Does a teenager need to lose weight? How to lose weight for a teenager in a week - the right diet, tips and results How to lose weight for a teenager girl

Most girls are embarrassed about their bodies, especially in cases where it would not hurt them to lose a couple of pounds. In fact, the secret to losing weight quickly and safely is widely known: you should eat fewer calories than you burn in a day, and exercise regularly, at least by walking fast. These are fairly simple rules, but the main difficulty is that they must be followed all the time. If you are depressed and feel insecure, remember that millions of others were in a similar situation before you. Do not be discouraged, and you will definitely achieve your goal by losing excess weight.


Part 1

Diet change

    Start by switching to the right diet. If you want to achieve quick results, you will most likely have to change your diet. However, this does not mean at all that you will have to starve. Fasting leads to a significant slowdown in metabolism (the process responsible for burning fat), and energy is stored in the body. As a result, you will not lose weight, and perhaps even gain it.

    • It's important to remember that your body changes with hormones. Therefore, it is normal to have slight weight gain / loss at some point in your life. Try to eat as healthy as possible in order to reduce the range of fluctuations in weight.
    • Fasting can lead to eating disorders. These disorders include anorexia and bulimia, which are serious illnesses that require timely treatment. If you suspect you have an eating disorder, talk to someone you trust and seek medical attention without delay. No amount of weight loss is worth risking your health.
  1. You need to know and understand the basics of the food pyramid. For healthy weight loss, you need to know how many different types of food you can eat each day. Try the following diet:

    • A glass of water with meals. It is much healthier than sugar-containing sugary drinks and fake juices. You can add a few slices of lemon to the water. This will help flush toxins out of your body. Drink plenty of water as often as possible.
    • Least 3 servings of fruit daily.
    • Least 4 servings of vegetables daily.
    • 3-7 servings of protein (meat, fish, etc.) and dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.) daily.
    • 3-5 servings of healthy fats (nuts, peanut butter, avocados, etc.) daily.
    • Try to reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates found in refined and processed foods such as flour products, muffins, cookies, white bread, and light pasta. The carbohydrates found in artificial sugars and refined foods make weight loss difficult. Instead, eat foods with complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, whole rice, quinoa, and couscous.
  2. Create your own menu. Add healthy foods to it, excluding those that should not be consumed. Here are some examples:

    Follow the basic rules of a healthy diet. Eat three small meals throughout the day, snacking twice between meals. Each dish should be based on vegetables, followed by proteins, followed by carbohydrates. Also, dairy products may be present in every meal.

    • Breakfast: carbohydrates, fruits, proteins
    • Lunch: vegetables, proteins
    • Dinner: proteins, vegetables, carbohydrates
    • Snack: fruits, vegetables, proteins
  3. Drink more water ! Try not to drink anything other than sugar-free water and tea. Water is the best moisturizer for the body. Plus, it helps burn fat and even clears up acne!

    • Drinking only water will eliminate sugar-containing drinks and energy drinks, each of which can hold up to 800 calories. Imagine: half your daily calorie intake in one drink! At the same time, water is healthy, tasty and vital for your body.
    • If you still feel hungry after each meal, drink a large glass of sugar-free water or green tea before meals. This will reduce hunger and give you no extra calories.
    • Drink chilled water to burn more calories. In this case, your body will spend additional energy to warm it up. In addition, a glass of cold water will refresh you well after intense exercise.
  4. Eat in moderation. Limit the amount of calories you eat, but do not cut out any food completely. Allow yourself, for example, red meat once a week or once a month, and so you can enjoy it even more!

    • Exception to the rule: Try to completely avoid fast food restaurants, sweets (chocolate, candy, chips, lemonade, and the like) and other unhealthy foods (sugary sodas, hamburgers, ice cream, and so on). Do not allow yourself to completely "relax" one day a week, otherwise the efforts spent on the rest of the days will be worthless. Instead, set yourself up to one day a week where you can indulge in a little treat after dinner. If this is too difficult for you, start by pampering yourself with something every day after dinner, then gradually begin to impose restrictions, reducing this period to one day a week. While you can pamper yourself at any time, it is best to postpone the enjoyable moment until dinner, so that you can look forward to the enjoyable moment throughout the day.
    • The products of fast food restaurants are deeply processed, contain a lot of fat and are harmful to the body. Soft desserts and ice cream at McDonald's are made from pork fat, in KFC restaurants, potatoes are fried in lard, and milkshakes contain practically no natural ingredients. These are all preservatives and additives. Avoid unhealthy foods.

    Part 2

    Maintaining balance
    1. Don't deprive yourself of carbohydrates completely. You should limit your intake of carbohydrates, but you should not completely abandon them. Try to keep foods high in carbohydrates for about 50% of your diet. Your body needs glucose (carbohydrates) to convert it into energy. If you do not want to be lethargic, get tired quickly, and eventually gain weight again, do not deprive yourself of carbohydrates.

      • Avoiding carbohydrates, especially at this age, can slow down brain function and hormone production.
      • Don't be tempted by the low-carb Atkins diet. This diet recommends eating meat and fish that are high in protein; however, they are also high in fat and cholesterol. Too much animal protein (eggs, butter, chicken, fish, yogurt, milk, beef, lamb, pork, turkey, and so on) is thought to increase the risk of heart disease and cancer.
    2. Eat more plant-based foods. These include fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains. Try to base your diet on foods such as rice, oatmeal, couscous, quinoa, yellow tomatoes, and sweet potatoes. Odd as it may seem at first glance, white rice and potatoes do not make you fat. Look, for example, at the Chinese: despite the fact that their traditional diet consists mainly of these foods, they remain some of the slimmest in the world. Do not overeat, eat until you satisfy your hunger. But do not limit yourself too much and do not starve.

      Don't go on a low-calorie diet. These artificial diets often lead to eating disorders and weight gain. Do not cut calories, but also do not eat more fat than is appropriate for someone with your level of physical activity, weight, height, age, and gender. For example, a physically active girl should consume at least 2,000 calories daily.

      • Low-calorie diets with a daily intake of 1,000 to 1,400 calories are usually designed for 3, 7, 10 days or 2 weeks and are therefore ineffective in the long term. After all, you want to become slimmer, and not just lose weight for a short time and regain it in a month.
      • Under the close supervision of a doctor and following his recommendations, find out how many calories you need in order to start losing weight without harming your health; this should take into account your weight, height, age, gender, and level of physical activity.
    3. The amount of fat, carbohydrates and protein you eat should be balanced. If you have too much protein in your diet, your body will convert the excess protein into glucose, which you were trying to get rid of by limiting your carbohydrate intake. On the other hand, fats do not affect blood sugar and insulin levels.

      • Limit the amount of fat you eat to 35-60 grams per day. This means that fat should make up 20 to 35% of your daily calories.
      • Aim for 200 to 350 grams of complex carbohydrates found in whole grains, vegetables, and fruits daily. This should account for 60 to 70% of the calories consumed throughout the day.
      • Aim to eat 55-95 grams of lean proteins found in legumes, nuts, and grains. This will make up 15 to 25% of the calories in your diet. Did you know that 1 cup of oat flour contains 12 grams of protein? Do not be led by stereotypes and do not think that protein is found only in meat, eggs and fish.

    Part 3

    Physical exercise
    1. Trainings should be long. It is necessary that the set of exercises last from 30 minutes to an hour. You should burn about 400 calories in one intense session. If you do not sweat during exercise, then the load is insufficient. With good exercise, you should sweat well, breathe fast, and be thirsty after exercise.

      • Stretch! It should be done before and after training. Stretching warms up the muscles and prevents injury. Without stretching, muscles can form to make you look like a bodybuilder, while stretching can give you the figure of a ballerina.
      • Losing weight can be tough if you are recovering from an injury. In this case, stretching and yoga will help you.
      • Include strength training in your workouts. Muscle burns calories just by being there. The more muscle, the more calories are burned.
    2. Engage in sports that burn calories effectively. Sport strengthens our spirit and willpower, making us capable of feats. Ignore what others are saying and be confident in your abilities. Just find a group of girls who do what you like and ask to be accepted on the team. Here are some sports that are particularly effective at burning calories:

      • Exercise bike or elliptical trainer. According to a statistical study conducted among women in the United States, with a body weight of 74 kg, this type of exercise equipment burns the most calories. On average, women burn 841 calories per hour of exercising on such a simulator.
      • Skiing. Downhill skiing is another great way to burn thousands of calories. Plus, it's much more fun than pedaling a treadmill. However, this sport can only be practiced regularly if you live in a mountainous area where there is a lot of snow. Alpine skiing will help you get rid of 645-841 calories per hour.
      • Basketball. In this case, you need good hand-eye coordination and the ability to run around the court for quite some time. On average, women consume about 812 calories per hour of playing basketball.
      • Football. Football players are renowned for their excellent physical condition. No wonder: try running a long distance! For an hour of active play, football players burn about 742 calories.
    3. Try yoga or Pilates. If you don’t want to take sports seriously, it doesn’t mean that you have no other choice. Many women and girls prefer yoga or Pilates instead of intense workouts. Both types of exercise are good for burning calories and will leave you feeling refreshed and energized.

    Part 4

    Good dream

      Get enough sleep. Aim to get 7-9 hours of sleep every night. If you feel tired during the day, take a nap for 5-45 minutes. This is very important when trying to lose weight.

      • This is especially important during adolescence. Get enough sleep so your body can rest, recover, and release enough substance to control weight.
    1. Do not use an alarm clock. If possible, try to go to bed early enough so that you don't need an alarm in the morning. The alarm can interrupt your sleep in the middle of REM sleep, and you will be lethargic and sleepy when you wake up. It is best to always wake up gradually, in a calm environment and without external stimuli. Knowing how much time you need for proper sleep, go to bed so that you get enough sleep and wake up on time.

      • A sudden awakening interrupts the fat burning cycle, which leads to fat accumulation. As a result, the body begins to act in the wrong direction.
    2. Keep a glass of water near your bed. We all often wake up because we are thirsty. The body needs water to burn even more fat!

      Try to sleep lying straight and breathing deeply. Sleeping on your side hinders blood circulation, which plays an important role in burning fat. When going to bed, lie on your back and take several deep, long breaths. Breathe slowly and calmly. This will signal to your body that it's time to go to bed and start burning fat.

    • Do not overdo it when doing the exercises, otherwise your muscles will start to ache and you will not be able to continue exercising for several days.
    • To diversify your workouts, sign up for a dance class (or practice the dance yourself using guides on the Internet), at least an hour, three times a week.
    • Consume between 1,800 and 2,400 daily, depending on the intensity of your workout. Don't try to lose weight by cutting calories.
    • Eat three small meals a day, snacking twice in between, to help your body burn fat through an efficient metabolism. Better yet, eat five small meals throughout the day. Not eat what makes you fat!
    • Eat slowly, chewing well. Signals that you are full are sent to your brain after about 20 minutes.
    • Stop eating before you feel full. Your brain is 20 minutes behind your stomach. Feeling that you are about 70-75% satiated, get up from the table.
    • You cannot lose weight on any particular area of ​​the body. For example, regular abdominal exercises will not make your belly flat, you will just build muscle in this area. First, you will lose weight in places that are genetically predisposed to losing weight in the first place.
    • Weigh yourself once a week to keep track of your progress. If the readings of the scales upset you greatly, weigh yourself again in a day or two, watching how your weight changes from day to day. Don't be surprised if your waist turns out to be thinner, but at the same time you gain a little weight.
    • A good rule of thumb: If a food product has a short shelf life, it is healthy. If the shelf life is long, the product has most likely been deeply processed and its usefulness is questionable.
    • Do squats and ab exercises regularly.
    • Try increasing the amount of protein in your diet. With regular exercise, this will prevent muscle loss. When you feel like you want a light snack, drink some water with lemon juice.
    • Sign up for a sports team or section. Working out with the company is much more fun!

Helping a teenager lose weight is a problem that parents should also address. There is always a solution that is actually very simple if you follow some rules. Therefore, do not rush to say goodbye to the dream of a slim body.

Every girl dreams of a slim figure. Every boy wants to be in great physical shape. Very often in adolescence, the body is far from ideal, and, looking at beautiful photos on social networks, girls and teenage boys withdraw into themselves and begin to seize their problems.

Don't go on a diet

The first thing that immediately needs to be cut off is all kinds of diets that the Internet is replete with. If some Masha lost weight in a short time, after sitting on only one water, do not believe it.

  • Such nutrition will only harm the body, because it will not receive the vitamins necessary at this age for the growth and development of the body.
  • Such diets have only a temporary effect, and as soon as you return to your normal routine, the kilograms will return too, and besides, the weight may increase.
  • It is hunger strikes that lead to breakdowns, as a rule, they are kept in this mode for 3 to 7 days, and then they completely empty the refrigerator shelves, repenting the next day.

So, without diets, a teenager can and even need to lose weight.

The right approach

Ideally, a specialist will help a teenager lose weight correctly. He will prescribe a diet suitable for the body. Indeed, in adolescence, the body is rebuilt, which is why many girls and boys gain weight. And if you notice that the body has slightly increased in volume, in the region from 2 to 5 kg, then this is quite normal. It should be borne in mind that during this period girls can grow dramatically, overtaking the boys in the class. When the girl turns 12, her physique begins to change, and the child's figure transforms.

Support is important during this period. Mom can help a teenage girl lose weight. She will not only support, but also help to create a menu. Dad can help a teenage boy lose weight. It is the parents who should pay attention to what the child eats and what lifestyle he leads. A sister (brother) or girlfriend (boyfriend) may also be a good helper. Together, you can introduce proper nutrition, share emotions and results, providing that very support. And doing sports together is twice as fun!

Proper nutrition

Is it possible for a teenager to lose 10 kg., And is it safe? To figure it out, let's start discussing the most important thing - nutrition. There is nothing complicated here, there is no need to look for some exotic products that grow only on plantations in Africa. We prohibit teenagers 12 years and older from all junk food that they love so much.

We exclude:

  • Fast food. If your child is an amateur, then he should say "Goodbye" to such institutions, or say goodbye not only to his figure, but also to his health.
  • Cakes, pastries, various pastries, sweets, chocolate... These foods must be consumed in limited quantities, as they have a high calorie content and are detrimental to the figure. willpower and some psychological tricks will help.
  • Soda. It's no secret that Coca-Cola has no beneficial properties. It will negatively affect the skin, teeth and the body as a whole.
  • Sausage, sausages... These foods are high in salt, which retains fluid in the body, and fat on the sides.

Eat right with the whole family, so you will not only help the child, but improve your health yourself. A teenager may well lose weight at home. We exclude harmful foods and lose weight without exhausting diets.

Healthy diet

We include in the menu:

  • A large number of vegetables and fruits.
  • Food that has been steamed or cooked in the oven.
  • Sweets can be replaced with fruits or dried fruits. If you feel a strong craving for sweets, you can eat a couple of dates, they are very sugary. Sugar can be replaced with honey or (it is a natural sweetener).

For beginners, you can calculate the balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Their ratio should be 1: 1: 4. For people who are overweight, there should be less carbohydrate foods in the diet. But it's worth noting that the slow carbs needed for daily consumption will be beneficial. Namely, they contain:

  • in legumes and cereals (beans, lentils, beans, peas);
  • cereals and cereals;
  • fruits (apples, pears).

You can count calories, this will help beginners navigate among foods and their calorie content.

You should try to eat about 5-6 times a day. Portions don't have to be huge, and you don't have to train your body to overeat. Otherwise, you can forget about the teenager losing weight faster. Learn to listen to your body, it will tell you when you are full.

A little life hack: to trick your brain, put food in small-sized plates, so it will seem that you have eaten more.

A special place is occupied by food at school. Typically, this is the time for lunch and should not be neglected. If the school offers a good menu, then you can buy food there. Or give up food from the canteen and start carrying your breakfast.


No matter how corny it sounds, drinking 1.5-2 liters of water a day will be useful. With enough water:

  • the skin will improve;
  • the metabolism will accelerate.

It will also be useful to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning before breakfast, which will help the body wake up.

With the right daily routine, it helps you lose weight in a short time. 10 kg. in a week you, of course, will not lose weight, but by 10 kg. in a month - it is quite possible.

Sample menu

At first glance, it may seem that it would be difficult to prepare such a menu. But this is not the case. We offer an example of such a diet:

Breakfast Oatmeal, buckwheat porridge; curd dishes (you can add raisins and other dried fruits); egg dishes - scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, scrambled eggs.
Second breakfast (during school time) Fruits (apple, banana, kiwi, orange, etc.), yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese. You can make a salad from the listed products. Be sure to put a bottle of water in your bag.
Dinner Any side dish (rice, buckwheat) with meat (for example, chicken fillet) or fish. Do not forget that food must be steamed or in the oven, or you can boil it.
Afternoon snack Fruits (apple, banana, kiwi, orange, etc.), yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese.
Dinner Garnish with fish, meat and vegetables. But dinner doesn't have to be heavy.
Snack before bed If you feel hungry 2 hours before bedtime, you can drink low-fat kefir or yogurt.

Here's how to lose weight without dieting! Just stick to the right diet and you can lose 5 kg. during the week.

Losing weight at different ages

Let's look at how to lose weight for a teenager of different age groups correctly.

Teenage girl 12-13 years old

At this age, the support of parents is especially important, and their special attention to the problem of how you can lose weight quickly right at home. When a teenager is 13 years old, it is important to carefully choose a diet, because at this age girls are still children. This process can be psychologically difficult for them, so you can contact a specialist. Here are some tips that can help you lose weight properly:

  • Try to train your child to exercise. To make it easier for him, you can start practicing with him at home, so he will gradually get involved. Try not to impose, but to show interest in charging. Show how interesting and fun it is.
  • Leisure. In winter, go to the ice rink or go skiing. In summer, choose a bike and swim a lot.
  • Find a sport that your child will enjoy. For example, a boy can be sent to football or karate, a girl to swimming or dancing.
  • Watch your diet. Making a schedule for your child's meals will help him become more disciplined, as well as eliminate unnecessary overeating and snacking.

Teenage girl 14-15 years old

When a girl is 14 years old, she can already evaluate her reflection in the mirror and compare herself with other girls. It is also important for a 15-year-old teenager not to get carried away with diets, so parents should monitor how the child eats, because many girls begin to practice hunger strikes.

  • Explain to the girl that it is possible to lose weight quickly at home; for this, the teenager needs to correctly formulate a diet that consists of healthy carbohydrates and vitamins. Such food will help a teenager lose weight quickly.
  • There is no need to set high goals, for example, to lose 15 kg. per month. When the result is not achieved, the girl will be very upset, and the desire to lose weight will disappear. In addition, losing a large number of kilograms quickly is very harmful to the body.
  • Also start playing sports, exercise will help you lose weight in the legs and face. This will increase the teenage girl's self-esteem and she will begin to love herself.


You don't have to torment yourself with daily workouts, but you don't need to sit at the computer all day.

  • Start accustoming yourself to exercising for 15-20 minutes a day.
  • In good weather, do not give up walking, walking is a good exercise, just like giving up the elevator.
  • During the warmer months, it is your best pastime. This is not only useful, but also pleasant, besides, you can call friends and go on a trip around the city.
  • Dancing is a great alternative, just turn on your favorite music and rock it at home.
  • Cleaning the house is not the most boring task, because while you are washing the floors, you will do several dozen bends.

These tips are suitable for younger girls, a teenager 12-13 years old.

Parents can also enroll the child in sports section:

  • volleyball;
  • tennis;
  • dancing;
  • football;
  • swimming.

Such sports sections are also suitable for a boy of 14 years old. Classes will be beneficial for development in general, and will also help to lose weight.


At the age of 15-16, the girl has already formed a figure and problem areas are noticeable with excess weight. For example, with a pear-shaped figure, these are the hips. If you want to achieve faster results, then you need to combine proper nutrition with exercise. The lower zone is one of the most problematic, but a teenager can lose weight in lyashki and pope even in a week. We offer exercises that are easy to perform and very effective, they will help you lose weight in the shortest possible time.

  • ... This item is known to all girls, which can be used to lose weight. During the jump, try to land on your feet, then all the work will be transferred to the calves, and as a result, you can effectively lose weight in the legs.
  • Swing your legs. You need to do this exercise 50-100 times on each leg. Performing it every day, you will get a beautiful relief of the legs. Swings can also be performed while lying on your back.
  • with raised knees... Keep your back straight, feet shoulder-width apart, push off with the toe of your leg, bending it at the knee joint, lift it up to the belt line. So you can lose weight in lyashki in a week. This exercise will help you lose weight in your knees.
  • Squats. Keeping your back straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart and slowly sit down until your hips are parallel to the floor, keeping your hands in front of you.
  • Lunges. Alternately lunge with your legs forward, bending them at the knees to a right angle.
  • Slopes. Will help strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles.

It is necessary to practice constantly, then you will see the result. Simple exercises will help a girl lose weight in a week without dieting.

Video set of exercises for teenagers

Lose weight in the face

What if a young girl or guy wants?

  • Charging for the face... Pronounce all vowel sounds, stretching them to different keys.
  • Faces. Stick out your tongue and try to reach your chin, nose.
  • Turns. Turn your head to the side and touch your chin to your shoulder and stop in this position.
  • Massage . A special massage will help to lose weight in the face and make it a well-defined oval.

Three main rules

No laziness

It often happens that starting a new one is lazy. Losing weight requires strength and energy investment in your efforts, and there is no place for laziness. Stop procrastinating until Monday, start on Sunday.

Healthy sleep

You need a healthy sleep for at least 8 hours, this is one of the components of a healthy lifestyle. Stop spending time on social media and be a sluggish lemon in the morning. It would seem such a simple advice, but how it will help a teenager lose weight! Sleeping well will keep you feeling energized all day, which will have a beneficial effect on your appearance.


Many people need motivation, the very kick that will force them to act. Decide for what purpose you are losing weight. Fight with your complexes, if you want a beautiful figure, strive for this. For example, it's summer outside, and all the girls wear open dresses. And you can start from this thought and start acting in order to lose weight by the summer.

So, losing weight in a week is possible, but subject to the rules of nutrition and sports. At this age, adolescents have a well-developed metabolism, which will allow you to achieve quick results.

But most importantly, do not forget that it is not the figure that paints a person, but his mind, education, and actions. And extra pounds should be shed if only because it will be beneficial to the body and health. The physique of each person is different, that very wide bone really exists. Therefore, you should not strive for excessive thinness just because you are not like those around you.

At first it will be difficult, but gradually the body gets used to it and such a "diet", or rather proper nutrition, becomes a way of life. Don't be upset if it doesn't work out on the first try, start with small steps. This is how willpower is brought up. By accustoming teenagers to proper nutrition, parents help them to acquire good health, which directly depends on what a person eats, as well as a beautiful figure.

The correct diet for teenagers is based on the principles of a rational and balanced diet. It will help not only get rid of extra pounds, but also improve the condition of the skin, strengthen the body.

How to choose a diet for a teenager from 12 years old

The period of 12-16 years is accompanied by intensive growth and development of a growing organism. In addition, metabolism at this age occurs somewhat differently than in an adult. It is important for the child to receive all the necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Therefore, you need to worry about being overweight only if the doctor diagnoses "obesity".

If a teen is really concerned about being overweight, the best recommendation for him is to eat regularly and properly!

Any diet is a restriction, which after a few years can "backfire" with serious health problems. So, strict weight loss programs for adolescents 12 years old cause skin problems, hormonal imbalance, and the development of intestinal diseases. The best option is a healthy diet and exercise in the sports section. You need to eat at least 4 times a day in small portions, limit sweets and "harmful" (crackers, chips, sweet carbonated drinks).

What products should be discarded for weight loss

Parents shape a teen's diet, so it is very important that they respect their decision to lose weight. It is quite difficult to give up bad children's eating habits; a son or daughter will need psychological support.

We'll have to exclude from the menu:

  • Fast food dishes that are very high in calories and harmful, as they contribute to the accumulation of cholesterol, which reduces the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Chips, a bag of which helps to quickly satisfy hunger, but at the same time, it is even more addictive and the appearance of extra pounds, due to the high calorie content.
  • Fresh baked goods. Bread is not banned, but it is better to dry it or make toast.
  • Sweets that can be replaced with fresh fruit. If you are completely unbearable without sweets, it is advisable to gradually reduce the daily amount of sweets eaten.
  • Sweet carbonated drinks. Parents need to initially accustom their child to ordinary water or compotes.
  • Industrial juices, they are extremely different from homemade ones. As a rule, sugar and preservatives are always added to them, which is unhealthy.

Diet food for weight loss for adolescents is recommended exclusively by the pediatrician supervising your child! The manifestation of independence is inappropriate here, in the presence of pathologies or chronic diseases, the doctor will help to correctly formulate the diet.

Healthy eating rules during weight loss:

  • Enriching the diet with healthy carbohydrates, including cereals, vegetables and fruits in the daily menu.
  • Fractional food. You need to eat 4-5 times, preferably at the set time.
  • Limit the use of fried and fatty foods as much as possible. They can be replaced with baked, boiled, or steamed.

It is allowed to reduce the calorie content of the diet by 20%. Girls should consume about 2000-2100 kcal (norm - 2500 kcal), boys - 2200 (norm 2700).

How to lose weight for a teenager girl

Teenage girls are especially vulnerable to dieting. Having looked at the models of fashionable glossy publications, everyone wants to quickly get rid of excess weight. However, rapid weight loss is dangerous for the health of the child. The most important thing in dietary nutrition is balance.

It is better to eat foods rich in carbohydrates for breakfast, protein for lunch, and low-calorie meals for dinner.

Those carbohydrates that were entered during breakfast are converted into energy, which the child will spend during the day. Protein will help alleviate hunger, so your teen will be full until the evening. The low calorie content of dinner will prevent the accumulation of extra pounds at night.

Teenage diet 14, 15, 16 years old - menu for a week

Day number 1:

  • Breakfast: barley porridge (125 g), boiled chicken without skin (100 g), tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: rice soup with veal meatballs (180 g), 200 ml fresh juice.
  • Afternoon snack: 75 g of nuts, better than unroasted walnuts.
  • Dinner: steamed broccoli, turkey fillet (180 g), 200 ml of baked milk.

Day number 2:

  • Breakfast: steamed protein omelet, toast with soft cheese (5 g), chamomile tea.
  • Lunch: pea soup (150 g), boiled veal (100 g), 3 croutons, dried in the oven, 200 ml of freshly squeezed juice.
  • Afternoon snack: 230 ml of milk, toast.
  • Dinner: oven-baked potato casserole with herbs (180 g).

Day number 3:

  • Breakfast: wheat porridge (125 g), rosehip broth.
  • Lunch: steamed chopped meatballs (95 g), lettuce (85 g), compote.
  • Afternoon snack: a small apple, a glass of low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner: fish (preferably river) baked in foil (130 g), boiled potatoes (90 g).

Day number 4:

  • Breakfast: oven-baked syrniki (130 g), compote.
  • Lunch: lean borscht (210 g), boiled brisket (75 g), a slice of black bread, 180 ml of juice.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 small orange.
  • Dinner: 210 ml low-fat milk with toast.

Day number 5:

  • Breakfast: durum spaghetti (150 g), a small fresh cucumber.
  • Lunch: stewed chicken with potatoes (125 g), 210 ml of freshly squeezed juice.
  • Afternoon snack: 50 g of walnuts.
  • Dinner: salad with fresh cabbage and cucumbers (200 g).

Day 6:

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge (125 g), tea.
  • Lunch: rice soup (210 g), stewed rabbit meat (135 g), 200 ml of compote.
  • Afternoon snack: 3 tangerines.
  • Dinner: vegetable stew (150 g).

Day number 7

Fasting day. You can drink low-fat kefir, eat cottage cheese, boiled meat.

What doctors say about teen diets

A diet for adolescents, if the basic recommendations are followed, will only benefit. However, it is contraindicated if the child has chronic diseases or food allergies. Doctors insistently remind that nutrition should be balanced and complete.

Slow weight loss is considered natural, no more than 2 kg per week.

Otherwise, the metabolism slows down, and the body turns on the "self-preservation mode". Therefore, rapid weight loss on fast diets will ultimately do more harm than good.

To support your child in the fight against excess weight, it is better to switch to proper nutrition with the whole family and start leading an active lifestyle.

Unbalanced nutrition, stress during study, lack of physical activity, other factors - all this negatively affects the metabolic processes in the body of a teenager. As a result, a quick set of excess weight is already at a young age. Obesity is not only harm to health, but also a factor that traumatizes the psyche of a child. For many peers, an overweight child is the object of ridicule and even bullying.

How to lose weight for a teenager by 5-10 kg per month

Metabolic processes in the body of a child and adolescent proceed faster than in the body of an adult. Therefore, losing weight by summer or within a certain period for a boy or girl is an attainable goal. The main thing is to have a persistent desire to make your figure slimmer, and if there is no particular incentive to lose weight, it is better not to start. First of all, the teenager needs to set a goal for himself. For example, lose weight by 7 kg per month. Next, you need to draw up a plan of measures for losing weight and strictly adhere to it. How to lose weight as a teenager: where to start?

Normalization of nutrition. Improper nutrition is a real problem that parents will have to solve. It happens that mom and dad do not have time to prepare food for their offspring: children eat fast food, and sometimes anything at all. To normalize nutrition, you must:

  • Make sure that the teenager observes the food intake regimen, ate at least three to four times a day.
  • If a boy or girl eats mainly in the evening, it is necessary to balance the diet so that the meals are even.
  • You will have to refuse from eating in establishments such as canteens or cafes. If it is not possible to eat at home, you need to organize meals so that the child has breakfast, lunch and dinner, according to the daily routine.
  • The diet should include first courses; harmful foods containing an increased amount of carbohydrates, trans fats should be discarded.
  • It is better not to use sweet, carbonated drinks, instead of them you need to drink purified water without gas.

Increased physical activity. Movement is life. Overweight teens who want to lose weight are advised by their pediatricians to exercise more. This uses more calories, and this contributes to the rapid loss of extra pounds. Start losing weight now, heed our advice:

  • Try to go down and up to your floor not by elevator, but by stairs.
  • If the school is not far away, why not walk to it instead of taking a steam bath in stuffy transport?
  • If there are no medical contraindications, do not skip physical education lessons.
  • After school, go out into the yard, play football, volleyball, and other active games.
  • Sign up for the pool. During swimming, there is an increased work of many muscles, calories are lost instantly.
  • The ideal option for those wishing to lose weight is to sign up for the sports section.

Other measures to normalize weight

  • Make an appointment with your pediatrician. Sometimes diseases are the causes of obesity, it is necessary to exclude their likelihood.
  • Parents, relatives and friends should provide psychological support to those who are losing weight, then it will be much easier to achieve the desired result.
  • Some teenagers smoke, use energy drinks. You need to start fighting these addictions.

How to lose weight in a week - without harm to health

Nutritionists do not advise to lose weight at a rapid pace, drastic weight loss is fraught with health problems, sagging skin. There is a high probability that after a quick weight loss, a return of the lost kilograms will occur. Without harm to the health of a teenager, it is recommended to lose weight by no more than three kilograms in 1 week. The main thing is not to be satisfied with what has already been achieved, to maintain a correct lifestyle.

We offer an original 7-day slimming method. It is a combination of a fasting diet and moderate exercise. In order to quickly lose weight and not harm your health, you should strictly follow the requirements of the technique. So, you should give up smoking, consumption of energy drinks, coffee, soda. Meals cannot be skipped; during the day, you need to consume 1500 grams of clean water.

How to lose weight for a teenager in a week - day after day

Monday... We reduce the consumption of fats, proteins, carbohydrates. Moderate exercise. The day is built like this:

  • Since morning breakfast: a few bananas, green tea (instead of sugar - 1 tsp honey). An hour after breakfast - light jogging for 40 minutes. It is necessary to run at a moderate pace, breathing should not go astray. After running, do exercises with dumbbells: swinging to the sides, bending the arms. You also need to do a series of push-ups and pull-ups.
  • V dinner
  • On the dinner

Tuesday... Day of fruit and vegetable unloading.

  • On this day, fruits and vegetables are allowed to be consumed in any quantity.
  • But there is one condition: you cannot mix different types of fruits and vegetables at each meal.
  • The interval between doses should be at least 3 hours.

Wednesday... We continue unloading and training. The day is structured as follows:

  • Since morning breakfast- 2-3 apples. An hour after it, the time for physical activity comes. As on Monday, you should start off with a light 40-minute run at a moderate pace. Make sure that your breathing does not go astray. Next, do dumbbell exercises (side swings, arm curls), as well as a series of push-ups and pull-ups.
  • V dinner- a small portion of oatmeal, a couple of boiled eggs, vegetable salad.
  • On the dinner- fruit, a portion of cottage cheese.

Thursday... Apple unloading.

  • Apples are allowed in any quantity.
  • It is important to take a three hour break between meals.


  • Since morning breakfast: a few bananas, green tea (instead of sugar - 1 tsp honey).
  • V dinner- a small slice of boiled fish, a small portion of rice, vegetable salad. Lunch time - 12.30 - 13.00.
  • On the dinner- vegetable salad, 200 grams of kefir, a piece of black or bran bread.


  • Since morning breakfast- 250 grams of fresh orange juice.
  • On the dinner- fruits in unlimited quantities.
  • On the dinner- a small portion of rice, a small piece of boiled fish.


Fasting day and training.

  • On the breakfast- fresh fruit (300 grams). An hour after breakfast - light jogging for 40 minutes. You need to run at a moderate pace, breathing should not go astray. After running - exercises with dumbbells: swinging to the sides, bending the arms. You also need to do a series of push-ups and pull-ups.
  • On the dinner- a portion of buckwheat porridge, boiled liver, vegetable salad.
  • On the dinner- vegetable salad, a few slices of cheese.

How to help boys and girls lose weight without dieting

Parents are responsible for their children. If a child is overweight, parents should make every effort to help him lose weight. We offer a list of recommendations on how to lose weight for a teenager.

  1. Make sure the child moves more, walks, walks. Games in the yard, sports are welcome.
  2. Never buy products that are harmful to children. Declare war on chocolates, candy, chips, soda, fast food.
  3. Explain to your child that food is a need, not a pleasure. Don't reward your child with sweets.
  4. Watch the diet - the child should eat at strictly defined intervals.
  5. Eat right yourself, watch your weight. It is unlikely that a child whose parents are overweight will want to fight him.
  6. Provide psychological support to the child, especially if he cannot lose weight quickly.

How to eat right to lose weight

In most cases, the cause of obesity is an improper, unbalanced diet. If there is everything indiscriminately, the fight against excess weight will be in vain. Start eating right now, and then losing weight will be quick and inevitable. Try to follow the following healthy dietary guidelines:

  1. The diet should be balanced, the ideal combination of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the diet is 4/1/1.
  2. Eat at a strictly defined time, try not to break the meal schedule.
  3. Consume the bulk of the food during lunch, not dinner: it is not recommended to eat after 19-00.
  4. Do not eat fast food, stop eating convenience foods.
  5. Don't drink sugary soda.
  6. Arrange food in small plates, do not increase portions.
  7. Refuse the consumption of fried, smoked foods, pickles.
  8. Steam, eat cooked food.
  9. Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  10. Salt the dishes less, but rather cook without salt at all. Salt food just before consuming it.

Diet for teenagers 13-16 years old

Diet is an effective way to lose weight. But it should be administered with caution to children and adolescents. Before starting a diet, it is best to consult a pediatrician. Start your diet gradually, at the slightest sign of discomfort, it is recommended to stop the diet immediately. Here are some menu options for the day for teens from 13 to 16 years old.

Diet for teenagers 11 years old

  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (portion 150 grams) with honey, boiled egg, tea.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, chicken fillet (portion 150 grams).
  • Afternoon snack: juice from freshly squeezed vegetables or fruits, a slice of black bread.
  • Dinner: boiled fish, vegetable salad.

Diet for teenagers 12 years old

  • Breakfast: oatmeal (portion 200 grams) with honey, boiled egg, tea.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, turkey fillet (portion 160 grams).
  • Afternoon snack: two apples.
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese (portion 160 grams), boiled fish.

Diet for teenagers 13 years old

  • Breakfast
  • Dinner: fish baked in foil, cabbage salad, tea.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit.
  • Dinner: casserole cooked without sugar, yogurt.

Diet for teenagers 14 years old

  • Breakfast: boiled lean meat (portion 100 grams), two slices of bran bread, a couple of tomatoes.
  • Dinner: borscht without broth, several potatoes baked in uniform, cabbage salad.
  • Afternoon snack: a few crackers, yogurt.
  • Dinner: turkey fillet (portion 100 grams), tea.

Diet for teenagers 15 years old

  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese (portion 200 grams) with honey, boiled egg, tea.
  • Dinner: borscht without broth, boiled lean beef (portion 100 grams), two tomatoes.
  • Afternoon snack: 250 grams of kefir, several slices of bran bread.
  • Dinner: chicken fillet (portion 100 grams), tea.

Diet for teenagers 16 years old

  • Breakfast: buckwheat with lean veal (portion 200 grams), tea.
  • Dinner: vegetable soup, boiled beef (portion 150 grams), several tomatoes.
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt (250 grams), a few slices of bran bread.
  • Dinner: 4-5 baked potatoes (in their uniform), vegetable salad, tea.

Nutritionists point out that it is important to maintain good physical shape from a young age. In adulthood, it is harder to get rid of the extra pounds stored up from youth. Therefore, start getting rid of bad food habits right now, so you will quickly gain the desired slimness. For more information on how to eat right and avoid mistakes while losing weight, see the video below.

Scientists have shown that an ordinary 12-16 year old student experiences stress much more often than, for example, an office worker. Constant mental activity, an unstable emotional background at this age force a teenager to choose not very healthy products: chips, bars, crackers, washing it down with soda. Also, low physical activity plays an important role in adding extra pounds. Therefore, in this article we will look at what diets are for adolescents 16 and 15 years old, as well as how to lose weight for a teenager without diets.

Teenage diet options

The method of losing weight for adolescents at this age has its own rules. First, the weight should be reduced smoothly, without sudden jumps. Secondly, the teenager should not feel hungry. And, of course, no diets designed for adults are completely suitable for a teenager.

The diet for a teenager 16 years old should be balanced, include all types of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Weight loss is achieved by choosing the right foods, reducing calories and avoiding unhealthy foods. Before starting a diet, be sure to consult your doctor. He can prescribe an additional complex of vitamins and will help to correct the adolescent diet for weight loss. So, here are the diet options for a 15 and 16 year old teenager.

Option 1

  • Breakfast: boiled egg, fat-free cottage cheese, a glass of tea with honey. And you can have a glass of juice before breakfast.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, a slice of chicken, a glass of juice.
  • Afternoon snack: a slice of diet bread with cheese, a glass of juice.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, baked lean fish, a glass of juice.

Option 2

  • Breakfast: boiled veal, buckwheat porridge without butter, a glass of tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: fish soup, vegetable salad, glass of juice.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit salad, rosehip broth.
  • Dinner: should be 2-3 hours before bedtime. You should eat cottage cheese casserole and yogurt.

Diets for teenagers 15 and 16 years old should last 2-3 weeks. During the diet, you should limit the intake of salt and sugar. Salt should not be completely abandoned, but the amount should be reduced. Instead of sweets, it is better to eat raisins, dried apricots or prunes. The teenage diet for weight loss in special cases allows fasting days on apples once or twice a week.

For those who find it difficult to adhere to a certain diet, the question may arise, is it possible for a teenager to lose weight without following some kind of weight loss method. And this is quite possible. Here are the basic guidelines a teenager should follow.

  • The most important thing is to get normal sleep patterns. The teenager should sleep at least 8 hours a day. Normal, healthy sleep can significantly reduce your appetite and reduce sugar cravings.
  • It is imperative to have breakfast. A growing body needs protein and healthy fats to be full for at least 4 hours after the first meal. You can have breakfast with a bread sandwich (better than grain) with a slice of low-fat cheese or porridge with yogurt.
  • Despite the busy schedule, the teenager should definitely have lunch. If he does not want to dine in the dining room, since there are only rolls, you can give him grain bread or sugar-free yogurt with you. And ideally for lunch you need to eat a portion of meat or fish, vegetable salad, a portion of durum wheat, buckwheat or rice pasta.
  • If you really want something sweet, you can eat a chocolate bar at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. But it is better to be patient and get by with any fruit.
  • For dinner - a portion of cottage cheese or fish, stewed vegetables.
  • Sport is a prerequisite for losing weight. The teenager should walk at least 1-2 hours a day. In addition, you can go dancing or swimming if he likes it. Young men can start doing chin-ups or push-ups to get stronger, and girls can be safe from Pilates or yoga.
  • It is important to take an additional complex of vitamins, which the doctor will select for the teenager.

That's all the rules, such a diet helps to remove fat and gives energy for an active life.