Zina Portnova. The death of a young scout. Life, feat and death of the pioneer Zina tailor

The feat of Zina Portnova, a summary of which will be described in this article, is not very widely covered on the Internet. There is little information and it repeats itself all the time. There are no sources that would reveal a multifaceted picture of her heroic deed. Basically, only dry facts are cited: she was born in Leningrad in 1926 in a working class family, was a member of the youth underground group "Young Avengers", during the next assignment she was captured by the Nazis and executed in January 1944.

To understand who this girl was, and to imagine what she thought about during the ordeals, let us turn to the content of the story of the same name.


In this story, the author very vividly describes the fate of Zina, a young Komsomol member and pioneer who fought against the fascist invaders and passed with dignity despite numerous difficulties. She never backed down and looked with challenge at new challenges. Even in the most difficult times, the girl never took care of herself, but was more worried about others. Awareness of one's duty, perseverance, a sense of responsibility and ardent love for the homeland - these are the qualities that determine the feat of Zina Portnova.

Joining the ranks of the "Young Avengers"

In June 1941, the parents sent the girl to the village of Zuya (Vitebsk region) for school holidays. It was at this time that the Nazis invaded the USSR, and Portnova found herself in the occupied territory. She was not going to put up with the current state of affairs and decided to fight the enemy. In 1942, Zina Portnova, whose feat will never be forgotten, joined the Young Avengers organization.

Difficult task

Smirnov's story filled the dry facts of the girl's biography with life and made it possible for the reader to mentally be next to the pioneer in moments of difficult trials. When Zina got a job in the canteen for the cadets of the Wehrmacht, she received one of the most difficult tasks from the "Young Avengers". Portnova was supposed to add poison to the food. After the girl did this, about 100 fascists were killed. Among them were the pilots who on that day were supposed to fly to the bombing of Moscow and Leningrad. Thus, the feat of Zina Portnova saved thousands of lives of her compatriots.

Leaving for the partisans

The Germans immediately began to search for the culprit and brought together the entire staff of the canteen. Each was offered a bowl of poisoned soup. Portnova ate it without any further ado. The girl was not afraid to be caught, but she was very worried about the fate of her younger sister Gali and her cousins, who remained at her dependents after the arrest of her aunt Ira. The fear that the Germans would take them turned out to be stronger than Weak, and feeling a strong pain in the stomach, the girl thought only about how to take Galya to a safe place - to the partisans in the forest.

Zina Portnova, whose feat is known all over the world, took her sister by the hand and went into the forest through the swampy area. The pain increased, but she did not stop. Zina understood that she was going to die, and the count went to hours. The main thing for the future Komsomol member was to take her sister to the partisans. They found the girls only at dawn. Portnova was lying on the ground unconscious, and Galya was sitting next to her. Doctors diagnosed acute and pneumonia. It was a miracle that the young pioneer survived. In 1943 she was admitted to the Komsomol.

New task

After the Nazis shot most of the "Young Avengers" group, Zina Portnova, whose feat motivated the fighters, along with her brother Ilya and Masha Dementieva, went on reconnaissance to the village of Mostishchi. There, the girl had to meet with a liaison and find out how many Komsomol members survived, what kind of help they needed. Zina went to the meeting alone, and Ilya and Masha had to cover her and wait at the agreed place.


Portnova found out the necessary information from the contact and went back. On the way, she met two women, one of whom knew Zina. And the one to whom Portnova was unfamiliar asked the girl's name. The woman replied that it was Zina - Yablokova's granddaughter. Policemen passing by knew this surname well and detained Portnova, deciding to deliver her to the village of Obol. Just on the way there Masha and Ilya were to wait for the girl. But when the Nazis conducted the pioneer next to the agreed place, the comrades did not come to her aid. Only a few years later, when the feat of the pioneer Zina Portnova became public, it turned out that the guys left the observation post for just a few minutes because of the booming sound in the forest. It was at this moment that the Nazis held the girl.

Escape attempt

Zina Portnova, whose feat is known to all residents of the USSR, was brought in for questioning by a Gestapo officer. He looked at the Komsomol member with glazed eyes. Then the Gestapo pulled out his pistol and put it on the table. Outside the window, a car engine roared, and the fascist turned away from the girl. Zina reacted instantly - she grabbed a pistol and shot the enemy in the chest. There was another Gestapo in the room, frantically trying to get a pistol. He was also shot. Running out of the building, Portnova point-blank killed the sentry. Firing back from the chase, the girl went down to the river.

Torture and execution

Soon a machine gun fire overtook her, the girl was badly wounded in the leg. But she did not stop and continued to shoot back. Zina kept the last bullet for herself. When the Germans almost overtook her, the Komsomol member directed the barrel of a pistol into her chest and pulled the trigger. But there was a misfire. The fascist who ran up knocked out the pistol and grabbed the brave Komsomol member.

After the incident, Portnova was taken to Polotsk. The torture continued for a month. The Nazis shattered Zina's joints, gouged out her eyes and twisted her arms. They also burned the girl with a hot iron and drove needles under her nails. The Komsomol member did not utter a word and was shot. The unshakable resilience of the girl has become another reason that the feat of Zina Portnova, interesting facts about which are given in this article, will always be an example for young people.


The Soviet people learned about the "Young Avengers" only 15 years after the end of the war. In 1958, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the country issued a decree awarding orders of the USSR to all members of the underground group "Young Avengers".

Time is inexorably running forward, but the feat of Zina Portnova, a summary of which is described above, will live forever in the hearts of people.

Eighth-grader Zina came to her grandmother from Leningrad in the village on vacation. There the war found her. Zina and other students worked underground. They walked around the village, as if walking, and obtained the most necessary information. Thanks to them, they managed to neutralize a large number of enemies. Then Zina became a scout. For a long time the Germans could not figure out the reason for their failures. The provocateur, a former student of the school, helped. He betrayed Zina and the other guys.

Returning from the mission, Zina was ambushed. A slim girl with two pigtails was arrested. When she was tortured, she was silent. Without getting any information from her, the girl was handed over to the boss.

The chief, however, used a different tactic: he did not beat Zina, but spoke very kindly. His goal was to get information about the underground partisans. He offered her chocolates and white bread, but the girl was stubbornly silent. This food torture lasted for several days, but did not bring the desired results. Then he announced that he would send her to her parents in Leningrad. At the mention of dad and mom, Zina's heart sank painfully. She knew that her beloved city was under blockade. And besides the parents there was still a little sister.

Meanwhile, the chief pulled out a pistol and twirled it in front of the girl's nose. He said that there was a small bullet in the pistol that would put an end to the girl's life. Outside the window a car honked, the chief turned away. This was enough for Zina to take the pistol. She fired point-blank, and also confidently laid down another German, who ran into the noise.

The girl jumped out the window and ran, firing back. The magazine ran out of cartridges. A brave schoolgirl with two pigtails was shot without knowing any information about the partisans.

The feat of Zina Portnova speaks of great love for the Motherland and teaches courage and the desire to ensure that there will never be a war again!

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Portnova's hero Zinaida accomplished a feat in the terrible years. A city girl who dreamed of becoming a ballerina. just beginning to live, just like other guys, whose lives were taken by the war. In Soviet times, everyone knew their names. Schools, streets and ships were named in honor of the young fighters against fascism, monuments and obelisks were erected.

Zina Portnova biography briefly

Zinaida Portnova was born in 1926. After graduating from the seven-year school, in the summer of 1941, the girl, together with her sister, came to visit her grandmother in the village of Zuya near the village of Obol, Vitebsk region, where until her arrest she participated together with other underground workers in the fight against the Nazis. The life of the young heroine was cut short in the winter of 1944.

Joining an underground organization

When the Germans captured Belarus, the girl was only fourteen years old. The Germans introduced a curfew, the violation of which was punishable by death. Zina did not manage to leave the village, she remained in Oboli and decided to provide all possible assistance to the adult fighters against the Nazi invaders: she copied leaflets and pasted them over the central buildings of the village at night.

She later joined the ranks of the underground organization Young Avengers. The underground workers helped, collecting information about the deployment of German forces, and organized sabotage.

Sabotage activities

Working in the canteen under the German commandant's office, Zina put poison into a pot of soup that was intended for the invaders. As a result of this action, hundreds of fascists were seriously injured. To deflect suspicions from herself, the girl had to taste the poisoned soup. Zina was sent out in a partisan detachment, where she continued to fight the fascist invaders.

As part of the reconnaissance group, Zina obtained information for the detachment, and also participated in military operations.

Arrest and heroic death

As a result of the denunciations of a local resident Grechukhin, who clambered into the ranks of the "Avengers", in the summer of 1943 the underground organization was defeated. Many of its members were arrested and tortured. On behalf of the partisan detachment, Zina Portnova appeared in her native places in order to restore contact with the surviving guys from the underground. After the assignment, Zina ran into a patrol.

Despite the presence of documents for a different surname, the patrol officers detained her. In the commandant's office, Zina was identified as an active participant in the Avengers. Interrogations began, during one the little girl grabbed a pistol lying unattended, wounded a German investigator and tried to escape. Zina did not manage to get to the forest, she was overtaken by an automatic fire, shooting through her legs.

Portnova Zinaida, despite the torture, showed incredible fortitude, not betraying any of her comrades. The girl went through suffering that an adult could not stand. At the beginning of January 1944, sunny Chamomile was shot. The memory of the heroes is alive!

Memory in our hearts

13 years after the end of the war, Zinaida Portnova was posthumously awarded. A street in her hometown is named after her. Peaceful generations have grown up, the acute perception of those events has passed. But modern adolescents need to be told about their selfless peers who have gone into immortality. The memory of the war heroes who were martyred for the free future of the country continues to live in people's hearts.

1976 year. First grade. Our Lydia Ignatievna tells us about her childhood. Childhood, where the shots sounded. Childhood, where she looked with horror at the fascists entering the hut. For us young children, these stories seemed incredibly distant. But one story that our first teacher told us has sunk into my soul forever. I remember the treacherous tears that I hid from my roommate Lenka Postnikova. The story took place not far from us. After all, I then lived and studied in Belarus in the Vitebsk region. A story about a girl. whose name was Zina Portnova. I got the information from "Komsomlskaya Pravda" and other sources. 12 June. Zina Portnova, after completing the seven-year school, with her younger sister Galya boarded the train. Leningrad. Vitebsk railway station and the train goes to Volkovysk. The sisters' dad, Martyn Portnov, worked at the Kirov plant. And first I will tell you about the parents of Galia and Zina in the words of Zina's sister, Galina, who still lives in the city of St. Petersburg.

- Parents are from Belarus, both are from the Vitebsk region. Pope from the village of Stanislavovo: in 1914 he came to Petrograd to the Putilovsky plant, and all his life worked there as a simple worker. Mom is from the village of Zuya, from the same Obol station where Zina and I lived during the war. I wonder how the parents met. My father was already 30 years old, but he still had not found his wife in Leningrad. And so he bought shoes, a dress, a veil for his still unknown future wife and went home to look for a girl. I grabbed one, the other, but my heart did not lie to anyone. Three days before the end of the vacation, they drove with a friend through Zooey. And my grandfather - my mother's dad - worked as a railroad worker, lived with his family in a trackman's booth. And then my mother looked out of the window of this booth - she was 16 years old. As his father said, his heart sank. "Let's go!" - he said to a friend. And so he comes in - smart, in a suit, a watch chain peeking out of his pocket, from St. Petersburg. Mom stands barefoot in the doorway, rubbing her legs. "Let me marry her!" - suggested to the parents. And they just married their other daughter, they say: "What are you, we have no dowry." Dad takes a matchbox, puts it on the table: “What you put, it will be a dowry. I'll be back in three days! " Nobody believed him. But three days later, several carts arrived. Mom was taken to church and on the train right that day. She then told dad: "Thank you for finding me, how would I live without you!"
Dad was a very simple person. Hospitable. On New Year's Eve, all relatives from Belarus came to us. How did you bring up? I remember when Zina did not succeed at school, he said: “Baby, sit down. Two, three, four times - you can do everything, you can overcome everything. " Mom always behaved with dignity, was very restrained, non-verbal. She never intervened anywhere, did not swear with anyone.

Belarusian relatives, uncle and aunt, live in a former manor house. Nearby there is a picturesque park, fountains with lions ... After living in a Leningrad communal apartment, Zina and Galya think they are in heaven. On the last pre-war evening, Uncle Kolya returns from work with a temperature of thirty-nine. Households are bustling about. Irina's wife makes a compress, and Zina's niece puts a thermometer. Everyone falls asleep around midnight. - I wake up in the morning. There is no one in the nursery, I am the only one, ”recalls Galina Martynovna. - The dead silence is broken by crying behind the wall. I fly into the next room, I see Aunt Ira and Zinochka, I ask: “Are you uncle Kolya dead?” And they: “Jackdaw ... The war has begun!” Aunt Ira is collecting things. Tears off a velvet tablecloth from the table, wraps clothes in it. Uncle Kolya calls, orders: “To the station, instantly!” They fly to the station with a bullet. They don't have time. The freight train is packed to capacity, overcrowded, it leaves. A few hours later it will be completely bombed by German planes ... - We board the second train. Under the bombing we get to Vitebsk. Two days later, the city was taken by the Nazis. We go on foot to the village of Zuya near the Obol station, where we have a grandmother, Efrosinya Ivanovna, - says Galina Melnikova. - Our parents with Zinochka, Anna Isakovna and Martyn Nesterovich, at this time in Leningrad. They will learn about our fate only after two and a half years ...

The sisters stay in the village hut with their grandmother together with her adult son Ivan. Uncle Vanya's suspicious guests attract the attention of Zina Portnova. It turns out that these are partisans. - Zina begins to take an interest in the underground movement. You see, the Nazis are separating us from our parents, killing civilians, mocking the Soviet people ... Zinochka cannot sit idly by, she wants to take revenge - continues Galina Martynovna.

According to the surviving witnesses of that war, who, by the will of fate, ended up in the occupation, the Nazis mercilessly bombed columns of refugees: they were not interested in the local residents, whom they had practically written down as their slaves, to leave their homes.
The new order, which the Germans established in the occupied territory, could not be liked by anyone. But among the Belarusians there were tens of thousands of people who not only could not calmly look at the atrocities of the representatives of the "superior race", "the nation of masters", but preferred to act - to fight this brown scourge. One of such caring national avengers was Zina Portnova, who from the very first days began to look for connections with partisans or, at worst, the same patriots as herself. Often, such searches led, through the fault of the provocateurs, to disastrous consequences: the Germans seized and shot hundreds of people who were seen in connections with the partisans or simply did not agree with their occupation policy. later Hero of the Soviet Union). It was here that Zina was admitted to the Komsomol in 1943. Much later they will be compared with the "Young Guard". Zina was taken immediately, despite the fact that she was the youngest, the only pioneer. She was very much loved and respected: she was sympathetic, attentive, affectionate. I was 8-9 years old then, and, of course, I did not know anything about underground work. I remember that friends gathered at Zinochka's. Then they put me on the blockade and said: "Jackdaw, we are having a party, if you see a policeman or someone suspicious, sing:" There was a birch tree in the field. " And I sang.

"Young Avengers". Activists destroy the telephone connection between Polotsk and the German commandant's office in Obol, distribute reports from the Soviet Information Bureau. Eight-year-old Galya has little idea of ​​what her sister is doing. But she does the job. “Zina sends me to a neighboring village and asks me to bring a basket of eggs and ... a magnetic mine at the bottom,” recalls Galina Melnikova. - The most curious thing is that before the war Zina was a very modest and quiet girl. But, finding herself in extreme conditions, she became different.
Zina Portnova's group destroys a flax mill, a power plant, and a water pumping station. He blows up six cars with SS men. On a special assignment, Portnova gets a job in the officers' cafeteria in the SS school at a brick factory, carries poison into the kitchen and throws it into a cauldron of soup. The cook doesn't like something, and he orders Zina to eat a few spoons. She eats and is lucky. The soup is not mixed, the poison does not have time to disperse throughout the vat. The pioneer rushes to the village to her grandmother, drinks a jug of milk. Miraculously remains alive. More than a hundred fascists were killed, among them were pilots who in the near future were supposed to go on a combat mission to bomb Leningrad or Moscow. She saved thousands of lives of our people.
In the summer of 1943, the Germans decided to send the girls from the village of Obol to Germany. For hard work. - I pay, I ask: "Zinochka, will they also take us to Germany?" “No,” she says. “You and I will go to the partisans!” Galina Martynovna says. No sooner said than done. In August 1943, Zina entered the partisan detachment named after K.E. Voroshilov as a scout. The platoon is based in the village of Kiseli (near the Belarusian-Lithuanian border). The sisters leave their native Obol.

Galina Melnikova admits that in the terrible and hungry years, Zina Portnova replaces her mother. Affectionate, attentive, gentle, she teaches Galya to read and write and repeats all the time: "Jackdaw, no matter what happens, remember our address in Leningrad: Baltiyskaya, 24, Baltiyskaya, 24 ...".
At the end of the summer of 1943, for the first time in the entire war, the sisters wrote home: “Dear mom and dad, Galka and I are alive, we are in a partisan detachment and together with you we are helping to beat the Nazi invaders.” There is no limit to the joy of parents. Their children are alive! But the letter from Zina reaches the addressee with a great delay - only six months later. Literally a few days later, Anna Isakovna and Martyn Nesterovich receive another message - from the commander of the partisan brigade Nikolai Sakmarkin. It reports on three sheets of the death of Zina Portnova.
December 1943. Snowy forest, haze. The partisans are going on a mission. Zina manages to run to Gala, arranged to help in the hospital. - Kisses me and says: “Jackdaw, I'll be back in three days. Wait, ”recalls Galina Martynovna. Zina is instructed to make a sortie to the“ Young Avengers ”in Obol. In an underground organization, a "rat" is set up, on the denunciation of which the Germans shoot thirty activists. Partisan Portnova must find out who the traitor is and establish contact with the surviving "avengers." The policeman grabs the young thunderstorm of the fascists by the arms and leads him to the Obolsk commandant's office. The path passes the cemetery, at which Zina is guarded by her cover group - Ilya with Maria. Ironically, the guys tired after a long transition at this fateful moment ... are asleep. '' Ilyukha and Manya could shoot a German and escape with Zinochka to a partisan detachment. But - such a fate ... - says Galina Martynovna. Arrest. Village Goryany, torture chambers of the Gestapo. Interrogation. The girl with pigtails grabs the unattended pistol from the table and shoots at the gaping investigator. Dead body. Two more Nazis were wounded. Zina tries to escape, but they shoot her in the legs, "knit" and take her to the Polotsk prison. Portnova is starved, tortured, hung upside down, but she does not betray her fellow partisans. In early January 1944, she was shot. A seventeen-year-old girl comes out to the wall completely gray-haired, but with a stubborn, disobedient gaze (as evidenced by the stories of the surviving partisans who visited the Polotsk prison). Galina Martynovna learns about the heroic death of her elder sister much later. From the partisan detachment, she runs away to the brigade headquarters and demands to say where Zina is. They don't answer her. In 1944, Galya Portnova ended up in an orphanage in the Minsk region. From there she writes home - to that very Baltiyskaya Street, house 24. Her father comes to pick up her daughter. Already at home in Leningrad, she was given a letter to read about Zina's death.

- Galina Martynovna, do you often remember your sister? - Ask the correspondents of "Komsomolskaya Pravda".
- Oh, guys, and I don't forget her ... She is extraordinary. - Zina told me if she was scared to go on assignments?
- I don't. Maybe she wanted to relieve me of my worries? .. You see, then there was such a time that almost everyone was thinking not about fear, but about how to resist the Nazis.
- When Zina did not come on time, I ran to the headquarters of the brigade commander with the question: "Where is my sister?" They did not want to upset me and said: alive. They left it at home. For a while I was at the headquarters. And then, when the Germans began to carry out a large-scale operation against the partisans, I was sent as a makeweight to the wounded by plane to the "mainland". During that operation, only one in ten guerrillas survived! My brother Lenya was blown up by a mine. Brother Kolya ended up in a German concentration camp - at the end of the war he was released ... I was assigned to an orphanage at the Ozerishche station. I remembered my home address in Leningrad and wrote to Baltiyskaya, 24: "Dear mom and dad, I am alive, come for me." And the answer came: "Checkmark, dad is coming for you!" One day we sat with the girls in the room, beat the lice, everyone was shaved bald. Suddenly the teacher comes in: "Galya, come out for a minute." I undertook to tie a scarf, and she: "Don't, go!" I went out onto the porch. And there - dad ... After we went to Leningrad. I remember the Baltic station, paper stripes on the windows and broken houses. It seemed to me that the whole city was destroyed! Then I ran down my ladder, rang the bell and met my mother, whom I had not seen for three and a half years ...
Galina Martynovna's whole life is a struggle to preserve the memory of her sister. She carefully keeps all things related to Zina.
But now Galina Melnikova's desk is unusually empty. It only has one portrait of her sister. Galina Martynovna donated all the memorabilia - photographs, newspaper clippings, documents - to the museum of Zina Portnova, opened at school # 608. Galina Melnikova regularly meets with students and talks about her older sister.
Bikers from St. Petersburg bought a house in the Belarusian village of Obol, where Zina Portnova lived with her grandmother. For a crooked hut with a small plot, motorcyclists paid two and a half thousand dollars. About this "Komsomolskaya Pravda" said the head of the military-patriotic motorcycle club "Shtrafbat" Grigory Kudryavtsev. The biker became interested in the fate of Zina Portnova three years ago. The famous underground worker lived in Leningrad on Baltiyskaya Street, and died in Polotsk. Both places are connected with the motorcycle club. - Our "Shtrafbat" is located on Narvskaya. To Baltic from there three to four minutes walk. And in Polotsk we have a “transshipment base”. When we come to Belarus, we always stop there, - explained Grigory Kudryavtsev. Bikers found out that in the village of Obol there is a school named after Zina Portnova. We contacted the director and made an appointment. The motorcyclists were shown the house where the partisan lived. Desolation reigned on the site. The building sagged, the fence collapsed. “We went out to the owners of a private household and bought it,” said Grigory Kudryavtsev. - They put up a fence, improved the site, made minor repairs. But there is still a lot to be done, for example, we want to restore the original atmosphere inside the house.

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union Zina Portnova was posthumously awarded on July 1, 1958. In 1962, her name was given to a new street in the Kirovsky district of Leningrad. Zina Portnova's sister Galina Martynovna also has many awards and medals. Most of all, the sign "Son of the Regiment" is dear to her. And Zina Portnova's call sign was Romashka ...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Awards and prizes
The hero of the USSR
The order of Lenin

Zinaida Martynovna (Zina) Portnova (February 20, 1926, Leningrad, USSR - January 10, 1944, Polotsk, BSSR, USSR) - Soviet underground fighter, partisan, member of the underground organization Young Avengers; a scout of the KE Voroshilov partisan detachment in the territory of the Byelorussian SSR occupied by the Nazis.
Member of the Komsomol since 1943. The hero of the USSR


She was born on February 20, 1926 in the city of Leningrad in a working class family. Belarusian by nationality. She graduated from 7 classes.

At the beginning of June 1941, she arrived for school holidays in the village of Zuya, near the Obol station of the Shumilinsky district of the Vitebsk region. After the invasion of the Nazis into the territory of the USSR, Zina Portnova ended up in the occupied territory. Since 1942, a member of the Obolsk underground organization "Young Avengers", the head of which was the future Hero of the Soviet Union E.S. Zenkova, a member of the organization's committee. In the underground she was admitted to the Komsomol.

Participated in the distribution of leaflets among the population and sabotage against the invaders.

Since August 1943, a reconnaissance officer of the partisan detachment. K. E. Voroshilov. In December 1943, returning from a mission to find out the reasons for the failure of the Young Avengers organization, she was captured in the village of Mostishche and identified by a certain Anna Khrapovitskaya. At one of the interrogations in the Gestapo of the village of Goryany (Belarus), grabbing the investigator's pistol from the table, she shot him and two more Nazis, tried to escape, was captured. After torture, she was shot in a prison in the city of Polotsk (according to another version, in the village of Goryany, now in the Polotsk district of the Vitebsk region of Belarus).

Zina Portnova was officially ranked among the "pioneer heroes" of the Soviet Union.

Details on the biography of Zina Portnova can be found in the article:
Truth and fiction about the feat of Zinaida Portnova
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By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 1, 1958, Zinaida Martynovna Portnova was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin.

The purpose of this article is to find out how the tragic death of a young scout of the partisan detachment ZINA PORTNOVA is embedded in her FULL NAME code.

Watch preliminary "Logicology - about the fate of man".

Consider the tables of the FULL NAME code. \ If your screen has an offset of numbers and letters, adjust the image scale \.

16 31 48 67 81 96 99 100 109 119 133 134 144 149 150 163 164 181 200 228 242 257 260 274 275
275 259 244 227 208 194 179 176 175 166 156 142 141 131 126 125 112 111 94 75 47 33 18 15 1

9 19 33 34 44 49 50 63 64 81 100 128 142 157 160 174 175 191 206 223 242 256 271 274 275
275 266 256 242 241 231 226 225 212 211 194 175 147 133 118 115 101 100 84 69 52 33 19 4 1


(in y) POR (ubi) T (a) N (an) OVA (l) + Z (astrelil) I + N (epopr) A (c) I (may) (f) YES + M (gnovenn) A ( i) (sm) RT (b) + (v) N (arrows) N (ap) OV (al) (shot) ON

275 =, POR, T, H, OVA, + Z, I + H, A, I, YES + M, A, RT, +, Y, H, OV, NA.

DATE OF DEATH code: 01/10/1944. This is = 10 + 01 + 19 + 44 = 74 = 10 = FOR + 01 = A + \ (19 +44) = 63 = DEATH \.

74 = 11-FOR (arrow) A + 63-DEATH.

275 = 74 + 201- (mg) NEW DEATH.

201- (mg) NEW DEATH - 74 = 127 = SHOTS.

5 11 29 61 80 95 101 133 147 150 151 168 200
200 195 189 171 139 120 105 99 67 53 50 49 32

In-depth decryption offers the following option, in which all columns match:

(evil) DE (yanie) + (races) S (trill) I (na) + (probi) TO (heart) E + (villain) YAN (ue) + (co) B (execution) (murders) A + R (shooting) I (on)

200 =, DE, +, C, I, +, TO, E +, YAN, +, B, A + P, Y ,.

Code for the number of full YEARS OF LIFE: SEVENTEEN = 129.

18 24 37 51 52 57 80 81 100 129
129 111 105 92 78 77 72 49 48 29

In-depth decryption offers the following option, in which all columns match:

(races) C (tr) E (l) + M (festering) (osta) H (ovk) A (ser) DCA + (death) Th

129 =, C, E, + M, H, A, DCA +, Tb.

We look at the column in the lower table of the FULL NAME code:

100 = SEVENTEEN (s)
194 = 108-SHOT + 86-DIES

194 - 100 = 94 = DEATH.