Who does France border on? Geographical position of France. Country Andorra: geography, area, population, economy, form of government A dwarf country between France and Spain

Andorra is one of the dwarf states of Europe. Located on the southern slope of the eastern Pyrenees between France and Spain, in the Valira River basin. From the west, north and east, Andorra is surrounded by 65 high mountains, most of the time covered with snow. The highest point in the country is Peak Coma Pedrosa (2946 m), the lowest is Rio Runer (840 m).


State structure

Officially, Andorra is considered a principality, but in fact it is a republic. The co-rulers of the country are the President of France and the Bishop of the Spanish city of Seo de Urgell (a joint protectorate over Andorra was established in 1278). Andorra is represented on the international stage by France.


State language: Catalan, Spanish, French.

Many people know English, Portuguese.


The majority are Catholics (99%).


International name: EUR

History of Andorra

Traditionally, the founding of Andorra is attributed to Charlemagne, although there is no evidence of this. In 1278, the so-called Pareage Act was signed between the Count of Foix and the Bishop of Urgell (Seu de Urgel), according to which they shared power in the valley. Subsequently, the rights of Count Foix passed to the king, and then to the emperor and president of France.

In 1419, the "Council of the Land" (Consell de la Terra) was created, in fact the parliament of Andorra, later - the General Council.

In 1866, the so-called. The "new reform" changes the previously existing feudal system of government.

At the beginning of the 20th century, highways were built that connected the country with Spain and France.

In 1933-34, riots took place in Andorra, primarily related to restrictions on the electoral right. In July 1934, the white émigré Boris Skosyrev seized power in Andorra for 9 days, declaring himself king and proclaiming universal suffrage for men and freedom of the press. He was then overthrown by the Civil Guard (Spanish Gendarmerie), summoned by the Bishop of Urgell.

During the Second World War, small units of Spanish and French troops were stationed in Andorra. After the war, the country “opens itself to the world” and becomes a fairly popular ski resort, in addition, the liberal tax system allows opening many inexpensive shops by European standards.

In 1982, the first government of the Principality was created, and in 1993 a constitution was adopted that abolished the remnants of feudalism (although the President of France and the Bishop of Urgell remain nominal co-rulers), the country entered the UN.

Traditionally, the founding of Andorra is attributed to Charlemagne, although there is no evidence of this. In 1278, the so-called Pareage Act was signed between the Count of Foix and the Bishop of Urgell (Seu de Urgel), according to which they shared power in the valley. Subsequently, the rights of Count Foix passed to the king, and then to the emperor and president of France ...

Popular attractions

Andorra Tourism

Where to stay

Andorra attracts tourists from all over the world with its ski resorts. As a rule, hotels in this country are small three and four star hotels, which, in turn, are subdivided into three conventional subtypes.

So, the first group includes hotels located in the largest cities of the country and belonging to large international hotel chains. These hotels correspond to 4 and 5 stars and are located at the same distance from the most important ski resorts, to which there is a free shuttle every day. Depending on the level of the hotel, you will be offered additional services - a swimming pool, sauna, gym, spa services, sports grounds (as a rule, you need to pay extra for these services).

For those who prefer home comfort and reasonable prices, accommodation is offered in small mountain villages of Andorra, where you can stay in a three-star hotel or rent an apartment. The cost of living here is an order of magnitude lower than in large cities, the transfer to the ski lifts by ski-bus takes about 10-15 minutes.

For those who prefer a fashionable vacation, there are hotels located in the immediate vicinity of the ski lifts. Rooms in such a hotel should be booked in advance.

Well, for fans of extreme sports, accommodation is offered in igloo houses, which are completely built of snow and ice. As an additional service, you will be offered dog sledding or snowmobiling.

It is worth considering that the most common languages ​​in Andorra are Spanish and French, not all staff speak English. Buffet meals in most hotels are included in the room rate, but drinks must be paid extra. Playgrounds are equipped for children, it is possible to use babysitting services.

The Principality of Andorra, sandwiched between the territories of Spain and France, is located in the northeastern part of the Iberian Peninsula. The small size of the state does not allow it to independently defend its sovereignty, which forces the country's government to be in associated relations with neighboring, larger powers.

Where is Andorra located?

The area of ​​the country is 468 square kilometers, and its name translated from Basque means "wasteland". However, despite the name of the country, most of it is occupied by mountains covered with coniferous and mixed forests. At a considerable height, the subalpine ones are stretched and the valleys are crossed by mountain rivers with a rapid current, overflowing during the period of rains and melting snows.

In the west of the country, in close proximity to the borders with Spain and France, there is the highest point of the state - Mount Coma Pedrosa, reaching an altitude of 2942 meters above sea level. The geography of Andorra is of great interest to lovers of virgin nature and climatic resorts, as well as active athletes. In turn, the lowest point of the country is located at an altitude of 840 meters, at the confluence of the Valira and Rio Runer rivers.

Due to the mountainous nature of the terrain, rivers are usually quite short and rarely exceed several kilometers in length. Most of them flow into Spanish or French rivers.

Since the climate of the region where Andorra is located belongs to the Pyrenean ecoregion, the winter is snowy and mild, which makes the country suitable for the development of ski tourism.

Principality history

The first mention of the community of the country of Andorra is found in 778, but the most reliable information not only about its existence, but also about sovereignty dates back to 805, when Charlemagne bestowed the Magna Carta of freedom on the inhabitants of Andorra.

Subsequently, power in the valley was divided between the local prince and the bishop of the Urzhel diocese. However, despite the fact that the rulers of neighboring states, whose borders changed at a fantastic speed, regularly interfered in the internal affairs of the principality, the country of Andorra retained not only its sovereignty, but also its administrative structure and management system. The two neighboring states jointly managed the territory in the interests of local residents.

It is worth noting that already in 1419 in the country of Andorra, the first Land Council was convened, which actually had parliamentary powers. Later, this governing body will be transformed into the General Council. However, the prince will still be at the head of the state. This feudal form of government in Andorra will last until 1866, when an administrative reform will be carried out in the country.

Political structure

The political system of the principality and its place on the European political map are worthy of special mention. Today Andorra is ranked sixteenth in the list of the smallest countries in the world.

Traditions are of great importance for the political system of Andorra, because its old parliament never stopped working, and international treaties with neighboring countries provide the very possibility of the existence of the state.

Until 1993, the country paid an annual tribute to its neighbors. For France, 960 francs were intended, and for the Bishop of Urgel - 12 heads of cheese, 12 partridges and twelve capons, as well as 460 pesetas and even six hams.

According to the constitution adopted in 1993, the Principality of Andorra is governed by two co-rulers and is called the General Council of the Valleys.

Judicial system of the country

Whatever the form of government in Andorra, the state would not have been able to function effectively without a well-structured judicial system based on a deep tradition of respect for law and law.

The structure of the judicial system has been worked out with great care. It consists of the Magistrates' Court, the Criminal Court, and the Supreme and Constitutional Courts. The structure of the Supreme Court deserves a separate consideration, the complexity of which reflects the entire history of state building of the country of Andorra.

The highest court in the country consists of five judges. One judge is appointed by the Executive Council of the state, two more judges are elected by the princes. The Valleys Council appoints another judge. The sixth judge is appointed by the will of the Magistrates' Court.

The capital of country

Administratively, the country is represented by seven communities, which are called parishes there. One of these communities is the capital of the state - Andorra la Vella. Despite the fact that the entire population of the country is 77,000 people, more than twenty-two thousand live in the largest city in the country - its capital.

According to local legend, the city at the confluence of two rivers was founded at the beginning of the lX century by the personal order of Charlemagne, who also became the founder of the Carolingian dynasty, one of the greatest royal dynasties of the last thousand years.

However, Andorra la Vella became the center of the principality in 1278, and all state authorities such as parliament, courts and government moved to the capital in 1993, when a new constitution was adopted, transforming the principality into a parliamentary monarchy.

Capital economy

Andorra la Vella is not only the political, but also the financial center of the principality. Despite the fact that the favorable mountain climate and high quality infrastructure allow the country to occupy a leading position in the tourist services market, a significant income in the country's economy is brought by its status as an international offshore company.

It is for this reason that the offices of large banks and international organizations are located in Andorra. The capital hosts international sports competitions attracting thousands of participants and spectators. Once Andorra la Vella even claimed to host the Olympic Games, but her application was not accepted.

A country's economy

Some economists believe that in recent years the Andorran government, whose area and population does not allow it to specialize in the heavy and raw materials industries, has been doing everything possible to get rid of its dependence on bank capital.

According to some reports, the tourism sector provides up to eighty percent of the national product. It should be noted that this means not only resort tourism, but also business.

Several factors contribute to the rapid development of the entire economy of Andorra and tourism activities. First, government intervention in the economy is minimal, creating the much needed business climate and a sense of security.

Second, the banking sector, which finances large infrastructure and tourism projects, enjoys significant tax incentives and therefore can afford additional spending on projects with deferred benefits.


Despite its small area, Andorra boasts significant reserves of iron ore and lead. However, these deposits are not being developed, since Andorrans are extremely careful about the ecology of their country and prefer the development of the service sector.

As for agriculture, it is extremely poorly developed in the principality, since only two percent of the land is suitable for cultivation, which means that most of the food has to be exported. On the other hand, woolen sheep breeding is traditionally well developed in the country, since the mountain slopes are rich in alpine meadows, where it is convenient to raise sheep that yield the highest quality wool.

Transport network

The total length of all roads in the principality is 279 kilometers, but seventy-six kilometers are unpaved. Given the country's geographical position, it can be assumed that road maintenance in winter is quite expensive and requires very careful attention.

However, in Spain and France, they are kept in impeccable condition and, in the absence of disasters, are usually available in winter. Only one site, located, however, on the territory of France, is cleaned less often and it happens that it is blocked by avalanches.

Since the country does not have its own airport or railways, Andorran residents have to use the transport possibilities of neighboring countries. For example, with Barcelona and its airport, Andorra is connected by regular bus service. The closest airport to the region where Andorra is located is in Perpignac.

Education in Andorra

In the principality, all children and adolescents from six to sixteen years old are required to attend secondary school, which is free for all citizens. The history and geographical position determine the country's multilingualism, therefore, schools for speakers of Andorra, Spanish and French are officially functioning in the principality.

The school system has one peculiarity: despite the fact that all schools are built and maintained by the authorities of the principality, the salaries of teachers in Spanish and French schools are paid by Spain and France. At the same time, parents of students can choose the language of instruction at their discretion.

In terms of higher education, there is only one university in the country, founded in 1997. This situation is not typical for Europe, where university traditions go back to the depths of the Middle Ages, and large universities operate in almost every major city.

In addition to the university, there are two higher schools in the country. One trains nurses, while the other teaches computer science and awards doctorates in the discipline.

The difficulty with the development of university education lies in the fact that the region where Andorra is located is at a considerable distance from large scientific centers, and the internal resources of the principality and the small number of students do not allow to support significant academic research.

Institute of abolition

According to the established tradition, for several centuries the principality was jointly ruled by the bishop of Urgell, now located in Spanish Catalonia, and a representative of the Occitan family of Foix, who was later succeeded by the kings of Navarre.

The king of France and his heirs began to speak with the French co-ruler. The line of succession was interrupted only for the time of the First French Republic, but was subsequently restored, and since then the heads of the French state have invariably assumed the right to rule Andorra on an equal basis with the bishops of Urghel. Since 2017, Emmanuel Macron has been the French representative in Andorra.

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Andorra (Principality of Andorra) is one of the dwarf states of Europe,the capital is Andorra la Vella.

The name of the country comes from Basque. andurrial- "wasteland". Once it was a closed state, but now the principality exists and develops mainly thanks to tourism. Due to the high level of banking confidentiality, Andorra is a tax haven. The luxury goods trade is flourishing here.


Andorra is landlocked. The principality is located in the eastern Pyrenees, between France and Spain. The area of ​​the country is 468 sq. km. Its territory is dominated by high rocky mountains, separated by narrow valleys. Andorra has many mountain lakes of glacial origin.

Andorra is divided into 7 parishes (cat. parrOquies, "Community"): Andorra la Vella, Canillo, La Massana, Ordino, Sant Julia de Loria, Encamp, Escaldes-Engordany.


The population of Andorra is 84,129 people (2008). The population of the capital is about 24 thousand people. Less than a third of the total population (11 thousand people) are indigenous Andorrans, the descendants of Catalan peasants who settled in the mountain valleys in ancient times. In addition, Andorra is home to 25 thousand Spaniards, 4 thousand French, Portuguese and others. The official language is Catalan, which is spoken by a third of the population. French and Spanish (Castilian dialect) languages ​​are also widespread. The majority of believers (99%) are Catholics.

Political structure

Andorra is a “parliamentary principality”. In accordance with the tradition rooted in the pareage, the Co-rulers, that is, the heads of state, are the President of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell (Seu-de-Urgell,). Therefore, the country cannot be called a full-fledged monarchy, but rather a tribute to tradition.

Supreme Legislature- a unicameral General Council of the Valleys (General Council) of 28 members, elected for 4 years by universal and direct suffrage (14 - in the national district, and the rest - 2 from each of the 7 communities of the country). The head of the General Council is the general syndic, elected from among the members of the council.

Executive power carried out by the government - the Executive Council. Its chairman is elected by the General Council and officially approved by the princes - co-rulers for a four-year term. The composition of the Executive Council is formed by the chairman.

Judicial system consists of the Magistrates' Court, the Criminal Court, the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court. The President of the Supreme Court is a judge appointed by the general syndicate. The Supreme Court consists of 5 judges with a term of office of 6 years. The Supreme Court appoints the members of the Attorney General's office. The Constitutional Court is responsible for interpreting the Constitution, as well as considering all complaints about the inconsistency of laws and agreements with the Constitution.

The small state of Andorra, which is lost in the eastern Pyrenees between Spain and France, was once a principality closed from the rest of the world, and now it is a country with a developed tourist infrastructure, which is visited by up to 9 million people every year.

The capital of Andorra bears the beautiful name Andorra la Vella and is the highest city in all of Europe. More than 20 thousand people live in it. All in all, Andorra has 84,129 people. Considering that the area of ​​the principality is 468 sq. km, then this indicator of population density is approximately 180 people per 1 sq. km, not so small.

The official language here is Catalan, but the indigenous people use French and Spanish as equals. In tourist areas, English is usually spoken. The majority of believers - 99 percent - belong to the Catholic denomination.

In terms of its political structure, Andorra is a parliamentary principality ruled by the President of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell (Spain). Financial settlements within the country are carried out using the euro.

Many tourists arriving in Andorra do not feel much discomfort due to changes in the time zone. Therefore, relatives and friends can call tourists in Andorra without worrying about waking them up with an unexpected night call. By the way, the international dialing code is 376.

Andorrans keep up with the rest of the world and, like many other Europeans, are infiltrating the global Internet space, creating their own sites with the .ad domain name.

Andorra la Vella


91,023 people

Population density

180 people / km²




Form of government

a constitutional monarchy


International dialing code

Domain zone on the Internet


Climate and weather

Most of the territory of Andorra is occupied by mountains, on the tops of which there are many lakes of glacial origin. The mountains are separated by valleys, forests, meadows. All this has a significant impact on the climate of Andorra. It is cold and snowy here in winter. The conditions are especially harsh in the mountains, where the snow is two meters thick and the frost is down to -15 ° C. But the summer in the south of the country is often dry. The average temperature in July reaches +20 ° C, and in January ------ +2 ° C. On average, up to 500-700 mm of precipitation falls here a year. The most frequent rains are in autumn, they are brought by clouds driven by the wind from the Atlantic.


Andorra is a mountainous country. Its relief is dotted with abruptly breaking rocks, mountain peaks sweeping into the cloudy heights. Rapid rivers flow in the intermountain region, penetrating into bottomless gorges, gorges and valleys. All this is the Andorran Pyrenees, formed from rocks, the origin of which began in the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras.

Economic activity in Andorra has led to the fact that most of the forests were cut down on the standing. Forests are mostly preserved in the north of the country and parallel to the Spanish border in the south. At the base of the mountains, as a rule, grow oak, chestnut, beech. Slightly below there are coniferous forests with spruces, firs and pines familiar to Europeans.

Picturesque landscapes, opening from the mountain peaks, will impress with their splendor even seasoned travelers. It is especially beautiful here in spring, when crocuses, gentian, saxifrage, anemones, wild carnations and many other herbs and flowers bloom. These days the air is filled with fragrance, and its aroma spreads for many kilometers.

From all sides Andorra is chained in rocks, which makes it difficult for her to contact with neighboring states. From the French side, the principality closes the Envalira mountain pass, through which it is rather difficult to pass. But it is easier to get to Spain if you sail on a ship along the Valira River.


The first thing a tourist arriving in Andorra should see is its capital, Andorra la Vella. The city is located at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level at the place where two rivers merge to form the Valira River. This city was founded in the 10th century AD. Already in 1278 it became the center of the Andorran principality. Soon, peculiar houses, castles, churches appeared in it, which were inherent in a rich city, where merchants and other people from all over the country gathered. Many old buildings have survived to this day. Modern buildings made of metal and glass are adjacent to them in architectural and style harmony. The inhabitants of the capital are proud, first of all, of the Church of St. Armengol (built in the XI-XII centuries), the seat of the government, the Casa de los Valle, which is distinguished by a watchtower, erected in 1508.

Most of the other attractions of this country are located in small villages. So, in the village of Les Bons, you can see the ruins of a castle, which, according to scientists, belonged to the Counts of Foix. Nearby there is an observation tower, called the Tower of the Moors by the locals. There is also the bath of the Queen of the Moors, consisting of a reservoir for water and flow channels carved into the rock.

In the small village of Llorts, where about a hundred people live, there are places untouched by man. They are crossed by a narrow path, along which you can only move on foot. Nearby, about 15 kilometers away, there is a popular tourist area, which is a chain of mountain lakes, which are called Estanis del Angonella.

For those who want to take a look at the life of Andorra in retrospect, there is no better place than in the village of Sispony. There is the Casa Ruhl Museum. It presents all the traditional activities of the Andorran people

In addition, Andorra has a unique automobile museum. Its analogues cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Visitors to the institution will see vehicles from different eras here.

Among the architectural monuments, one can also note the churches of Sant Roma d'Ovinha and Sant Roma dels Vilars (IX-XI centuries), Sant Julia de Loria and Sant Joan de Caselles, and Santa Coloma (XII century ). In general, this country is rich in antiquity, which will certainly interest connoisseurs of antiquity, who want to touch with their own hands the centuries gone by.


The formation of the Andorran national cuisine was influenced by the cultures and traditions of France and Spain. The inhabitants of this small country borrowed culinary recipes from their neighbors to the north and south. They improved them by adding some ingredients and thus created new flavors of long-known dishes.

Andorra is famous for its home cooking. Its distinctive feature is the use of various spices, as well as ease of preparation of even the most complex dishes.

Local chefs know how to surprise their guests and support the authority gained over centuries by offering a grilled assortment of different types of meat called "La parillida", seafood "Mariscada", rabbit with tomato sauce "Cunillo", fried lamb "Hai", fish soup " Escudella ”and much more. Andorrans do not reveal the secret of cooking sausages and bacons, the taste and aroma of which is incomparable with similar dishes from other countries.

It should be noted that Andorrans love to eat tasty and satisfying food.

Restaurants offer their diners a varied menu, but the prices of the dishes are often high. You can save on food by using a special restaurant offer - Menu del 'Dia. This is a set lunch, the cost of which is half the price.


In Andorra, it is not a problem to find a place of residence for people with different income levels. This is due to the fact that hotels in the country are divided into three groups, which even a child can figure out.

So, the first group includes elite hotels. They offer their clients luxurious double and triple rooms with impressive views of the mountains and valleys. The interior decoration of the rooms is often stylized in antique style, which corresponds to the peaceful tranquility that reigns in the highlands of Andorra. There will be places in these hotels for adherents of modern interior designs. The choice depends on the preference of the person.

The staff here are attentive and helpful, however, their care is invisible and unobtrusive.

Hotels of the second group are located in small towns and villages near the ski lifts. The hotel owners offer affordable prices for accommodation, as well as tasty and high-calorie meals to recuperate after a day of skiing on the Andorran slopes.

The third group includes the most expensive hotels. The price for a room in them is formed due to the fact that they are located at the very foot of the mountains, within walking distance from the ski lifts.

Entertainment and recreation

A variety of entertainment programs will delight tourists who have come to Andorra on vacation. Fans of extreme sports are offered their services by five ski stations, the slopes of which are equipped in strict accordance with safety regulations.

The presence of ice palaces, health centers is a distinctive feature of Andorra. They were built in the capital of the country, as well as in the towns of Canillo, Encamp, La Masana. These entertainment complexes offer not only ice skating, but also well-equipped gyms, squash courts and tennis.

The Caldea Thermal Center is popular with tourists and locals alike. It is equipped with outdoor pools. The water in them reaches 68 degrees, which creates the effect of steel hardening, thus strengthening the body, saturating it with useful minerals. Turkish and Roman baths, sauna, jacuzzi, solariums, contrast showers, foot showers, baths in geysers and fountains are also available to visitors.

There is no place for boredom in Andorra. Discos Cel, La Bors, Chic, Surf, La Nit, Mort qui t "ha mort, Palau de Gel offer their services.

There are few festivals in Andorra, which is associated with the religious life of this country. The most striking are the national church festival in honor of the Virgin Mary, which takes place annually in the town of Meritsel, as well as the jazz music festival, which brings together the world's leading jazzmen.


Despite the fact that the state of Andorra occupies a small area, many hospitable towns with a developed trade infrastructure are located on its territory - more than 2 thousand boutiques and modern shops. Most often, tourists from different countries, as well as residents of France and Spain, go shopping in the cities of Encamp, Escaldes, Sant Julia de Loria, La Masanna, Canillo, Santa Coloma and, of course, to the capital Andorra la Velha.

Andorra is called the largest duty free in Europe, that is, the whole country is a duty-free zone. Here you can buy the same goods as in neighboring European countries, but at prices ranging from 25 to 60% cheaper. Shops offer visitors a wide range of various goods sold at discounted prices: sports and tourism equipment, household appliances and electronics, clothes from famous fashion houses, luxury cosmetics and perfumes, jewelry. They even go to Andorra for new cars and cheap gasoline.

With a flourishing trade in Andorra, there are severe restrictions on the export of goods from the country without declaration. So, for one adult, the total purchase price should not exceed 525 euros, and for children and adolescents under 15 years old - 270 euros per person.


The mountainous terrain does not allow the construction of airports in Andorra, and the laying of railways. Air traffic with the country is via the airports of Barcelona, ​​Girona, Toulouse, Perpignan and Reus. The nearest railway station with the name L'Hospitalet-près-l'Andorre is located in France, 10 km from the border of Andorra. From there you can take the high-speed train to Toulouse and Paris.

Andorra has a well-developed road network that connects all cities, towns and ski resorts. Comfortable buses run between them, owned by private and state-owned companies. You won't have to wait long for the bus at the bus stop, as they run here every 15-20 minutes. Those who do not want to depend on the bus schedule can use the services of a taxi driver (the average cost of hiring is from 5 to 20 euros) or rent a car at a price of 40-50 euros per day.

Two main routes in the north and south directions are laid from the capital of the principality: CG-1 - towards Spain, CG-2 - France. In winter, all roads in Andorra, including high-altitude ones, are quickly cleared of snow and remain accessible until the next snowfall. Two other important motorways run from Andorra la Vella to Pal and the ski resort of Arcalís.


Andorra is open to the world through modern communication technologies. High-quality high-speed Internet access, excellent radio coverage by mobile towers and wired fixed telephony will not leave anyone who came to Andorra on vacation in isolation. The largest number of services in this area is provided by the national company Servei de Telecomunicacions d'Andorra (STA). She is also the exclusive Internet provider in the country.

Now in Andorra, large-scale work is underway to introduce FTTH communication technology, thanks to which the principality will become the first country in the world where wire communication in the form of fiber-optic cables will come to all cities and villages, houses and hotels, shops and restaurants, cafes and administrative buildings.

Many hotels and hostels provide their customers with Wi-Fi Internet access. You can also check e-mail, read the latest news, and chat with family in numerous Internet cafes. However, renting a computer is quite expensive - 1 euro for 10 minutes.

A SIM card of the STA mobile operator can be purchased only at the company's office. Its cost of 60 euros is economically justified if the tourist stays in the country for more than two weeks.


Andorra is a quiet and peaceful country that never appears in the crime news bulletins. This is achieved by the vigilance of local law enforcement officers. It often happens when they check IDs at ski resorts, so all tourists are advised to have a passport or driver's license with them.

All guests of Andorra need to remember that the indigenous population for the most part consists of Orthodox Catholics, whose way of life is distinguished by the rigor of customs and mores. Thus, defiant behavior and violation of local laws can lead to expulsion from the country. In Andorra, smoking is prohibited in public places, and alcohol is allowed only in special establishments (bars, restaurants, pubs). For any violation, Andorran law enforcement officers impose rather impressive fines.

In the principality, they are especially fond of ensuring public peace. Therefore, strikes and mass demonstrations are prohibited here, the activities of various unions, political blocs and parties are limited. It is believed that any controversial issue can be settled during negotiations without heating up passions.

Business climate

Andorra is one of those states where favorable conditions have been created for organizing and conducting business. To a large extent, this is facilitated by soft tax legislation and a streamlined system of duty-free trade. There are no direct taxes on profit, inheritance, luxury goods in the principality ... The state treasury is replenished by tourist fees, which, it should be noted, are low. The only obstacle for foreigners wishing to start a business in Andorra is the law, according to which two thirds of commercial companies must be owned by Andorran citizens.

Despite the fact that tourism is developed in Andorra, the banking sector brings the greatest economic benefits to the country. Depositors are attracted by the high secrecy of bank accounts, because in Andorra there is no control over the movement of currency and capital. However, this does not mean that criminal money laundering is rampant here. This is hindered by strict and well-thought-out legislation.

Andorra is almost entirely dependent on imports of goods, materials and raw materials. There are small industries in the country, but they do not have a significant impact on the local market. At the same time, there is no unemployment in the country, and in terms of economic growth it is among the leaders with an annual rate of 5%.

Real estate

Andorra is attractive for real estate investment. Despite the fact that housing prices are constantly rising, buying a house or apartment provides many other advantages. For example, having your own home guarantees a foreign citizen a permit for permanent residence in Andorra. Also, you do not need to pay any taxes for a bought house or bought an apartment. The high price of real estate in Andorra is due to one factor: the lack of free land plots for building.

According to local law, real estate transactions must be made through a notary, and the buyer is charged a duty of 2.5% of the value of the property. Andorran law provides for mortgage loans for the purchase of housing. It is important to note that housing prices vary significantly and depend, first of all, on its location, the category of the house, apartment, view from the window and the beauty of the surrounding landscape.

Tourists who have come to rest in Andorra should be aware that government offices, restaurants, clubs, shops and other institutions have a special operating mode. Here, as in neighboring Spain, there is a siesta - a time to relax. It lasts from 1 pm to 5 pm, so everything is closed at this time.