples on the feet and thighs can become a symptom of allergies to the fabric of clothing, to the used care cosmetics, as well as to other external irritants.

Interesting fact:

Water acne can appear due to the development of an infectious disease both inside the body and on the skin itself.

Possible external causes of acne on the legs:

  • irritation after shaving
  • improperly selected care cosmetics;
  • and neglect of moisturizing cosmetics;
  • poor hygiene or lack of it;
  • irritation on the fabric of clothing or as a result of exposure to sunlight during the summer season.

Dermatological diseases cannot be ignored. Of these, the most common are:

  • demodicosis, which causes itching, blistering, inflammation in the body;
  • shingles, which is characterized by the appearance of watery pimples all over the body;
  • herpes - hands, face, lips most often suffer;
  • fungus.

In recent decades, the incidence of rashes as a result of unstable work of the nervous system has become more frequent. Therefore, dermatologists often notice all kinds of rashes after severe stress, depressive conditions, nervous shocks, and so on.

In any case, having noticed this kind of rash on your body, you should seek the advice of a dermatologist. Since pimples appear on the hands, fingers, body or legs that cause discomfort, then this can be an alarming sign. But the root cause of their appearance can be much more serious and more dangerous to health and even human life. Moreover, there are many reasons for the appearance of dropsies.

Causes of dropsy on the feet

As a separate cause of dropsy, experts often point out improperly selected shoes. Usually, those who prefer high-heeled shoes complain about this problem. Also, the formation of acne on the legs is not excluded due to the wrong choice of shoes - the wrong size, synthetic inner filler, uncomfortable shoe shape, and so on.

Therefore, doctors advise to choose first of all comfortable shoes, preferably made from natural fabrics. Pay attention to the socks too. It is better to buy cotton socks, while you need to change them every day to clean so as not to provoke the appearance of fungus, which can also manifest itself in the form of small water pimples on the toes and on the sides of the feet.

Another common cause of dropsy on the feet is hyperhidrosis. This is a very popular problem today for both men and women. Therefore, it is necessary to use various means to reduce the amount of sweat produced:

  • deodorants and talcum powder for feet;
  • remedies for hyperhidrosis -, Dry Dry, etc.

Dropsy between the legs

Pimples between the legs, on the inside of the thighs, bring a lot of discomfort. In addition, it is not so easy to get rid of them, since the dermis in this place is especially sensitive, delicate and often fed to friction.

If water acne on the body itches, then the following factors can provoke this:

  • poor quality underwear or incorrect selection (synthetic fabrics, small size, out of season selection);
  • allergy to powder or soap;
  • herpes, which causes a blistering rash in the groin area;
  • molluscum contagiosum is an infectious lesion of the dermis.

If other symptoms also appear, along with rashes, an urgent need to consult a dermatologist for a thorough examination.

Video "Small bubbles on the body and legs"

Video transmission with information about small bubbles on the body: what it is, and how to deal with such a problem.

Diagnostics and treatment

First of all, you need to consult a dermatologist. For a more thorough examination, the doctor may take several tests, among which a scraping from the surface of the skin is mandatory. Thanks to him, you can detect possible bacteria and fungi on it. Further, the state of the dermis and directly the rashes themselves are studied using special equipment. This will help to draw a conclusion about the current state of the affected skin area.

In the future, the dermatologist prescribes therapy and, possibly, not only medication. The chosen treatment will depend on the underlying cause of the disease. If the ailment is not completely cured, but only its symptoms are eliminated, then it can develop further, while the affected area will increase, as will the degree of the disease.

Watery pimples on the soles of the feet, hands and body should not be squeezed out, this can provoke the development of infection and leave scars.

Drug therapy

Medications for both internal and external administration are prescribed only by a doctor and self-medication can negatively affect the condition of your skin. In the case of allergic reactions, antihistamines are usually prescribed, for example Suprastin, Loratadin, Cetrin, etc.

With infections that have arisen in the body, antiviral drugs must be taken. Often infections in the body appear due to a decrease in immunity, therefore, immunomodulators, for example, are prescribed. For nervous disorders, sedatives are recommended.

Local medications are prescribed along with internal treatment. Usually these are antifungal, anti-inflammatory ointments, which are selected depending on the situation and diagnosis. You can also use a more loyal, traditional therapy, but only on the advice of a doctor.

Traditional methods

If pimples and dropsy appear and itch on the feet, then you can use some folk recipes. The most effective remedy for acne and skin irritation is aloe juice. This plant is rich in vitamins and trace elements and can be used for various dermatological problems.

To do this, juice is squeezed out of the aloe leaf, which is applied to the affected area. Also, aloe leaf can be used as lotions. But it must be remembered that it is better not to apply aloe to healthy skin, as it can cause irritation and burns.

Also, a time-tested remedy is calendula tincture. For skin treatment, it is effective to use herbal decoctions:

  • chamomile;
  • turns;
  • eucalyptus;
  • mother and stepmother.

If there is no result or if the situation worsens, you should consult a doctor.

Pimples on the feet are often confused with, so self-medication is ineffective. In order to get rid of profuse rashes on the body and legs as soon as possible, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • choose clothes and shoes only from natural fabrics;
  • give up at least for a while from heels;
  • change care cosmetics;
  • if possible, take air baths as often as possible.

The first thing to do is to cleanse the body by revising your daily menu. Instead of junk food, you need to include in your diet foods rich in minerals and vitamins. It is better to exclude fried, spicy and highly salty foods from the diet altogether, as it negatively affects the condition of the skin and the functioning of the digestive system.

When it comes to sweets, dermatologists say that sweets take away beauty. Many studies have proven that people who eat chocolate and sweets often suffer from acne, acne, clogged pores and other skin conditions.

It is imperative to add fermented milk products to your daily diet. It improves the functioning of the digestive tract, helps cleanse the body, eliminates toxins and speeds up metabolism. As a result, the skin looks more rested and the number of breakouts is significantly reduced.

To prevent the appearance of acne on the feet, as well as corns, it is recommended to regularly cleanse the skin with scrubs, peels, and do a pedicure. At home, you can use a pumice stone, a toe file, steaming.

Human skin is highly susceptible to external and internal stimuli. Therefore, if you notice any inflammation, acne or redness, you need to listen to your body. Perhaps this is just a symptom of a serious disorder or pathology that can be dangerous to human health and life.

Video "If acne on the hands or feet itches, what to do?"

An informational video about rashes on hands and feet that can cause itching and what to do about them.

Pimples can appear on any part of the legs and look like small red bumps or bumps. Sometimes they burst and crust over. May be accompanied by intermittent itching.

More often than not, pimples on the legs are not a serious problem. They are easy to diagnose and treat, despite the fact that they have many reasons for their appearance.

Having itchy pimples on your feet causes a strong urge to scratch them, which can lead to scratching. In no case should this be done, since scratches open the way for various infections. If, nevertheless, scratches appear, you can avoid infection with the help of Neosporin ointment, although it costs from $ 10. The cheaper analogue of Bacitracin ointment is also suitable.


There are many reasons for the appearance of red itchy pimples on the legs, so establishing an accurate diagnosis will help you choose the right treatment strategy. It is also important to note that acne can be caused by more than one cause.

Allergic reactions

One of the most common causes of leg acne is allergic reactions. Their main difficulty lies in the fact that most people, perhaps, do not even realize that they have an allergy.

Acne on the legs of an allergic girl (the allergen has not been identified for sure). Redness increased scratching due to itching

For example, red, itchy pimples on your feet can be caused by a latex allergy, and it is likely that the reaction has occurred after repeated use of the latex product. Allergies can also be to personal hygiene products and household chemicals (including environmentally friendly ones), or even to new clothes.

Pay attention to whether something new has appeared among the usual things of your everyday life. This item may have triggered an allergic reaction - the most common cause of leg acne.



With staphylococcal folliculitis, the hair follicles become infected with the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. The disease causes the appearance of small red acne sometimes with white centers, which resemble acne and tend to appear on the thighs and legs and other parts of the body. These small pimples are usually itchy or cause burning pain. Folliculitis, even if left untreated, usually goes away on its own after a few days / weeks.

Viral infections

Another cause of this problem can be a viral infection. Chickenpox is a prime example, but it is more likely to show up on the abdomen first.

In adults, shingles may be a likely cause of red leg acne. However, based on the characteristics of its distribution, it is most likely to appear on the trunk.

Shingles causes the chickenpox (chickenpox) virus, since it does not completely leave the body and can be activated after many years


Next on the list of probable causes of acne is vasculitis. Although this is an atypical manifestation of it. It is important to point out here that this condition occurs when the small vessels in the skin of the legs burst, causing acne.


Also, uncontrolled diabetes can cause itchy rashes on the legs due to vascular problems. In this case, it is usually advisable to see a doctor to determine the cause of the vasculitis. In most cases, this will be diabetes.

Skin diseases

Note that skin conditions can also be a likely cause of red itchy pimples on the legs. An example is dry skin, which in most cases causes itching.

In addition, psoriasis and eczema can cause acne on the legs, but they mostly affect other parts of the body.

Insect bites

Insect bite marks


Treatment for red itchy leg acne will depend on the underlying cause. In the case of allergies, it is important to first try to avoid contact with the allergen. Pay attention to the hygiene products you use. They may not be suitable for your skin type. If so, diphenhydramine hydrochloride ointment (Benadryl, Dermadrin) is a good antihistamine to treat this disorder. Topical creams can be used to relieve itching.

When vasculitis is the cause of red itchy pimples on the legs, it is necessary to determine the cause of its development. The problem may be diabetes-related, so it is worth ruling out before any medical intervention.

Pimples on the legs appear much less frequently than on the face or back.

Basically, less attention is paid to them, because they are not visible under clothes.

And if women are still worried about how their legs will look when they put on a skirt, then men do not consider such rashes to be a problem at all.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and DOES NOT ARE a guide to action!
  • Provide an EXACT DIAGNOSIS you can only a DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

But in vain! Indeed, there are no large sebaceous glands on the legs, and therefore acne in this area can indicate serious diseases.

Pimples on the feet should be especially alert.

What are

Various rashes may appear on the skin of the legs:

  • watery- such rashes are distinguished from blisters only by a denser surface and a small size, inside they are also filled with a transparent or light liquid;
  • red- these are small bumps of a uniform color without visible content, the color of these elements does not transfer to the surrounding skin and it does not have any signs of inflammation;
  • - hard pimples, most often formed on the front and outer thighs, they can have a scaly structure and flake off;
  • purulent- they look like acne on the face, they look like bumps with a white top;
  • subcutaneous- these pimples resemble, to the touch, they consist of compacted tissue, they can become inflamed and very painful.

Although some types of acne on the legs are the same as on the face, the way to deal with them is completely different.


Reasons for the appearance

Acne on the legs can appear for various reasons:

  • from shaving legs;
  • clothes and underwear made of synthetic fabrics that make it difficult to breathe on the skin of the legs;
  • excessively warm clothing, which provokes overheating of the skin;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • lack of essential vitamins and minerals;
  • an allergic reaction to products or household chemicals, components in the composition of clothing;
  • colds, accompanied by a decrease in immunity;
  • infectious diseases (scabies, molluscum contagiosum) or fungal infections;
  • improperly selected care products (foot creams, soap or shower gel, etc.);
  • ingrown hair;
  • nervous disorders.

Photo: ingrown hairs can trigger acne on the skin

Many reasons can be determined by changing cosmetics, clothes, washing powder. Others require some tests and a visit to the doctor.

But each type of rash is usually caused by its own range of factors.


Most often, watery pimples appear in the cold season.

So the body can react to hypothermia or, conversely, overheating from excessively warm tight-fitting clothing.

Sometimes water pimples go away on their own, but sometimes they are not easy to get rid of.

On the inner thighs

Pimples on the inner thighs are particularly uncomfortable.

The skin here is thin and sensitive, and in overweight people it is also rubbed a lot, if you do not wear special underwear.

As a result, it just hurts a person to walk, and the rashes themselves can not only itch, but also become inflamed.

Such acne can appear due to:

  • synthetic underwear and tights that disrupt normal breathing and heat transfer of the skin;
  • the body's reactions to cosmetics or washing powder;
  • metabolic disorders in the body (diabetes mellitus);
  • molluscum contagiosum, which can occur when trying on clothes in a store;
  • infection with genital herpes, in this case, the rash will spread to the groin area and the back of the thigh, and the pimples will contain a clear liquid.

It is clear that only in the first two cases a person can help himself by eliminating the cause of the rash. In all others, you should see a doctor.

Acne on the feet

Pimples on the foot are the most dangerous, because there are no sebaceous glands, blockage of the ducts of which can lead to the formation of a pimple.

Rashes are usually caused by more serious problems:

  • dyshidrotic eczema- appears when the sweat glands are malfunctioning, when fluid accumulates under the skin, forming a blistering rash. The elements usually itch a lot, the area of ​​the rash begins to peel off and hurt. It is also possible that the bubbles that have opened will become infected, which makes the situation only more complicated. Typically, such rashes appear first on the palms, and then on the soles. The disease is more common in adults;
  • dyshidrosis- usually occurs against the background of increased sweating and leads to a blockage of the sweat glands. The bubbles that appear will transform into pustules over time, they itch, and a burning sensation may be felt. This disease often occurs in a child. Bubbles appear on the palms and soles. They can merge, become inflamed;

  • - what is this? This phrase is called various skin rashes, accompanied by severe itching. The disease can develop against the background of stress, it can be caused by an allergic reaction to food, household chemicals, synthetic fabrics. The rash can be found anywhere on the body, including the feet. They are often combed to the point of abrasion.

As a result of allergies

Acne on the legs can appear as a result of the body's reaction to certain foods, washing powder, cosmetics, unnatural fabrics.

Video: "Treatment of acne in girls"

Features of rashes for various diseases

A huge number of diseases and various conditions of the body are manifested by rashes on the skin of the legs.

These are the features that acne has in some diseases and conditions:

  • allergy- usually all such rashes are red (but not bright) and express themselves with itching. They appear some time after contact with an allergen (from several minutes to a day). The rash is usually localized in areas of thinner skin - between the fingers and toes, in the folds of the elbows and knees, on the palms and feet;

Photo: manifestation of an allergic reaction

  • hypothermia and colds- cause a decrease in immunity and the formation of watery pimples;
  • avitaminosis- The rash is usually dry, scaly;
  • hormonal disorders- rashes can be different, more often - red, inflamed, with a purulent tip. On the legs, they are usually localized on the thighs;
  • improperly fitted clothes and shoes- the rash appears clearly in the area covered by this clothing or footwear. Rashes are similar to allergic rashes, but may not be itchy. The reason is unnatural fabrics and artificial leather substitutes when sewing shoes, which provoke increased sweating, overheating, impaired air exchange in the cells;

  • dyshidrosis- bubbles are small, with transparent contents, bursting. They cause itching, when the infection gets in, they fester and become inflamed;
  • scabies- a blistering rash on the foot or between the toes. Intense itching, especially at night. The bubbles are transformed into red spots, inflamed stripes can be seen under the skin - traces of the moves of the itch mite;

  • fungal infection- the rash is white or transparent. Arises closer to the toes, but then spreads to the entire foot. The skin begins to peel off strongly. An unpleasant odor begins to emanate from the legs;
  • nervous rash- similar to an allergic reaction to food. There is a relationship between the stressful situation and the rapid formation of spots and red rashes, which are very itchy. Usually appears in the elbow and knee bends, on the ankle. When restoring peace of mind, it can pass on its own;
  • chickenpox- Bubble rash, on the legs appears last, as it starts from the upper body. It is accompanied by an increase in temperature and the rapid formation of new elements;

  • genital herpes- a rash, like with chickenpox, only localized around the intimate area (groin, butt, inner thighs).

This is not a complete list of all possible problems that are accompanied by rashes on the legs.

It is difficult for an ordinary person to determine the cause on their own.

Therefore, it is always better to consult a specialist, especially since some diseases require treatment started as early as possible.


Each type of leg acne has a different treatment method.

The main thing is not to squeeze or scrape them, this can end up with infection and extensive inflammation.

Try this treatment:

  • if acne is watery, prepare a light pink manganese solution and smear it 1-2 times a day;
  • for dry rashes during an evening bath or shower, rub their area with a soft washcloth, and at the end of the procedure, apply a moisturizer;
  • purulent acne can be tried to burn with iodine solution, but no more than 2 times a day. And try not to get on healthy skin, this can lead to burns;

Photo: pharmacy drugs that will help cope with the rash

  • for inflamed rashes, salicylic ointment can be used, it should be applied directly to the tubercles. Antibacterial agents Zinerit, Dalatsin, Skinoren can also help. But they need to be applied no more than 7 days, if during this time there was no result, then it is better to consult a dermatologist;
  • start taking small doses of vitamin A (retinol acetate, Videstim, Radevit), follow the instructions or consult your doctor, as an excess of vitamin A is just as harmful as a deficiency;
  • small rashes can be wiped several times a day with decoctions of chamomile or calendula;
  • if the rash looks like acne on the face, crush an aspirin tablet, mix with the same amount of glycerin and apply to the elements that appear. Wash off after 20 minutes;

Photo: mask with aspirin will soothe the skin and relieve inflammation

  • during water procedures, replace the shower gel with tar soap. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, does not dry the skin;
  • consider if acne may be the result of an allergic reaction. Change your diet, clothing, washing powder and cosmetics, the intensity of the rash may decrease.

If the condition has not improved within 7-10 days of such treatment, contact your doctor. This means that the cause of the rash is more serious.


It is difficult to completely protect yourself from rashes on the legs, because it is impossible to foresee all situations.

But you can reduce this risk if:

  • monitor your diet, try to eat healthy food, more vegetables and fruits;
  • take care of your immunity, monitor the work of the intestines, disruptions in digestion can cause a skin rash;
  • when choosing clothes, especially linen, give preference to natural fabrics (cotton, linen, excluding natural wool, as it can cause severe irritation in contact with the skin);
  • when washing laundry, rinse it well, set the washing machine program for an additional rinse, keep in mind that conditioners can also cause allergic reactions, like powder;
  • if you remember about personal hygiene, you can avoid infection with many infectious and fungal diseases.

Proper skin care can help prevent acne on your feet. What is it?

  • Give your feet an air bath every day. After water procedures, do not cover them with clothes for at least 20-30 minutes.
  • Replace synthetic socks with cotton, insert a fabric, leather or special "breathable" insole into your shoes.
  • Tights for cold weather can also be selected with a high (up to 70%) cotton content.

  • Pamper your feet with sea salt baths or herbal teas.
  • Do not forget about daily hygiene procedures, wipe your feet dry after a bath or shower.
  • In the pool or sauna, use your rubber slippers to help prevent fungal infections.
  • Do not forget to moisturize your feet with special products.
  • Examine your feet regularly for early problems. Consult a specialist for different skin and nail problems.

Questions and answers

What to do if legs appear after shaving

Most likely, in this case, the shaving of the legs is performed incorrectly.

Use these tips:

  • take a new machine, preferably with a floating head;
  • for a better fit of the machine, before the procedure, clean the skin with a soft scrub (mix shower gel with soda and gently massage your feet), this will ensure a tighter fit of the machine head;
  • use gel instead of shaving foam, hair conditioner is also suitable, these products will provide easy glide;
  • the direction of shaving should be against hair growth;
  • apply a moisturizer to your feet at the end of the procedure.

Photo: after shaving the legs, rashes may appear on the skin

How to remove marks after rashes

After rashes, traces in the form of dark spots and scars may remain on the legs. It looks unaesthetic.

The following recipes will help to deal with such consequences:

  • buy wheat germ oil at the pharmacy and lubricate problem areas 3 times daily;
  • a kefir mask will help with scars on the skin, just apply this fermented milk product for 20 minutes, and then rinse;
  • a mask of 2 tsp will help whiten the skin and smooth out scars. lemon juice and protein from one egg, mix everything and apply to the problem area for 20 minutes;
  • Dead Sea mud masks are good for getting rid of stubborn spots after acne.

What to do if it hurts and itches

In this case, it is better to turn to, especially if the symptoms are increasing.

Such acne can be the consequences of serious disturbances in the functioning of the body, but only a specialist can figure it out.

Pimples on the legs are a more serious symptom than a rash on the face. You cannot leave them unattended.

Moreover, over time, they will deliver more and more tangible discomfort.

Whereas a consultation with a specialist, identifying the cause of the rash and proper treatment will help you forget about this problem for a long time, or maybe forever.

Video: "What will happen if you squeeze acne"

Acne can appear on all parts of the body without exception, including the legs. But since the legs are mostly hidden from the eyes of others, we get used to paying less attention to them than to the face or hands.

Nevertheless, acne on the legs should be treated with equal zeal: any skin rashes can lead to complications if not treated promptly.

So, what are acne on the legs

Small white pimples on the legs, especially above the lower leg, can appear from dry skin and be the result of banal irritation from the constant wearing of tight trousers, tights, etc. Unlike other parts of the body, heat exchange in the area of ​​the legs is almost always disturbed: at the same time, we constantly cover our legs with something, thereby overheating them, and overcooling them - for example, on the street. In addition, the factor is that the legs are often less well supplied with blood due to problems with venous blood flow. Unfortunately, varicose veins are a problem for a very large number of men and women over 25 years old.

Varicose veins help to dry out the skin and increase inflammation. This is especially true for pimples on the lower leg - this area suffers more than others from dryness and itching with varicose veins.

Red acne on the legs can occur as a result of inaccurate depilation, when the hair turns the direction of its growth and grows into the hair follicle. This is extremely unpleasant, acne can fester at the same time and actively dig up, forming abscesses.

If you find that a red pimple has a subcutaneous base, is enlarged and hurts a lot, or vice versa - it is completely deprived of sensitivity - be sure to consult a doctor: most likely you will need the help of a surgeon.

Itchy watery pimples are a clear sign of an infection. Pay attention to other areas of the body: if the acne is localized not only on the legs, it is likely that you have chickenpox, rubella, or measles. Watery pimples on your toes can be a sign of a fungus. Localized on the lower leg - eczema or even a form of psoriasis. Do not treat water pimples on your own, see your doctor at the first symptoms.

Location of acne on the legs

Acne on the thighs: irritation from overheating or hypothermia, wearing tight clothes, lack of personal hygiene.

Pimples on the legs: varicose veins, lack of personal hygiene, hypothermia.

Pimples on feet and toes: inadequate hygiene, problems with sweating, irritation from wearing artificial shoes, foot and nail fungus.

Causes of acne on the legs

The causes of acne on the legs are as many as there are, in principle, the reasons for the appearance of rashes. However, each part of the body has its own specifics.

  • Legs differ in that they are in shoes or under clothes almost all the time.
  • The blood obeys the law of gravity, and the outflow from the legs with at least some weakened vessels becomes difficult, respectively, the nutrition of the limbs also becomes worse. This means reduced immunity and susceptibility to infections.
  • Women's legs are regularly depilated: microtrauma and ingrown hairs are a frequent consequence of even the most careful hair removal.
  • Psoriasis and some types of eczema are characterized by the first rash on the legs. Most often, such diseases are manifested in plaques, but they can begin with small pimples.

The most common causes of acne on the legs:

  • Temperature changes, especially frequent in winter, cause dryness and irritation.
  • Food and contact allergies.
  • Irritation from synthetic and tight clothing.
  • Individual reaction to fragrances and dyes contained in shower gels and other hygiene products.
  • A bacterial, viral, or fungal disease.

  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Thyroid hormone problems.
  • Dyshidrotic eczema.
  • Dyshidrosis.
  • Sloppy depilation.

The last point should be given special attention, since this is almost the most common reason for the appearance of rashes in women. Compliance with a small number of simple rules will avoid trouble.

  • Change the machine and the blades in it in time - at least once a month. In addition to the accumulation of bacteria, skin cells and fat on the machine, it becomes dull. It is the dull loom that is the main cause of ingrown hair.

  • Before depilation, the skin should be clean but moisturized. Otherwise, you injure the skin and provoke the growth of bacteria. A hair conditioner is great for moisturizing your legs. Shaving foam, on the other hand, will dry out your skin.
  • After depilation, go over the skin of your legs with a hard washcloth or scrub - this will prevent ingrown hairs.
  • Moisturize your skin with cream or body milk when you get out of the shower: shaving makes it drier.
  • Make sure that foot care cosmetics do not contain aggressive fragrances: menthol, camphor, alcohol - all of which can trigger acne.

The reason for the appearance of acne on the legs may be a general weakening of the immune system: often rashes are activated during the off-season.

You can also watch a video on how to properly shave your legs:

Treating acne on the legs

  • Take vitamins, drink fortifying decoctions of rose hips, cranberries, lingonberries.
  • Watch your personal hygiene: take a shower at least once a day, do not use someone else's washcloth and towel.
  • Give preference to tights and trousers made from natural materials.
  • Try to avoid wearing artificial leather shoes altogether: they prevent sweat evaporation and promote the growth of fungi.
  • In case of inflamed red acne, use specialized ointments and creams: Skinoren, Zenerit, Baziron AS.
  • A small rash can be wiped off with decoctions of birch buds, chamomile, calendula tincture and salicylic alcohol.

If acne on your legs persists for a long time, seek the advice of a specialist.

It is generally accepted that acne and other skin rashes appear primarily on the face, arms and chest. The legs, especially the calves, have a fairly dense layer of dermis, however, these areas are also prone to acne formation. In addition to the fact that red inflammations do not look aesthetically pleasing, they cause a lot of trouble to their owners. The skin begins to itch and itch, periodically there are pains when in contact with tight clothing. How to get rid of leg acne? Let's try to figure it out together.

Causes of acne formation

  • changes in hormonal levels in adolescents;
  • synthetic, warm and tight clothes that provoke accelerated sweating;
  • incorrectly performed epilation or depilation procedure;
  • menstruation, lactation, breastfeeding, pregnancy;
  • delayed self-cleaning of the skin;
  • an individual feature of the epidermis;
  • frequent exposure to temperature extremes;
  • exacerbation of respiratory diseases;
  • dehydration of the skin and the body as a whole;
  • deficiency of vitamins or an excess of some of them;
  • insufficient care of the skin of the legs;
  • allergic reaction;
  • hypothermia;
  • long-term antibiotic treatment;
  • violation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pharmacy remedies for acne on the legs

Sulfuric ointment for a small rash
Crush 3 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid and pour a little water over the powder. Wait until the granules dissolve, soak a cotton swab in the mixture and wipe the rash. After that, apply sulfur ointment to the affected epidermis according to the instructions. The method perfectly disinfects the skin, reduces inflammation and prevents the appearance of abscesses.

Antibiotics for purulent acne
As a treatment, you can use levomycentin alcohol, Dalatsin gel, erythromycin ointment. It is also worth considering more expensive drugs, these include "Zinerit", "Skinoren Gel", "Baziron", "Boro +". All of these remedies dry out the skin and draw out pus. If the inflammation persists after a week, stop treatment and contact a dermatologist.

Treatment of acne on the legs in children
Give preference to panthenol-based products. You can use the product in its pure form or resort to the help of its fellows. Pay attention to "De-Panthenol", "Bepanten", "Children's Panthenol", "Dexpanthenol" with vitamins B5. Also suitable gel "Radevit" with vitamin A. Naturally, before direct treatment, you must read the instructions and check the skin for a possible allergic reaction.

Preparations for the normalization of hormonal levels
If you are sure that your acne is due to hormonal changes, use targeted medications. Take a course of badger or fish oil, get a multivitamin. Ointments for external use will serve as an alternative to the listed funds: "Videstim", "Radevit", ichthyol gel, santominin ointment. Buy vitamins of group A and E in ampoules, rub them into the skin.

Healing remedies
Preparations of this type should be used in cases where you tried to squeeze out inflamed acne and brought an infection. Also, healing ointments and creams are used in cases when people cannot control themselves and begin to scratch acne. Use the following medicines: Solcoseryl, Rescuer, Actovegin, Miramistin, Boro +, Malavit. Cover the damage with cream, leave for 2 hours, remove excess with a tissue and wipe the skin with hydrogen peroxide.

Elimination of the consequences of allergies
If you are allergic to clothing, food, cosmetics, as a result of which acne has formed, purchase antiallergic drugs. These include salicylic zinc gel, "Akriderm", glucocorticosteroid, "Eplan Solution", cream or ointment with glycolan. All of these drugs eliminate minor inflammations, relieve pain, relieve itching and burning, and heal.

Antiseptics for acne on the legs

  1. Soak a cotton pad in 3 to 6% hydrogen peroxide, wipe the inflamed areas. If there is no peroxide, use "Miramistin" or "Chlorhexidine" in low concentration. Repeat the steps 4-6 times daily. These drugs are suitable for the treatment of acne of any etiology.
  2. Crush 0.5 tablets of analgin and 4 tablets of aspirin into powder, pour in 5 ml. liquid glycerin. In order not to burn healthy areas of the epidermis, apply the composition pointwise with a cotton swab. Wait no longer than 10 minutes, wipe the skin with cool filtered water and treat with any antiseptic solution.

  1. Chamomile and lamb. Purchase the herb of white ash and chamomile from the pharmacy. Combine them in equal proportions (20 gr. By 20 gr.). Pour 250 ml. boiling water, wait 45 minutes. Strain the broth, drink 50 ml. 5 times a day. If desired, you can add the infusion to green tea with lemon balm or jasmine, these herbs are perfectly combined with each other.
  2. Calendula and nettles. Mix 25 gr. dry nettle, 10 gr. calendula, 35 gr. birch buds. Brew them in 400 ml. hot water, leave for 2 days. Prepare a compress: roll a bandage or cheesecloth in 4 layers, put cotton wool between the rows. Moisten in the resulting solution and apply to the damaged area. Keep it on for at least 1 hour. Repeat the procedure three times a day. If desired, you can add 30 ml of the broth to the tea. on a glass, and make lotions from pure herbs.
  3. Kalina. Take 100 gr. fresh viburnum, grind it in a blender and pour over 400 ml of gruel. boiling water. Place in a dark place for 2.5 hours, then strain. Take the infusion orally 3 times a day with meals (45 ml. At a time). Make a compress from the berries, leave it for 1 hour. If you wish, use of fresh viburnum fruits is allowed. To do this, you will need to grind them and use them in the form of lotions.
  4. Herbal collection. Mix in equal proportions the succession, yarrow, St. John's wort, celandine, chamomile flowers and linden (the total amount of herbs should be at least 180 grams). Brew them 330 ml. filtered water, put in a water bath and simmer for 20 minutes. Cover with a lid, wait until it cools down to room temperature, strain. Soak a cotton or terry cloth in the solution, apply a compress. Keep it on for 20 minutes.

Prevention of acne on the legs

Do not neglect the use of scrubs and peels, cleanse your feet several times a week. It is especially important to do this before the epilation / depilation procedure to avoid ingrown hairs. An alternative to abrasive particles is considered to be a hard washcloth. Massage your legs with it once every 3 days.

If you have naturally dry skin, you need to moisturize it. Drink at least 2.3 liters of water per day, use hydrogels and light herbal care creams.

Identify the cause of your acne and then find the appropriate treatment. Before using the drug, you must undergo an allergic reaction test: cover a small area of ​​skin on your wrist with the agent, wait half an hour and evaluate the result. Many underestimate the power of medicinal plants, if used correctly, they will eliminate inflammation in a short time.

Video: scrub for pimples on the legs