Proper nutrition for children with gastritis - what is possible and what is not? Is it possible for adults to have baby food for gastritis? How and how to treat various forms of gastritis in a child

Last update articles: 10.04.2018

There are always many small children waiting in line to see a gastroenterology specialist in a children's health care facility. Why does these babies get gastritis? How to treat gastritis in children? And what measures should be taken to avoid this disease? Gastritis in a child often manifests itself at school age, when a student is in contact with a large number of people, does not always eat right, and experiences stressful stress.

Pediatrician, gastroenterologist

The surface inside the stomach is covered with a mucous membrane. And sometimes the mucous membrane is involved in the inflammatory process. This process is called gastritis.

Forms of gastritis

The disease is classified according to various criteria. Medicine today distinguishes between several types of gastritis. The signs and treatments for each type are different. That is why it is necessary to consult a specialist if you suspect a disease.

1. In the course of the disease, children's gastritis is divided into acute and chronic gastritis.

2. Types of acid secretion gastritis:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • low acid production gastritis;
  • gastritis with normal secretion.

Common to all forms signs of gastritis in a child:

  1. Pain. Typically, children with gastritis have pain in the upper abdomen (stomach area). The intensity of the pain depends on the degree of inflammation and the pain threshold of the individual child. Therefore, the pain may be mild, not intense, or too severe.
  2. Heaviness and discomfort in the abdomen. It occurs both as an isolated symptom and in combination with pain.
  3. Heartburn. Its increase is noted in children when the body is tilted and physical exertion. The symptom is described as a burning sensation in the upper stomach and behind the chest. Some children may experience a burning sensation all the way down the esophagus to the level of the throat, followed by a sour taste in the mouth.
  4. Belching and reflux. In this case, the child develops an unpleasant odor in the mouth.
  5. Poor appetite and refusal to eat.
  6. Nausea and vomiting. Both of these manifestations either complement each other or appear separately.
  7. Digestive disorders. Due to gastritis, the first stage of food processing is disrupted. This leads to disruptions at all stages of the digestion process. The child has bloating, diarrhea or constipation, anemia, vitamin deficiencies, and other signs of malabsorption of nutrients.
  8. External changes. Pallor of the skin, tongue with a grayish or whitish coating may indirectly indicate the existence of gastritis with impaired digestion.

The symptoms that characterize the disease are very extensive. But there are specific symptoms that indicate the development of a particular form.

Signs of an acute form of gastritis in a child:

  1. Abdominal pain. Both severe spasmodic pain and constant aching can be observed.
  2. Heartburn, sometimes acid reflux after eating.
  3. Frequent nausea, vomiting. Vomit has a sour odor. Sometimes the child is vomiting bile.
  4. Excessive salivation or dry mouth.
  5. Stool disorder. It appears as or.
  6. Weakness of the body accompanied by dizziness and headache.
  7. Heavy sweating,.
  8. Decreased blood pressure and tachycardia (heart palpitations).

Common signs of chronic gastritis

Sometimes signs of this type are poorly expressed. Therefore, pay attention to all symptoms:

The specificity of the manifestation of the atrophic form of gastritis:

  1. In the foreground is not painful, but dyspeptic syndrome in the form of heaviness in the abdomen, a violation of the digestive process and the absorption of nutrients.
  2. The atrophic form of gastritis disrupts the general condition of the child, causes anemia and hypovitaminosis.

Symptoms for gastritis with high acidity, when excess gastric secretion occurs:

  1. Pain is the main manifestation. It can be triggered by the child's food or physical activity.
  2. Heartburn and sour belching.
  3. The condition of the child as a whole is rarely disturbed.

  • infectious gastritis;

Not everyone knows that gastritis is a contagious disease. Previously, it was believed that all varieties of this disease are not infectious. As it became known recently, this statement is incorrect. With inflammation or infection in a child's body, an allergic reaction and gastritis can occur.

In turn, infectious gastritis in children is caused by bacteria or viruses.

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). This is a common cause of gastritis. In the occurrence of chronic gastritis, the role of Helicobacter is definitely proven. This microorganism can only exist in the stomach with high acidity.

Therefore, the bacterium is the cause of chronic gastritis only under the condition of increased production of gastric juice and hydrochloric acid. Inflammation of Helicobacter pylori genesis with reduced secretory activity of the stomach is impossible.

Viral gastritis in children Is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa caused by viral infections such as cytomegalovirus, herpes, etc.

  • improper nutrition of the child;

Ideally, all babies should be fed. But it happens that the mother cannot breastfeed her baby. And it's good if you can immediately find a formula that is right for your baby.

The first year of the baby is the most responsible. Frequent change of infant formula, the wrong choice of baby food, untimely or incorrect introduction of additional products - all this leaves an imprint. Given that the children's digestive system is still immature, the stress becomes serious.

Further, at an older age, irregular food intake, refusal of the first course, a snack instead of a nutritious diet, a diet devoid of nutrients, very hot or, conversely, too cold dishes are a direct path to the development of the disease.

Remember that chocolate, cookies, and even plain caramel can contribute to gastritis. Children's doctors forbid offering any sweets to children until at least three years of age. This also applies to the liver. An exception is specially prepared for small children.

  • stressful situations;

Gastritis often develops due to stress. The stress in a child's life is no less than that of an adult. And sometimes even more.

Among the most common stresses in children are moving to another city, moving to a new educational institution, the appearance of a younger brother or sister, unfavorable interpersonal relationships in kindergarten or at school. Especially severe stress for those children whose parents often quarrel with each other.

And don't forget about another important factor. What does the child watch on TV? What games does he play? And how many times a day? Remember that even good cartoons and fairy tales in large quantities have a very serious impact on the children's nervous system.

  • food poisoning;

Toxins have a destructive effect on the stomach lining, provoking its inflammation. And inflammation is gastritis.

Monitor the quality of baby products carefully. Pay attention to the date of manufacture and temperature storage conditions.

  • other diseases;

Sometimes gastritis occurs as a result of existing childhood diseases, for example, hepatitis, cholecystitis.

Therefore, if the crumbs in the body have a source of chronic infection - nephritis, sinusitis, dental caries - the risk of gastritis increases significantly.

In addition, gastritis can be caused by the presence of lamblia and other intestinal worms in the child's body. They severely damage the stomach lining, provoking irritation and inflammation.

  • medicines;

Gastritis can be caused by a variety of pharmacological agents. Medication often causes severe irritation and inflammation of the stomach lining. It is unlikely that a single use of the drug will lead to gastritis. But the systemic use of certain drugs can provoke inflammation of the stomach lining.

However, in some cases this cannot be avoided. For example, when a child is ill and needs a course of treatment with any aggressive drugs. The doctor should consider the threat of gastritis and try to prevent it. But very often it is the parents who are the culprits of such gastritis.

Often, adults treat a child on their own by giving him certain medications without consulting a doctor. And as a natural result - the development of gastritis. All drugs should only be prescribed by a pediatrician.

  • genetic factors.

It is known that many diseases tend to be inherited. Gastritis is no exception. If the mother, father or one of the child's closest relatives has gastritis, only the slightest provocative aspect is needed (for example, a small mistake in the diet), and gastritis will immediately declare itself.

The child's clinical symptoms and complaints will prompt the doctor or parents to assume gastritis is present. Since under the guise of ordinary gastritis, a more dangerous disease of the stomach or other organs can lurk, such a child needs detailed diagnosis and careful observation.

How to determine for sure that a child has gastritis ?:

The methods used to treat gastritis differ depending on the aspect that caused the condition. Therefore, the treatment of chronic gastritis may differ slightly from the treatment of acute gastritis, as the causes are usually different.

Since chronic gastritis is caused by H. pylori bacteria, treatment for the chronic form must be aimed at eradicating the bacteria.

On the other hand, acute gastritis is usually the result of food poisoning or overuse of NSAIDs. Most doctors advise taking medications to regulate stomach acids so that symptoms of the disease remain under control.

Medicines that are part of the treatment for gastritis:

  1. Antacids to neutralize stomach acids.
  2. Medicines to block acids and stimulate healing.
  3. Antibiotics to kill H. pylori bacteria.
  4. Medicines to reduce acid production.

How and how to treat various forms of gastritis in a child?

The treatment regimen for acute gastritis consists of several steps:

  1. Gastric lavage using a tube or drinking plenty of fluids with further induction of vomiting.
  2. The use of sorbents (activated carbon, Smecta, Enterosgel).
  3. Taking antacids (Venter, Almagel, Fosfalugel, Maalox).
  4. With a prolonged course of the inflammation process, it is recommended to reduce the production of gastric acid (Famotidine, Ranitidine).
  5. Enzymatic medicines (Creon, Pancreatin).
  6. Diet food. Gentle foods that do not irritate the gastric mucosa.
  7. With severe pain, antispasmodics are indicated (Baralgin, Papaverin, No-shpa).

Never give your child any medication on their own. Drug treatment must be carried out exclusively under the strict supervision of a specialist. And, of course, only with a prescription. Therefore, doctors prefer to treat children's gastritis in a hospital setting.

Treatment of gastritis in a child depends on what exactly caused the disease. The success of treatment is possible when the causes are eliminated. Otherwise, the disease will return.

But there are general provisions that are relevant for all cases. If they are not followed, the treatment will not be successful.

Psychological atmosphere

Remember that all types of stress are the most fertile soil for gastritis. Thus, it is necessary to eliminate these stresses. It is necessary to create the most comfortable psychological situation for the child.

It is impossible to cure gastritis without changing the child's diet. Talk to your doctor. This will help you choose the perfect menu for your baby.

In any form childhood gastritis special importance is attached to dietary nutrition. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and the duration of the recurrence-free course of chronic processes.

Nutritional Tips for Children with Gastritis:

This problem worries many parents, whose child with overweight and chronic gastritis has been restricting food for a long time and cannot throw it off. This question also applies to those who are losing weight with an acute form of gastritis, but after a while they suddenly begin to get fat.

Sample menu for one day:

When a child is diagnosed with gastritis (and it does not matter what form), do not be discouraged and do not be afraid that full, healthy life ended. It just takes time to rethink dietary guidelines and physical activity levels in the family.

How to prevent gastritis? Prevention of gastritis in children:

  1. Keep batteries and similar items out of the reach of children. Button batteries are easily swallowed and can cause serious harm. Store all batteries and toxic artifacts out of reach of children. Use child locks to protect children from dangerous objects.
  2. Do not give your child irritating foods. Foods like oranges and other citrus fruits can cause burning or even pain. Give your baby a variety of healthy foods. Examples: Fruits (non-citrus fruits), vegetables, low-fat dairy products, beans, whole grain breads, lean meats, and fish. Encourage your child to eat small meals and not drink water with meals. Don't let your child eat 3 hours before bed.
  3. Do not smoke near the child. Nicotine and other substances in tobacco products can aggravate symptoms and cause lung damage.
  4. Help your child relax and reduce stress. Nervous strain can increase the amount of stomach acid and make gastritis more pronounced.

Thus, when a child is diagnosed with gastritis, it is unpleasant but not fatal. Treatment must be approached in a comprehensive manner. In addition to medications, the baby must strictly follow the diet. This will prevent the occurrence of painful attacks and speed up the healing of the mucous membrane.

(4 estimates, average: 4,75 out of 5)

The appearance of gastritis in children always alarms parents, forcing them to look for the causes of such disturbances in the work of a young body. Since with acute gastritis, many children are deprived of the opportunity to take pharmacy medicines, dietary nutrition remains the only way out for healing. What is the diet for gastritis in children, and what foods are it predominantly included? Let's tell.

The reasons for the development of gastritis at a young age

Baby food for gastritis should be balanced, however, it is not recommended to ignore healthy foods even before that. The thing is that poor nutrition and lack in the diet useful products- one of the most common reasons for the development of this disease at a young age.

Among the most popular reasons for the appearance of this diagnosis are the following:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • frequent emotional and physical stress;
  • infections caused by the vital activity of Helicobacter Pylori bacteria;
  • eating dry food or long intervals between meals.

It is necessary to feed the child not only in a balanced way, but also often, while not making too large portions and giving preference to fractional nutrition. Doctors recommend monitoring how the baby eats, since eating food without drinking it with liquid, poor chewing of dishes - all this invariably leads to anxiety symptoms.

Frequent stress can also cause the development of the disease. The child's body is extremely sensitive to any external influences, therefore, large intellectual loads, constant emotional instability will ultimately lead to a weakening of the immune system and disorders.

As a result, the baby in early childhood will face such an unpleasant diagnosis as gastritis, and the parents will be shocked by the need for treatment.

It is important to understand that ignoring the symptoms of the disease is not an option. The fact is that the disease, even at such a young age, can progress rapidly, and the acute stage easily turns into a chronic one. In addition, gastritis is a stimulus for the development of such serious diseases as an ulcer.

The sooner adults develop a suitable nutritional model for a child, the sooner they will eventually be able to defeat the disease.

The principles of nutritional therapy

The diet for gastritis for children should not only be balanced, but also comply with certain rules. For example, it is recommended to serve food only warm, since excessively cold or, conversely, too hot food can irritate the intestinal walls, impairing general well-being.

Portions should not be large, while the child must thoroughly chew all incoming food. If he does not chew it, increased gas production will also be added to the unpleasant symptoms of gastritis.

In acute gastritis, the diet is as limited as possible, it consists mainly of mashed vegetables and porridge on the water. In this case, the child should drink enough water, on average up to two liters per day, which usually facilitates the general well-being.

Doctors note that if the diet is followed, the acute stage is quickly replaced by chronic or ordinary gastritis, and this implies relaxation in the diet.

What should a child eat so that the alarming symptoms disappear?

  1. For breakfast, you can feed your baby an omelet or vegetable puree.
  2. For the second breakfast - oatmeal or buckwheat porridge with cream.
  3. For lunch, you can eat meat or fish puree, pureed vegetables, broths, but not fatty ones.
  4. For dinner, fish or mashed meat is used along with vegetable puree or a side dish of cereals.
  5. In the evening, you can give your child a glass of kefir or low-fat milk.

Thus, mashed potatoes from vegetables, non-sour fruits and mashed meat become the basis of the diet. Moreover, the meat should be boiled, but not fried. Doctors recommend eating food slowly, chewing it thoroughly so as not to face a sharp deterioration in overall health.

It is recommended to pay attention to the type of gastritis. The products listed above are most suitable for gastritis with high acidity. If a child has low acidity, he should eat the following foods:

  • cottage cheese and kefir;
  • baked apples;
  • soups in meat broth with the addition of vermicelli;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • steamed fish and meat cutlets;
  • you can also eat white bread rusks;
  • some vegetables, such as bell peppers and cucumbers, are also allowed.

The listed diets are suitable for both a nursing mother and a baby at any age. We must not forget about the individual characteristics of the body: if after consuming some products, the state of health worsens, they should be removed from the diet.

The diet for gastritis in a child must be followed as strictly as possible, while not forgetting about the list of prohibited foods. It is quite broad, and doctors usually include the following products in it:

It is important to understand that the child's body is extremely weakened, and the digestive system is functioning with difficulty. That is why, giving preference to heavy meals, parents can harm the general well-being of the child.

An unbalanced diet leads to severe abdominal pain, progression of symptoms, constipation, and general weakness. For a child with gastritis, you need to choose healthy and lightest foods that are saturated with vitamins. At the acute stage of the development of the disease, no indulgence is allowed. They are also impermissible in case of exacerbation of a chronic disease.

If gastritis has just begun to manifest itself and the parents noticed the symptoms in time, it is occasionally possible to allow the child to eat something "harmful".

To make it easier for a child to give up a variety of harmful delicacies, doctors recommend that the whole family switch to the correct diet. From sweets, the baby sometimes smears natural marmalade, as well as dried fruits. You can delight him with homemade sweet drinks, for example, jelly and non-sour compotes.

It is quite difficult to impose restrictions on a child's life at a young age, but in the case of gastritis, we are talking about his normal future. The disease, which manifested itself so early, will not disappear anywhere. This means that the more often a child eats mashed potatoes and permitted foods, the better he ultimately feels.

Good day, dear readers. The topic of today's article will be a diet for gastritis in a child. We will look at which foods are prohibited and which, on the contrary, are recommended. You will find out the basic rules that must be observed when feeding a baby p. You can get acquainted with the menu for the day and with a couple of recipes.

Features of dietary nutrition

In order for the healing process to begin as quickly as possible, certain rules must be taken into account.

  1. It is important to follow the correct diet. Try that the process of eating occurs at approximately regular intervals, every day at the same time.
  2. Meals should be frequent, but fractional. It is important that the baby's daily menu includes five meals.
  3. It is necessary for the child to eat only fresh food, including freshly prepared.
  4. It is unacceptable to add flavorings or seasonings to food, including spices.
  5. Products should be boiled, steamed or baked in the oven, a prerequisite is the addition of a small amount of sunflower oil, do not allow the appearance of a crust.
  6. The daily diet should consist of valuable products that include the whole range of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals.
  7. For a speedy recovery, it is necessary to use mucous soups, boiled cereals.
  8. It is unacceptable to eat cold or hot food, it must be warm.
  9. It is important to ensure that there is no dry food in the child's diet.

Tables for diets according to Pevzner

Previously lived a specialist high level, who developed 15 dietary tables, taking into account various diseases of the digestive system, his name was Manuil Pevzner. He made his dietary tables even taking into account different forms of the same disease.

So with gastritis, the following diet tables are prescribed:

  • No. 1 - a chronic form of gastritis with high acidity;
  • No. 2 - a chronic form with a reduced acidity level,
  • No. 1a - exacerbation in the chronic form or acute course of the disease;
  • №1b - a period of unstable recovery.

Since my son's main disease is gallstone disease, the diet on which he sits is table number 5. I would like to note that the principles of nutrition are similar. Today my son has more than two years of product restrictions. At first it was hard for him, he tried in every possible way to get rid of the diet. However, there was nowhere to go. So that my son was not so offended, I put our whole family on such a dietary diet, we have already forgotten what fried or fatty foods are.

It is worth noting that adherence to the diet improved the general health of my child, heartburn and nausea disappeared.

Diet for acute gastritis

Since this condition is characterized by the presence of painful sensations, vomiting is possible, it is not surprising that the baby's appetite disappears. There are cases when the disease was accompanied by vivid dyspeptic symptoms, which led to dehydration.

  1. It is necessary to follow a very strict diet on the first day of the disease. This will significantly reduce the load on the gastric mucosa and add time for its recovery.
  2. When an adult is admitted to the hospital with acute gastritis, on the first day he is allowed to drink, it is forbidden to eat. Fasting for one day can significantly reduce the feeling of soreness in the abdomen, normalizes the performance of the digestive system. However, this method is not suitable for small children. Absolute starvation can have serious consequences. Therefore, the amount of food they eat is reduced as much as possible at one time.
  3. Drinking plenty of fluids to speed up the elimination of toxins, to resist dehydration, because it constantly replenishes the body's fluid reserves.
  4. It is necessary to arrange a water-tea break once a day. For schoolchildren, this procedure is recommended up to 12 hours, and for preschoolers - up to 6. In the allotted time, the child needs only to drink. This can be water, rice water, or lightly brewed tea.
  5. The first meal after an attack, it is advisable to start 12 hours later from the appearance of the first signs of the disease. It must be borne in mind that it must be dietary, steamed, for example, an omelet.
  6. As he recovers, in addition to previously acceptable products, the child will gradually be introduced to fermented milk dishes, lean meat and fish.
  7. Compliance with a diet. It is important not to overfeed your baby, do not let him eat before bed.

Reduced acidity

It is necessary to understand that the stomach of a toddler may not be able to cope with large amounts of food consumed. In particular, this will be dictated by low acidity, therefore, the digestive system will not be able to cope with the breakdown of such food. You must make sure that your child's diet contains easily digestible foods.

The doctor may advise the use of foods that increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid. Even fat-free cottage cheese can be used for this purpose.

Diet with high acidity

  1. This condition differs from others in that it is characterized by heartburn. Parents should understand that the baby produces more hydrochloric acid than necessary.
  2. The meals consumed should be directional. Naturally, products that increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid should be absent in the children's diet (raw vegetables and fruits, freshly baked bread, fried foods, vegetable broths, citrus fruits, seasonings, especially spicy ones).
  3. Food with coarse fibers is considered harmful, for example, cabbage, tough meat.
  4. Eating food with an optimal temperature of 40 degrees.
  5. A kid with such a diagnosis will be advised to consume milk, fish, egg white, lean meat, as well as buckwheat, oatmeal and rice groats.

What is allowed to eat

When deciding what to eat for a child with gastritis, you need to take into account the list of permitted foods.

  1. Vegetables, excluding radish and cabbage.
  2. Fruit. The use of sour berries and fruits, as well as citrus fruits, is prohibited. In addition, it should be borne in mind that certain fruits may be contraindicated in children with different levels of acidity; this issue should be clarified with the attending physician. It is also worth understanding that such a product should be used only after heat treatment, for example, after baking.
  3. Milk products. In the acute period are contraindications. However, as they recover, they gradually begin to introduce butter, then sour cream and low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat milk (only after boiling), and yogurt. But these foods should be added to the child's diet carefully, depending on his individual reaction. There are cases when the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane leads to the fact that intolerance to dairy products begins to develop.
  4. Porridge. Most often, the menu includes oatmeal and buckwheat. It must be cooked in water, served in a boiled, semi-liquid state. It is such a product that envelops the mucous membrane well and protects it from the effects of acid.
  5. The fish can be consumed exclusively of low-fat varieties, it can be cooked in the oven or steamed, it can also be boiled.
  6. Meat must be present in the toddler's menu, because it is a valuable source of animal proteins. The main condition is to choose low-fat varieties, for example, chicken or rabbit fillets (should be skinless and with a minimum of fat). It is also recommended to eat the meat of young animals, their meat is more tender and is absorbed by the child's body much faster.
  7. Crackers. Fresh bread is not allowed for children with gastritis, however, if you dry it, prepare crackers - such a dish will be acceptable.

List of prohibited foods

So the following food will be contraindicated for the baby:

  • fried and fatty, especially rich broths;
  • any pickles, marinades;
  • cabbage, radish due to the high fiber content;
  • baking;
  • sauces and spices;
  • dried fruits, in particular raisins and prunes;
  • canned food;
  • any liver;
  • soda;
  • nuts;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • legumes;
  • fast food;
  • sour berries and citrus fruits;
  • ice cream and chocolate.

It is necessary to ensure that foods that contain preservatives, dyes or flavors do not appear in the baby's diet.

Menu for the day

The child's day menu with gastritis can be represented by the following dishes:

  • I - semi-liquid porridge or steam omelet. Give it to wash down with weak tea. It is allowed to have a snack with dried bread or biscuit biscuits.
  • II - liquid oatmeal, washed down with milk (skimmed).
  • III - for the first vegetable soup (it is allowed to add an egg to it), for the second, steam cutlets from dietary meat, mashed potatoes (without butter) are prepared; from drinks - rosehip broth or weak tea.
  • IV - fat-free cottage cheese in accordance with the daily rate.
  • V - vegetable puree, cooked exclusively on steam, a slice of low-fat boiled meat, tea.


If you are considering recipes for children with gastritis, then it should be borne in mind that their ingredients and methods of preparation will directly depend on whether the level of acidity is normal, increased or decreased.

An example of a recipe for low acidity - steam omelet:

  • take two eggs, half a glass of milk, butter (vegetable), salt to taste;
  • take a saucepan with a lid, with a volume of about two liters, a shape close to such that it can be placed in a saucepan;
  • pour water into a large vessel, send it to the fire, leave it until it boils;
  • in the meantime, mix milk with eggs and salt, beat everything well;
  • grease the mold with vegetable oil, then the prepared mixture is poured into it;
  • we lower it inside the pan, make sure that there is no contact of the form with water;
  • we cover our future omelet with oiled paper, then cover everything with a lid (be sure to make sure that the egg mixture is covered not only with a lid from the pan - such paper will prevent the accumulated steam from getting into our omelet);
  • the cooking process on low heat takes about 10 minutes, the lid cannot be opened until it is completely cooked;
  • do not forget that the child needs to be fed only with warm dishes, so we wait for the omelet to cool enough, but do not overcool it.

If we consider recipes for cooking dishes for babies with high acidity, then you can prepare a vegetable soup - puree:

  • for cooking, you will need a medium head of cauliflower, a chicken egg, a glass of 4 percent milk;
  • pour water into a saucepan, put on fire;
  • we sort out the cauliflower inflorescences, rinse them thoroughly;
  • when the water in the pan boils, we lower our inflorescences into slightly salted boiling water;
  • after about 18 minutes, grind the cauliflower directly in a saucepan, then add the prepared milk and the whole mixture is brought to a boil;
  • after that, remove from heat, you need to separately beat the protein raw egg and add it to the chilled soup (whisk with a whisk);
  • serve cooled, but not cold.

Fish cakes:

  • for cooking, you will need fillets of pollock, hake or other lean fish - about half a kilogram, a slice of white bread, an egg, salt to taste.
  • bread is pre-soaked;
  • after 20 minutes, you need to beat it together with the fish fillet in a blender;
  • when a homogeneous mixture is obtained, it's time to add salt and an egg, beat again;
  • From the resulting cutlets, we cook on a steam bath.

Now you know what the diet should be like. Follow all the recommendations, do not give prohibited foods, as much as the child would not like it. Remember to follow the correct diet.

It must be fractional and at a strictly defined time. In this material we will tell you about which diet for gastritis is most optimal for a child, taking into account the type of inflammation of the gastric mucosa ( gastritis with high or low acidity).
Now there are more cases of diagnosing gastritis in young children. The main culprits of this phenomenon are the unbalanced nutrition of babies, the unfavorable environment at home and in the kindergarten, and the constant being in a stressful situation. Most often occurs acid gastritis, but recently, cases of gastritis with low acidity in children have become more frequent.

With chronic gastritis the gastric mucosa is inflamed for a long time, as a result of which the stomach cannot fully and fully digest food.
To avoid the appearance of gastritis in crumbs, you need to control the frequency of food intake and its quality. If you allow the child to eat dry food, feed it with food or drinks that destroy the gastric mucosa, or constantly feed the baby in a hurry, or allow overeating, then gastritis will be provided to him. Foods that are too spicy, fatty or hot are also not recommended. Do not get carried away with dietary food: protein, vitamins, iron and other trace elements are necessary for the development of the body.
A child who has a predisposition to gastrointestinal ailments requires special care.

So, what to eat with gastritis and what diet is shown to the child who has been diagnosed with inflammation of the gastric mucosa?
When the baby has diagnosed with acute gastritis, at first for 6-12 hours he is forbidden to eat any food. It is necessary to inject glucose and Ringer solutions. If vomiting has begun, the introduction of intravenous solutions is shown, as soon as the symptom disappears, you can offer the patient decoctions of fruits, rice, vegetables.

Diet for gastritis must be properly balanced, food is taken strictly at certain hours.
After half a day or a day, it is allowed to give porridge of a liquid consistency, soups, mashed vegetables, broths. 3-4 days will pass and the baby will eat boiled meat and fish, butter and cottage cheese. A week later, a sparing diet is prescribed, taking into account the needs of the body according to the age of the child. It must be observed for 7-14 days, and then they return to their usual diet.

During an exacerbation of chronic gastritis, a sick child is transferred to mashed food (mashed potatoes and soups), plus milk, meat and fish (boiled) for several days (up to a week). The patient should eat up to 8 times a day. Spicy, salty and spicy food is prohibited. After three weeks, it is recommended to switch to a diet with 4-5 meals.

What foods does the diet include?, if the child has gastritis with high acidity?
Sometimes the acidity rises in patients, it is regulated by removing food containing fibrous retina (radishes, rutabagas, bread). Broths, coffee and soda are also banned. Do not feed your baby too hot or chilled food.

Diet for gastritis with low acidity should include easily digestible foods:
With low acidity, mushrooms, fatty meat, smoked products, marinades are removed from the diet. It is better to eat food regularly up to 5 times a day, giving preference to foods that are easy to digest: mashed potatoes, porridge, soft-boiled eggs, low-fat cottage cheese.

In order to find out which diet for gastritis for a child the most suitable, it is important to seek advice from a pediatric gastroenterologist as soon as possible, to do all the necessary examinations, and also to pass the appropriate tests to determine an accurate diagnosis. Having found out the type of gastritis that develops in a child (with high or low acidity), you can choose an appropriate diet. Below you will learn in more detail what to eat for gastritis with high or low acidity.

Now you know which diets for gastritis with low or high acidity the most effective. You also familiarized yourself with folk remedies that help get rid of symptoms and muffle the discomfort caused by inflammation of the stomach lining. Necessarily consult a gastroenterologist before choosing a treatment and a dietary program if the child has typical signs of gastritis.

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